Monday, June 25, 2018


那天無意中看到台灣的節目, 一樣是中文怎麼不一樣?!
內容笑死我了,什麼‘水草’,‘割他’確實是我們常會說的。真的讓我想起我和Jane在台灣鬧得笑話。我想台灣朋友們跟我們談話,很多時候是有聽沒懂吧? *流汗*

有位台灣朋友說,有次一位新加坡的老闆到台灣出差。眼看開會時間快到了但還不見人影,就打了通電話給他問他還要多久才抵達。新加坡老闆說‘多三個字’。朋友聽不懂就再問,那是多久呢?他又說‘給我多三個字。多三個字我就到了‘。朋友還是不懂意思,忍不住問道“請問…… 到底是哪三個字呀?“。我聽了笑到淚飆出來。我們的一個字等於5分鐘,所以三個字就是15分鐘。哈哈哈~ 我的天兒呀,為何我們會這麼說?

我們的語言太多,把我們搞得很雜。我在外國讀書時,特別選了一科‘華語’,因為我以為應該很容易,結果一點都不簡單!我搞不懂中國的朝代歷史但對共產黨的歷史倒有點知識。話說有次老師要我們寫中文作文,文章發回來時,香港台灣大陸同學們寫的頂瓜瓜 (哈哈,这个是广东话直接翻中文的吧?),我的卻很多紅色圈圈。因老師看不懂什麼是‘巴剎’。哈哈,我怎麼忘了這是馬來文翻出來的’中文字‘呀?




發音不當也惹來了很多笑話。有次我想說‘ 僅供參考‘。但一時忘了這正式的說法,我說了’只供參考‘。台灣朋友頭上冒很多問號,問我為什麼‘子宮’要參考~


有時我覺得我們真的很懶。說話句子常常不完整,讓人家容易誤解。像之前去泳池,不小心踢到東西,結果腳趾 o che ~ 幾個星期後腳趾甲竟然掉了。但因為自己沒好好照顧傷口,結果腳趾發炎了。又腫又癢又紅。在公司穿了人字拖走動,同事問我腳怎麼了。我說因為我腳趾掉了所以不能穿包鞋。我這句話造成了轟動。大家開始很驚訝,問我到底什麼事情讓我腳趾掉了。原來我少說一個字讓大家誤會了,不好意思。是腳趾甲掉了啦~


Thursday, June 21, 2018

The hidden message

Some say, the opposite attracts. I think otherwise though. Just think of it this way, if you can't stand a certain things, how would it be possible for u to form a good relationship with people who possess those things? Unless it's unconditional love hahahaha.. like how i love Jane :P

In my view, people form friendship with those who hold the same values as them. Otherwise, u are into topic A and he/she is into topic B, i don't know how long this kind of friendship would last haha

In my world, i don't like to regards problems as problems. I don't like to sit there and whine about how unfair life is because we are the writers of our own destiny. You choose what kind of a person you want to be. You choose how you want to react to situations. There is no easy way but when there is a will, there is a way.  To me, nothing is good or bad. It's us, who put a tag on what we like and don't like or what's good or bad. 

I used to get frustrated when certain things turned out differently when I'd already made perfect plans. Then i realised, that's the way things are, change is constant. I either move with change or be left behind. I still do my best to prevent things from happening, but if it still turns out differently, i just gotta accept it and see how else i could improve. And who knows, the unexpected change might turn out to be a good thing! 

I have been added to many chat groups - Buddhism class group, medical volunteer group,  charity org group,  real estate motivating group.... The one thing these groups have in common is, they all want to make a difference to the society.

One day, i had nothing to do and viewed the group of people in one of the groups (haha, how meaningful :P). Wow, everyone has very positive quotes as their introduction. I guess the quotes must be what they want to achieve in the future or have achieved or realised. 

When i got to the bottom of the list, i laughed so hard XD

If these people ever go through the list like i did, i wonder what they think of me when they see the chicken! haha..

Actually, the chicken is not just a random icon i put. It has a positive energy meaning. U have to read the hidden message!

So i did a little survey by asking a few friends what they think the icon implies.

A friend said, "don't know. You are craving for chicken rice?" (i do like to eat chicken rice but that's not what it means haha)

Another said, is that your year of birth? (oh, why not? haha)

My colleague gave the most hilarious reply
She said, "it's very obvious! I think u support 那只鸡" (@.@)

haha, ok, looks like great minds aren't easy to find hehe...

That chicken, popping out from the egg means 重生 (Rebirth) --> when we are presented with new things which we have no idea how to handle, do not fear or run away. Find ways to overcome them. Once u crossover, you are no longer the person you were yesterday because you have gained one more strength, you are one step better.

That chicken popping out from its egg also means stepping out from your comfort zone. Do not let fears stop you from chasing after your dreams. We only live once. If you never never try, you will never never know your capabilities.

That chicken popping out from the egg also means, growing up/ being strong because if it breaks from the outside, it means you let yourself be beaten by the external forces, however if it breaks from the inside, it means that you have taken actions to overcome your shortcomings ( 从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长).

See? i do not even need any words to express my positive thoughts! Awesome right?

My one little chicken icon is FULL of Wisdom!

This is truly a picture is worth ten thousand words! :P