Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye to 2013, Hello 2014!

Today is the last day of 2013.

I used to feel a bit lost on the last day of every year~ I remember staring into the sky and wondered what I've achieved in one year and what my future holds. I used to wonder why we were even born and whether we are here for a mission. If we are here for a mission, then what is it.....

I haven't asked myself those questions for a few years although sometimes i still wonder if i have wasted my precious time by doing nothing meaningful. This is an important thought because it reminds me to utilise time wisely, cherish everyone and everything that I have. As for the questions as to why we were born and our mission in this world, I think I've found the answers.

A couple of weeks ago, I watched an award-winning documentary called "Beyond Beauty - Taiwan from above" 《看見台灣》。It was taken from up there (actually, it's a bird’s-eye journey by helicopter across Taiwan’s various landscapes), it's like we are looking down from the sky (is this what Gods see?). We were taken to see beautiful untouched places in the country, we saw how animals live happily in the beautiful land, beautiful waterfalls, magnificent mountain tops, the quiet swamps etc... It's really breath-taking! Then we saw how humans have destroyed and are still destroying mother nature so that we can live more luxuriously. Although destruction is being done, mother nature remains quiet and continues to suffers quietly while still trying to provide~  It kinda reminds me of our parents who give us everything they have since the day we were born. Their time, their energy, their money, their youth, their bodies, their minds, their souls, their lives..... u name it~

I think we are here for a bigger reason than working hard everyday in order to make a lot of money so that we can buy things we desire and need for ourselves as well as for our future generations. Having a luxurious life is good but if other people around us are having bad times, we can't be too good ourselves too because we would be afraid that one day we will have bad times like them too...

If we all learn to love everyone, from your own families to people who make your lives a living hell and people whom you have never met or talked to before. If all of us can see only the goods in everyone and have a heart so big that you don't see see other people's flaws but yours, there would be no hatred, no arguments, no fights, no wars... The world would be a sanctuary and everyone lives problem-free...

Happy New year my dear people! May 2014 brings more love and happiness to you~ 

Doraemon & Friends!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Xmas this year is.....

So, the gift exchange is over. What's left behind is fond memories and .....

Lonely Xmas Tree....

Alone Again....

After a hearty lunch, we sang Christmas Carols, then it's gift opening session! yaye~ This Xmas, I prepared a special present for my little Kid. I wanted to give her something she will like... hmmm... A Hello Kitty Soft toy would be a good idea since she is a big fan of Hello Kitty but I wanted to give something more "useful" instead of something that occupies space and collects dusts.

With a theme in my mind, I went to my trusted friend and googled. Hahaha, yes, I googled. Actually, I google for all kind of things. I think it's a Genius! It can find anything u need and want! Like the other day, I'm too lazy to read the lengthy user manual so i googled on how to transfer data and apps to new phone... And I did manage to do it! COOL hey...  

Okie, back to my special gift~  After a few days of comparing and thinking, I got my special Elf, Jane to buy a Hello Kitty vacuum container. I also gave her a link to buy a set of Hello Kitty spoon and fork to go with the Hello Kitty container..... which didn't turn out quite right. Elf Jane bought Doraemon spoon and fork instead T_______T  In the end, the container was given to my little kid without the cutlery :( Jane said they are the same since Doraemon is also a cat, just that he is blue and a male @_@ Hmmm... It's great that she is only a part time elf or else Santa Claus would be incurring a huge expense on "incompatible gifts" hahahaha... (But she did a good job la~)

So, What did i get this Xmas?

My gift this year is ...

my very own keychain!

With my fav colour as background!

It's kinda small but well, at least it doesn't take up too much space in my home and doesn't collect dust. I'm happy :)

Ho Ho Ho... Merry Xmas!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Xmas this year~

Ho Ho Ho... Merry Xmas!

Like every other years, we have organised a Xmas gift exchange this year... This time we have decided to go a bit further by doing a potluck in the office on the day of gift opening! The menu looks tempting. We have pizzas, donuts, ice cream cake and many more so far~ No sight of roasted Turkey or Xmas Pudding though, but that won't spoil our Xmas because we can just use our creative mind to imagine.... Our mind is a powerful one u know hehe... :P

It has been 3 weeks since each of us has 'lucky drawn" the names of our "xmas kids'". We are the Secret Angels (i think Santa Claus is more appropriate :P) of the kids. We have set up the tree long ago so that the Angels/ Santa Claus has a place to put their gifts.... The tree stood lonely in one corner since then until this week...... The gift opening session is this Friday,  all of a sudden, many presents started to secretly mushroom from nowhere and started to fill up every little corner underneath the tree. hmmm... I guess everyone must be taking their time to find a perfect gift for their Little Kids :P I know I did... My gift to my kid has flown thousands of miles to reach here with the help of many hardworking elves~ Hope my kid will like it ...

It's so exciting to look at nicely-wrapped gifts. Every now and then, we started to do gift-counting. On Tues morning, there was only one lonely gift sitting under the tree. In the afternoon, 4 more gifts were mysteriously 'born'. Everyone tried to be mysterious and denied that they are the Santa Claus of the gifts haha.. 

It's funny that each time one person (and i mean everyone) picks up a gift,  he/she would start to shake it....  I wonder why we even do that, as if by shaking it, we will be able to know what's inside? haha.. What if we shake too hard or too many times, the fragile item inside turns into  jigsaw puzzles instead (i.e. break into pieces hahahaha)

Fa la la la la....

Taken on Tues afternoon
4 gifts mysteriously appeared :P

Merry Xmas to you ALL!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

How Jane & I communicate~

Our family and friends think Jane and I are an interesting pair of twins. When we are apart, we call each other everyday to chit chat. When we are together, we fight, we argue, we talk back, we get angry at each other and then......... the next second, we are good friends again. 

Some don't understand how this relationship works but some who fight with their better halves and then make up will understand. However, there is a risk associated with fighting couples because when one of them gets tired of the constant fighting over tiny weeny matters, he/she might ask for a separation/divorce @_@ For Jane and I, it's different because no matter how much we fight, Jane can't live without me and my life would be boring without Jane. Hehe, Looks like we are stuck with each other! ;P

The other day, i was playing with the instant chat called LINE which contains a lot of funny stickers. OOOooo, they have very good stickers because you can easily find a sticker that shows your feeling and thoughts without u having to say a word. Cool right? but u still need to use with care because, like i said before, messages are subject to reader's interpretations and can cause a lot of unnecessary dispute  ;P 

OK, back to me playing with LINE, I suddenly discovered a few stickers that show our communication cycle! I called it the JJ's way of communicating haha... 

JJ's Way of communicating
(stickers from LINE)

We can be the bestest friends one sec and the next we can be talking angrily to each other, then pulling each others' hair out, kick and punch (OK, these only happen in our minds because we are against physical violence hehe...) each other. Then the next sec, we are the bestest friends again... and then the cycle repeats itself......

This is the greatest thing about a family. No matter what, we love each other unconditionally. Like Jane said, "(family) love happens in a strange way. That's the power of love!"

So the next time u see us 'fighting', u know that is the JJ's way of communicating ^^

Friday, December 6, 2013

IT talk~

With today's technology, we can be physically together but virtually talk to each other. Like, in the office, our colleagues are just sitting next to us and yet we have to email each other to discuss about lunch venue~ Are we too dependent on technology these days?  

To me, technology is a good thing as it makes 'locating' people easier :P Of course technology can be a bad thing too if it is not wisely used~

I must admit, technology is very important to me because my family members are all over the world  and technology has definitely made communicating with each other very easy. With some of the smartphone apps, we can easily reach each other instantly. Like one night, Jane called me at 3am and asked what I am doing. She called me from the US which was 12 hours behind me T____T

While technology makes it easier to communicate, it also makes it complicated. You see, many of us like to write instant messages to each other because (1) it's free of charge or (2) probably because the person doesn't feel like talking (as in dial the number and really talk to the other person).. or (3) the person doesn't want others to overhear the conversation.... whatever the reasons maybe ... sending messages is highly dangerous because they are subject to recipient's own interpretation and also the "tone" of the message will depend on the reader's mood or the reader's thought of the sender's mood.

Once Jane and I were fighting because she claimed that I was angry for no reason. Our conversation went like this:

Jane: Wui
Jenn: Ya?
Jane: What are u doing?
Jenn: Work

Then she concluded that I was angry. In actual fact, i was only being short and concise. AND most importantly, i was doing work and didn't have time to chat T____T

Sometimes, messages can be misunderstood. Once I sent Jane a quick message in the morning to disturb her, it went like this:

*BS stands for Bang Sai (please excuse our not-so-ladylike terms :P)

In case you don't know what's happening up there, let me narrate to help u....

I wanted to give Jane a scare so i yelled BOO! Jane was scared and fainted. Then I shot her twice in her chest, the gun fire went "biam biam". Of course, Jane thought otherwise. She thought it means poo-ing (便便).  T_____T

I rest my case.  言者无意,听者有心 ~

so guys, if you plan to send messages instead of really talking to the person, be prepared for the confusion....

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


昨日我在閱讀 LJ 借給Jane的一本書 - '發現大馬" (對了,LJ,你幾時有空要跟我拿回書本呢?)

裡面有好多好美的風景照!不仔細看介紹還以為那是國外的風景呢!就如作者說的,大馬人都忙著到國外欣賞而忘了自己的國家也很美麗~ 前幾天我朋友才從吉隆坡打電話說他明年要到日本旅遊,然後會去澳洲探望他的家人~ 呵呵,跟很多人比起來我雖然到外國​的次數少到可憐但也沒盡力去探索自己的國土~ 慚愧啊~ 


美麗的風景 + 作者的感想






Wednesday, November 20, 2013

More food to eat.....

Eating big meals is a very normal thing to me. I am even known as the Eating Queen because I go hungry every 1 hour. Maybe I'm still at the growing stage or probably because i have a bigger body and thus i need more food to burn for energy?

One thing for sure, I am trained since young by my mum....

Did u know that beautiful plates/containers and decorative can promote eating? hehe..

Look how pretty my container is! Mum bought this in Aust. Hmm.. don't ask me why. She just loves to spend.

 Beautiful red container cheers me up!

Mum made famous Hakka dish 算盘子 (Little yam balls topped with shredded cuttle fish, minced dried shrimps & minced pork). The product may look simple but trust me, to create this dish, my mum has gone through a long journey. First, she has to peeled the skin of the yams. Then she has to steam them until they become soft. Then she mashes them and adds just the right amount of flour and kneads into a soft but not dry dough. Then she makes into small balls and cooks them in boiling water. Then she rubs some oil  so little yam balls don't stick together. Then she stir-fries the topping separately. Hope i didn't lose anyone along the way :P it's really a complicated process. I have helped mum made these little devils before and i must say, i salute mum for her patience...

Complicate Hakka dish

On top of this BIG portion of  yam balls, she also gave me  6 pieces of Hakka chai kuih, 2 slices of carrot cakes, 2 pieces of pumpkin kuih and some steamed chickpeas and red bean soup as breakfast. Although I eat a lot, this amount of food way way exceeded my normal capacity.  I managed to eat half of the yam balls (super yummy by the way!), the pumpkin kuihs, chickpeas, red bean soup in the morning, gave away the Hakka chai kuih to my colleagues and save the rest for lunch... hahaha.. yeah, i have never felt so defeated before :S 

Yesterday, my mum prepared a big breakfast again (haha, what's new?) .... To save me from describing, please look at the picture below

A picture says a thousand words!

With mum's around, i forget how it feels to be hungry. With mum around, I seriously can forget going on a diet. My priority now is to work on my eating ability for i'm sure there are a lot more challenges to come in the future haha.. The next time u see me, hopefully i have not turned into a hippo. But whatever I shall become, i will always be the nice and adorable Jenn u know of hehehehe....

Monday, November 11, 2013


As i said before, it is a tradition for me to drop a few lines on 1111 every year as this date NOT long ago, 2 adorable twins were born to this world~  

I feel so blessed to receive birthday wishes from family and friends from all over the world! That just shows how FAMOUS we are hehehe... 

I love all the greetings from everyone~ Thank you all for the great wishes! One of my friends puts 11111 (11th November, Monday) in a good way, and it says:


haha, looks like Jane and I will be getting everything before all of you do! Don't envy us. We are just born to be number 1... :P

My family and friends think we resemble the Twin Towers. Not only does our birth date (11 11) looks like Twin Towers, we also remind people of Twin Towers especially when we stand together~ It's really YOUR blessing to know one of the most famous icons in the world! buahahahaha... and we will bring blessings to you too, don't worry coz my parents taught us that Sharing is Caring :P

Love u all! thanks for being in our lives. We love u very much! muaks!


More surprises!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Crazy Time with my Sis

My sister came back for a short stay 2 months ago (yeah, this post is very long overdue hehe). We went grocery shopping. She bought a lot of local dried noodles to bring back. Mum even cooked noodles with dumplings for us to eat just to show my sis one of the ways to eat them.

u can't see the noodles but i assured
u that they are underneath the mountains 
of dumplings 

It's always fun to have sibling coming home for a visit. Although it can be tiring because we have little time together and so many things to do~ So we try to squeeze many activities in one day.. hmm.. i think this is where i learn my time management skill where we have to first attend to important and urgent item first and leave the not urgent & not important last.. the problem is, everything seems important and urgent! haha...

I took her to the new shopping mall the other night to get nail polish remover. We walked past the game centre and she  suddenly stopped and said "let's go play that". Then we went to buy tokens and started our journey to make our very own stickers! The machine will talk to us and we start to pose differently. 

At first we didn't know where to look, when we finally got the hang of it, it's the end of the session :S Then we moved to the other booth to decorate our pictures. There were sOOoooOooo many frames, messages, accessories, wordings, decorative items etc to choose from and we had to complete it in 2 minutes! My sister was really lost and stood there trying to figure out what to do. Good thing that I play with a lot of photo editing applications on iPhone and had a bit of idea how this thing works and started with photo decorating. As we have many photos to decorate so I told her to hurry up as we are running out of time. So she started doing it while screaming excitedly at the same time. I bet the people standing outside the booth must be wondering what is happening inside. haha..

After that, we moved to the last booth to collect for our stickers. While waiting, we played 'matching the same card game' on the screen like the kind we used to play with REAL cards when we were young. Even with this, my sister can scream with excitement~ haha, it was hilarious~  

Producing our very own stickers

Here is our special sticker. Half for me to keep, half for my sister. She instantly stick it on the back of her mobile phone. I must say, her mobile phone instantly looks stylish :P

Our final product!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


那天我跟Jane兩人在後院摘木瓜。突然有位阿姨跟我們倆打招呼。原來是朋友的媽媽~ 她說他們把我們家後面的空地買了下來,計劃蓋房子~


後面的空地以前是個修車房。木屋裡住著一位小女生。我們小時候常在後院爬樹,煮菜。小女生總是站在窗口的看著我們~ 她大概也很想跟我們玩在一起吧~ 因為是修車房,每天我們都聽到敲敲打打的聲音,有時真的覺得很吵。小時候的我們很頑皮,我們拿著媽媽廚房的鐵鍋和洗衣桶,也在後院敲敲打打以示抗議~ 哈哈,真的很無聊,但小孩的心聲是應該被聽到的! :P

有一陣子,我們在夜深人靜的晚上會聽到木屋裡播放老音樂~ 感觉屋裡的人好有情調,我想像他們邊喝紅酒邊沉醉在60年代的世界裡~ 後來修車房收掉了,住在木屋裡的一家人也搬離了~ 之後我媽說女主人生病往生了,我才知道原來老音樂是播放給當時生病的她聽的~

自從他們搬離後雜音和老音樂沒了但也不見新鄰居搬入。應該不會是聽說這附近住了野孩子吧?哈哈哈~ 因為沒人住,晚上我們家四周變得好安靜好安靜,也很黑暗~ 雜草樹木開始蓋過原先的修車房和木屋~ 空地上長了一顆很壯很綠的大樹。每次看到它,我就會幻想是否裡頭住了只可愛的龍貓Totoro~ 有時我晚上站在烏漆麻黑的後院看著大樹~ 因為大樹是瑩火蟲的遊樂園。在黑暗中,大樹有如家裡掛了X'mas lights 的聖誕樹一樣,一閃一閃的,美極了!有時我還會在我家看到松鼠奔奔跳跳呢!當然也有蛇和蝎子的問題但牠們也有生存的權利,所以我們盡量'井水不犯河水'。只是有一次我媽在菜園裡種菜時被蝎子咬了一口,讓她痛了好幾天~


想到空地将會被開發,我心酸酸的。因為我將失去這些自然環境~ 心裡有些不捨~ 畢竟在21世紀仍能在城市裡的家看到大樹,瑩火蟲,松鼠真的很難~ 但不變的是改變,我也只好接受~ 現在的我要​​盡情的享受和珍惜現在所擁有的~

今早我還聽到窗外的鳥兒在唱歌喔~ 能常被動物們圍繞著,我好幸福喔~ 感覺我好像白雪公主耶,呵呵~

la la la la.....

Thursday, October 24, 2013


大學畢業後,我從沒短髮過因很久以前有位小弟弟誤認當時男仔頭的我為男生 T___T 從此我不敢把頭髮剪短。可見小弟弟的話對我留下的陰隱有多深!呵呵~

這麼多年來我堅持留長發因為我害怕改變。改變很可怕,但不改變更可怕。人生充滿了無常,每件人事物都不斷在改變中,唯有改變不變。曾次看到這樣一句話 “習慣是可以改的。用好的習慣取代不好的習慣,沒有學不會的人,只有不願學習改變的人”。一針見血!>__< 我被自己留長發的習慣困了那麼多年,剪了短髮後才發現原來我被小弟弟的話框住了。哼!幸好我懂得跳出來,要不然我一世人都不知道原來我是可以把頭髮剪短的!


我一坐下,就跟理髮師說我要剪頭髮。她一如往常的問到 "到這裡嗎?"  她邊說邊指著我背部。我說"太長了。哪種短度適合我的臉型?" 她回我 “到肩膀吧”。 我說我要到耳下。她愣住一秒鐘,然後急忙的問我確定嗎?哈哈哈哈~

真的,確定!! 後來她勸我先不要剪那麽短。她說一下子變化那麼大,很嚇人。哈哈,他竟為我擔心耶。好吧,就听她的~ 旁邊坐了幾位 aunty... 他們以客家話說 " 蛤? !為什麼她要剪那麼短?是不是受了刺激?!” 哈哈哈...他們不知我聽得懂客家話(就說我長外星人嘛),真的很可愛吶!他們說一定是理髮師開玩笑,我怎麼可能一剪剪那麼短。說著,我的理髮師一手抓住我的長髮,咔, 剪了一大半。她很得意地在空中甩馬尾的說,"你們看,是真的喔" 然後大家哇一聲。哈哈哈,真的很搞笑!

短髮真的很舒服!至少整理上簡單很多! 大家看到我的新髮型的表情一致 - 都是嘴巴和眼睛張很大。每個都問我哪來的勇氣!呵呵~ 大家都喜歡短髮的我。目前一直得到好評哦! *得意* 我的朋友說我變年輕和漂亮了。真的嗎?還是在逗我開心?


回想當年小弟弟的話,我還真傻,幹嘛相信小孩子的話呀?他那麼小,哪來的審美觀呀?對他來說女孩子就是穿裙子,有一頭長髮的。我好傻我好傻! *醒*  幸好我有勇氣改變,要不然我永不知道原來我是可以短髮的!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The 'silent' love

Woke up in the morning and found a warm and hearty breakfast waiting for Jane and I. 

Mum made us English breakfast - fried eggs, fried bacon strips, grilled tomatoes and sliced cucumbers. She even prepared papaya for us which she picked from the garden (such balanced diet!) and made us tea to go with everything else. I don't know about Jane but I certainly felt very loved~  

Our breakkie

Like many traditional Chinese parents, my parents don't speak of their love for their children. Sometimes they even say the opposite when in fact they mean other things.... Like when their friends commented that my parents have good kids (us us us! hehe), then they would say "oh no, no no no, they are very naughty. They always buy us too much food to eat. We eat until we cannot eat other things. Not good not good' That's just one of many instances :P The Chinese parents of the old days are taught to be humble. The Japanese people are the same, whenever they are being praised, they MUST deny it HARD haha... 

When I was small, I didn't understand this and always felt hurt when they said 'bad' things about me. As I grow older, I finally grew some wisdom (just a tiny teeny bit) and understood that they are just being polite! How did i understand this? From their actions of course. There is a saying "actions say louder than words'. Indeed, they do!

When my parents were on their 3-weeks getaway in Australia and New Zealand last month. I had a sudden urge of eating Maltesers. I whatsapped my dad asking him to buy one packet for me... He didn't respond and I figured he probably didn't care. Guess what? he came home with 5 packets instead of 1! hahaha.. And my mum bought me my favourite peaches along with many other stuff. My mum says I'm fat and yet she cooks big meals everyday~ And these are just a few of many instances....

Part of the presents from down under

So, never ever believe what u hear.. u gotta look inside and understand the meaning behind so u don't misunderstand ^^

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jane's back again

So Jane has left~ Actually, not yet as her flight only departs at 1.35pm later~ 

I read back to many of my old posts. In the past, whenever Jane left, i would feel 'empty' inside and would stop and stare and miss Jane..   As time goes by, that feeling is somehow getting weaker~ Hmmm... i think it's because I have grown wiser (ahem) as we come to realise that, saying goodbye only means not being together physically... we are still IN each others' hearts, which means, we have never been separated at all. wow~ my mind is still wise and clear even after sleep deprivation! I must have been 'naturally' wise hahahaha....

Jane and I did a lot during the past one week. Here is a sneak preview of some of our nightly activities~ 

Time flies when we are having fun~~

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cakes in cups

Many weeks ago, i received a set of super duber cute (& delicious too!) cupcakes from my colleague. His son was one month old~ Congratulations!

I really loved the cupcakes! Not only do they looked lovely, they also tasted lovely! I had to take a picture of them to share with you all (although i didn't have a chance to let you take a bite but am sure you are still touched anyway :P)

Yummy cupcakes!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Are u the same?

This picture really says it all! i thought only i myself have that dilemma. looks like a lot of others also have the same dilemma! haha..

Sometimes I refuse to wake up so that i could sleep in a bit longer. but very often, i find myself unable to sleep at all.  Even so, i still refused to get up to pee and 'pretend' i was sleeping T____T

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Out of the comfort zone

Change can be scary. Sometimes we choose to stay where we are because we fear that a slight change means we have to do a bit more to live with the change. Who needs new challenges when we already have enough to deal with at the moment?

I was once a coward too. I hated making decisions because making decisions means having to bear the consequences, which also means, if the results did not turn out as I had hoped for, I would have a miserable life ;(

But to remain unchanged while the rest of the world keeps changing, I would have a miserable life too. So i learn to make changes for the better. I learn to accept consequences, be it good or bad. I learn to have an ordinary mind by not expecting any rewards (平常心).

So, what have i learned so far? I have learned that it's OK when i take a turn and fall into the drain. I just need to stand up, heal myself, think of better ways to not fall down again. The journey may not be a pleasant one but the fruits are definitely sweet.....

I had a boyish hairstyle during my school years. My mum kept telling not to have such short hair because i looked like a boy from behind as I am tall and slim (ahem, am slim no more T__T). Being stubborn, I didn't listen to her and continued to keep my hair short. One day, while i was on a study trip in Taipei, I was bag-bargaining at a store at a night market. As i turned around to leave, I noticed a small kid standing behind me with his mum. He told him mum that he thought i was a boy! His mum was a bit embarrassed and told him to say no more. Sad to say, kids are always honest and from then onward,  i stopped having short hair. Yup, i was that hurt... and trusted the kid's taste haha...

Even when i have long hair, I went thru many struggles too. Before the hair straightening era, i went through life with messy & unmanageable hair for i have natural curls. Then someone invented hair straightening (praise the inventor!) and i was too scared to try because I heard that it would burn your hair and make u botak (bold). After many thoughts (struggles), i did it anyway and had straightened long hair for many years. 

Then my family and friends started to get bored of it  and 'complained' that i should make a hairstyle change (hey! easy for them to judge me!). Then i struggled again. Should i curl my hair? What if i look like an aunty? After many thoughts (struggles), I did it anyway and had curly hair for many years. Although sometimes the results were not as expected but I lived with them anyway.

Then I got so used to long hair that I'm sick of it :P and thought may be i should do some change. So a few weeks ago, I went to visit my hairdresser. For the first time, i actually did not think and struggle at all like i used to! The feeling is great! No headache, No hesitation. The results?

I am instantly 18 again and lost 5kg!  hehe... 

Do you like my new look?

Change is part and parcel of life. The worst thing is being 'used to' it. I just realised that all of us stop progressing when we decide to stick to our comfort zone @_@ Sometimes it's a breath of fresh hair when we walk out from our little squares. It's so much easier if we have less "principles" or "rules" of our own! la la la  *singing & dancing*

Gosh, I really like my new hairstyle! I feel lighter, both mentally and physically hehe...

Let's embrace change! yayeee....

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

My "treasure" box

I was talking stars and galaxy the other day.. i think it's the word 银河社 (Yinhoo) which sent Jane down memory lane, then both of us and lj started to discuss about it haha....

When we were in primary school, we loved to read the catalogues from yinhoo. Haha, i just realised that we started our 'virtual' shopping experience at such a young age! I remember the catalogue contains a lot of stuff, from decorative to stationery, accessories to items which i have no idea what they are for. Honestly speaking, Jane and I bought a lot of cute and useless stuff from the catalogue. 

At that time, it wasn't so easy to purchase from catalogue. First, we had to wait for the catalogues to be sent to us, then filled in the order form after which we had to go to post office to buy money order and finally sending everything off via airmail. After the long processes, the waiting game started! We had to wait very patiently (it could take weeks!) for the items to reach us. 

We bought customized name cards which we didn't really give out, earrings which we never wore, bookmarks just because we liked the wordings or pictures, photos of idols which we didn't even look very often. We bought stickers because they were too cute not to buy. We bought things simply because they were too cute. I kept these in my treasure box which I still kept til now... :P

I dug out my treasure box last night. I used to have more items but when i moved around the world, I lost a few things, like the diary i wrote when i was in primary 4! :( Anyway, am still happy that i have this small treasure box with me. It holds my childhood memories... which reminded me where i had spent my hard-saved money on :P When i was small, my pocket money was 50c. Everyday, i would do a cash flow and decide how much i should save and how much i could spend. oooo looks like am destined to be a bean counter since primary school @_@

some of the treasures i've collected

These are just a small part of my treasures. Hey, the sundae and Lollipop stickers are very unique. A few scratches on their surfaces and u can smell strawberry and lollies! 

The customised name cards are at the bottom left of the picture. My friends gave me theirs in exchange for mine.

Fido dido? hahaha... We were quite crazy over this 7-up character...

My cute pencils are still "new"

Bookmarks which never got to serve their purpose :P

My tin box which can be opened both sides
got lots of stickers inside! haha...

Playing cards with popular idol, bookmarks, pencils etc

With today's technology, it's so easy to spend unnecessarily on the internet. We don't have to go through the complicated manual processes like before. With just one click on the mouse (and also typing here and there la), the vendors received our order & money. Depends on locations, we sometimes received our items the next day!  And we can look at nice pictures of the products anytime anywhere and can do shopping 24-7! That kinda explains why Jane and I (*ahem* and some of my friends too) are addicted to online shopping. Looks like some old habits are hard to quit! :P

Although there are many much nicer e-catalogues to look at, somehow i still miss Yinhoo's catalogue. So when Jane and LJ mentioned about it, the child living inside me came to live. I was so excited when LJ said her sister still buys from Yinhoo and that she will go ask for the copy to lend us! I wonder if we still have to go through the manual processes since internet is so powerful nowadays...

As i was wondering, i suddenly thought, hey, maybe i should google just to find out. guess what? i found yinhoo on internet! They even have facebook account! WOW! am so excited and immediately check the site! 

Guess what? There are still a lot of cute stuff and stuff i don't know what to do with :P love to look at the catalogues. it really brings back a lot of childhood memory!

From yinhoo's website

 I feel like buying again :P

Friday, September 6, 2013



我記得很久前看過陶子寫的一篇有关MC的文章,真的寫的太贴切了 !

以前的我根本不把大姨媽當一回事。我記得朋友們都很小心的看待。他們說經前,經時,經後不能吃冰的東西,也不能吃屬寒性的菜類和水果。比如,大姨媽拜訪前,一定要吃暖子宮的料理如kacangma;大姨媽找上門時,絕對不能洗頭髮!; 姨媽離開後就得吃補元氣的食品等等。哇,原來是那麼講究的!

小時候的我,自覺自己天下無敵,覺得生病和死亡只會發生在老人家身上。當時的我真的很判逆 - 我愛每天吃冰就吃冰,想洗頭髮時就洗,愛吃那種水果我可以天天都吃,根本沒有想那麼多!有次我生了場大病。連續好幾天發燒不退,傷風又咳嗽。每天頭昏腦脹的,也吃不下飯。更可惡的是,我並沒有因為這樣而減重 T____T 自從那次過後,我了解健康的重要性。生病時不但自己苦,還連累身邊​​的人。難怪人家說 Health is Wealth!

後來我開始(盡量啦,呵呵~ ) 遵照古人的理論過生活。我在飲食方面開始調整,比如戒喝冷的飲料,就連大熱天我還是堅持喝熱飲料喔。改變飲食我能做到,但大姨媽拜訪時不洗頭髮真的很難!但為了身體,我有時真的不洗頭髮。可是一頭油油臭臭的真的很噁心!也讓我完全提不起精神!覺得大家都在嫌棄我 :( 臭油頭偷走我的自信心!呜呜~ 


以前我媽媽為姐姐們坐月子,會摘很多大風艾。因為要帶到國外,所以得把它們曬乾。媽媽每天很忙,又要摘又要曝曬。天氣好時可以一下次搞定。天公不做美時就得分很多次曝曬了。風太強也不行,會被吹翻。唉,總之過程對我來說太繁瑣了。我想商人應該知道現在的人都很忙(or 很懶?),所以就出了方便包。對我這種人來說是福音!呵呵,商機都是這樣來的吧?

Bye Bye 臭油頭!


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Side effects of seminars

Some people love and hate attending seminars. To them, seminars arelike sleeping pills. They make you doze off. But the lovely thing aboutit is, you get to eat and drink every 2 hours. I even have friends whopick which seminars they want to attend based on the venue. Why? toenjoy food they don't usually get to enjoy if they were to pay for itthemselves. Of course i don't do that la. I attend based on my needsand wants to gain knowledge... such good employee right? hehe....Seriously, I should berewarded the employee of the company just for that. And not only that,ieven tried to save money on airfare for my employer. Initially, my colleague booked a flight which was $300 more expensive than the fares of a newly established airline. I told her to book the cheaper one and ended upwaiting in the airport for 6 hours as theplane was facing some technical issues T_____T

Upon checked in. I was given a McD voucher as compensation. How cheapam i? T____T

McD to compensate for my precious time lost 

by the time we boarded the plane, i was hungry again

Anyway, the side effect of seminars? my stomach growls at me that it is hungry every 2 hours nowadays T____T so i eat and eat andeat to shut my stomach up and end up gaining weight  T______T 

I know I could control myself not to eatso much during seminars but how could i say no to them when they wereso fresh, soyummy, so many varieties to choose from? Sigh, there is a saying "ifyou can't beat them, join them' and that is exactly what i did..... *growing sideways*

Fresh sashimi and veggies were my fav!

It's OK lah.. I can always go on a diet after that... the problem is, i say that everyday >_< haha...

I'm a food addict

Then I figured out the real reason why i cannot lose weight! Thank goodness for solving the x-files! *堕落* 


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I love my stars....

I have a thing for stars since young. When I was small, I would sit outside and try to count the number of stars in the dark sky. They twinkled like Christmas lights and it felt serene and made me happy inside. 

Sometimes I imagined myself floating in the galaxy accompanied by stars. Then I collected them into my little pouch and my pouch glowed brighter and brighter as I collected more and more. I heard that the real stars are not star-shaped like, is that true? Awww.. what we've imagined is more beautiful than reality! That's why it is important to have good imagination! :P

I missed my family and friends when I lived overseas. I remember looking up in the sky and thought to myself that I maybe far from my homeland and away from my loved ones, but the sky keeps us close together because everyday we "share" the same sky, the same sun, the same moon and the same stars. Then I would feel less homesick. Haha, the power of own thoughts!

The other night i went to Kch Food Fair with my friend. There were hundreds of food stalls in one area but strangely I didn't find anything interesting to eat @_@ Everyone seemed to have something in their hands. Even my friend had already swallowed one pork burger, a beef pie and a can of green tea and i was still empty-handed and stomached! How could this be?!  Just when I was about to give in and just grabbed anything to eat, I got attracted by these...

Assorted cakes in porcelain cups!

Aren't they cute?

They looked so cute! And there were so many different sizes, shapes, flavours, designs, colours....!

I stood there for a while coz i was carefully examining each and every cakes. There were chocolate mousse, cheesecake, choc fudge, Japanese cake, butter cake..... Then I saw IT and immediately bought it. It was love at first sight! hehe...

It was a chocolate mousse in the cup with lots of colourful stars on top! It is Galaxy (银河) in a cup, just many times smaller :P

What do stars taste like?

One spoonful of galaxy and stars!

Wow, I didn't know that Galaxy actually tastes like chocolate! hehe...

Haha, am a sucker for stars. The stall owner made 6 bucks from me just because she sprinkled some stars on top. hahaha, that's easy money from me! haha... The choc mousse didn't taste so bad. And best of all, i got to keep the cup too which I sometimes use to drink coffee and tea :P

Coffee & tea

So I guess u can say, value for money? haha...