Friday, July 30, 2010

Guess what this is?

Looks like something u have in the kitchen right? Hehe... Nope, it's not an oven mitten.

It's something i bought for Tiger. Don't underestimate this simple glove. It has quite a few functions. I can achieve several things at one time. Incredible leh...?

I can use it to pat Tiger so he feels loved and at the same time give him massage so he loves me even more; also, combing thru his fur with this gives him silky hair so ppl know that Tiger has a super caring owner (me me me)!

Tiger really enjoys his patting, massage and combing... Come, I can let u use it so long as Tiger doesn't get jealous and bite u...

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Holiday (Part 2)

Haha, did you really think I went to a foreignland for holiday when u read the title? Gotcha! haha...

It sounds like a big budget movie when i split the related post into a few parts... Hope you'd enjoyed my little holiday so far :)

... I was still drinking my milk tea from the plastic bag when I arrived at the old court house. Ooo Look! New cafe at the court house! mannn.. I've not been out here for too long! Since when is this nice cafe opened?! It looks like a cozy place. I wanna come here one day! Seriously, I really felt like i was in a foreign land! I discovered so many new things! Again, was it because of the tourists around me??? or was it because I really wanted to go holidaying???

Cafe at courthouse

Thank goodness for the gigantic trees at the court house! It was so cool there that I decided to give my poor legs (& bum) a rest. Found a place near the cafe to sit.

Ooo, shade... me felt soOOo cool

The occasional breeze really cooled me down. Would be nice to spend sometime at the Cafe but I don't think they would let me bring my 'outside' drink in. Also, I felt quite bloated after the big bag of milk tea so really, what's the point of going to a cafe if I won't be having any drinks? To use free Wi-fi of course! But i don't have a laptop ;(

Entrance of court house!
Looks like postcard hor? hehe...

The wind and the relaxing atmosphere kinda made me feel lazy and sleepy so i thought i better leave to keep myself awake. Since I'd walked so far, i decided to continue my journey to India Street. Woo hoo hoo, I still couldn't believe how far i'd walked as I write abt my little holiday now.

I passed by the Indian stores. SoOOo many colourful spices! None I know of though... Yeah, I'm lousy in the cooking department :P I was a bit tempted to buy the papadoms but am lazy to fry them at home. Nah, i think I will just buy the ready-fried ones at Indian restaurants...

I walked thru the little alley to get to the heart of India Street. The pathway is v narrow. Although there weren't any signboards but we the pedestrians seemed to know when and where to give way to other ppl. I then walked all the way to Coffin Street hoping to get a few pieces of
the delicious taro century egg puffs. I was there too late. There wasn't any left T______________T SOOooooo disappointed!

After window shopped for a while, I headed back to Hilltop. This time, i decided to take a different route - thru Carpenter Street! Must see different 'scenery' so I wouldn't get bored. And probably discovered more new things!! Yayee...

On my way to carpenter street!

Halfway thru my return, I saw a little hawker store near the temple. OOoo, it's Lak Tou Sua (Split Bean soup)! Wah, I haven't seen ppl selling lak tou sua like that since dunno when! It really reminded me of my childhood.

Taokeh busy with my lak tou sua

When I was small, there were ppl selling Tou Fu Hua (Beancurd Jelly) in wooden bucket at the streetside. When we ordered, the ppl would opened the wooded lid and scooped out the still-warm tou fu hua. Then they would put the jiggling jelly in a bowl and poured some pandan flavoured sugar syrup over it. Anyone know where to get such toufu hua these days? haha, now you know which generation i belong to.

lak tou sua cooking in 'face bucket'

OOOooo, did u know that many of the shops along Carpenter Street have been converted to guesthouse? Some are as cheap as $18 per night! The shops in that area are pretty old, I wonder if cockcroaches and mice come out dancing at night :P

By the time I reached my car at the hill top, I realised that I'd walked for about 4 hours!! I must say, this was a fruitful walk. I walked a lot, saw a lot, did a lot, learned a lot, thought a lot and sweated a lot. What amazed me is that, there are actually quite a lot to do here!!

I saw this wooden coaster and couldn't resist. It's handcrafted. U like it?

Dayak Coaster

There, that's the end of my little holiday in my hometown.

Did i lose you somewhere? hehe...

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rescuing Hungry Sheep

Jane went to NZ recently and bought a sheep. Naturally, since sheep is like their national icon and what's a more suitable souvenir than that?

Poor Fluffy (that's the name i gave to Jane's sheep. She didn't know it, YET :P) was starving like crazy when Jane handed her to me. Fluffy was FLAT like a pancake (anyone wants a sheepy pancake?)! She was so weak that she couldn't stand properly. Aiyo, that's animal abuse! Fluffy needs intensive care!!

See? So flat! Cannot even stand !

Determined to save her life, i went to the fabric store and bought a piece of silky smooth cloth. And then to the handcraft shop and got some needles and a bag of cotton. After 2 nights of my gentle care (playing with threads and needles), Fluffy finally re-gains her strength and now, she can stand on her feet, on her own! *proud*

Happy Fluffy

Her favourite activity is jumping over the fence at night, over and over again. I fall alseep whenever she does that *zzzz*

Look! Got Jane's name!

Green is her favourite colour and the fish represents Jane's name in Chinese Aren't I thoughtful? hehe...

Fluffy will be going home to Mama Jane soon. I will miss her *sob sob*

Baaa Baaa...

I have one problem now. Tell me. What should I do with 1kg of cotton???

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Holiday (Part 1)

Everytime ppl ask me for interesting places and activities to visit and do in my
hometown, i always find myself thinking v hard *frown* Then i worked out a standard answer so i don't have to stress my brain each time i get asked - just eat, eat, eat. Hehe, I forget that not everyone likes food as much as i do :P

Like i say quite often lately, ppl tend to take things for granted and
only realise their value until they lose them. I don't wanna be like that anymore.... There are beauties in everything. It just depends on how u choose to look at it. Ok ok, you probably know this too well since we read abt this in many many forwarded emails but, do you practise it?

It was quite a nice day one weekend. I managed to find a beautiful spot
at the hill top (near Hilton). And under the shade! As i needed to buy some souvenirs for my friends, I decided to treasure hunt at Waterfront where all the souvenir shops are.

Ahaha... you might be thinking that Jenn has gone nuts. Why walk from
the hill top??? So hot! And so far to walk!! In the past, i would think myself as mad to walk under the hot sun too. But that day, i was in such a good mood that i thought, Why not? I have never done it before! Also, there were a lot of tourists at that time. Why not join the fun? Spontaneous aren't i? haha...

I went into every souvenir shop at Waterfront. I actually felt like a tourist while walking there! haha.. In fact, everyone just assumed that i was a tourist since i was walking in the touristy area. Eh, i later found out that i can get the same thing at cheaper price at Sunday market T___T Mann, me getting ripped off at my own hometown? haha... Oh well, nvm. i really enjoyed the journey, so it's ok pay a bit more :P Also, it just shows that I didn't know my hometown that well even though i live here ;P

I want one of those pandan leaves bag!

I kinda felt good to do this. I actually felt like i was on holiday!!
May be my mood got affected by the relax and happy tourists around me. If u are like me - wanna go out of town for a holiday but cannot afford it, just go somewhere touristy like what I did and do what tourists do. Instantly, u will feel as if u are holidaying overseas! What's more? You get to learn more about your own hometown, like u can get 1 more fridge magnet for the same price at Sunday Market. That's killing 2 birds with 1 stone! Cool hey?

It was bloody hot that day and i craved for some cold drinks. Guess what? i walked to Tua Pui Sim and ta bao (take away) teh c peng. Eh, I didn't know that their shop now has name! It's called NEXT. So IN one!! Probably they wanna make it easy for the tourists to find/ remember. Or may be it means "if you don't like to wait hours for one bowl of my delicious vinegar noodles and pork seaweed soup, go NEXT door!!!" Ahahah... Okie, out of topic. Back to teh c peng. I was a bit surprised to see the big bag of iced milk tea. Must be because of my dehydrated look so the person made me an XXXL one haha... Glad he did coz that was just what i needed to kill my thirst and cool me down. I also managed to take a peep on how they make their teh c peng hiak hiak hiak... can make my own at home liao :P

Me and my milk tea
I was sweating like mad that day
Didn't lose any kilos though :(

I went on with my adventure while drinking from the plastic bag. Quite a few ppl looked at me with envy but sorry dudes, I don't share when it comes to food!

Excuse me for a while. Jenn wants to watch the slow-moving clouds while
enjoying her milk tea...

Fluffy clouds, where are u floating to? Can you take me with u?

Do come back again for the NEXT episode on my "holiday".....

Monday, July 5, 2010

Busy like a bee

I was being told that I eat a lot. I was even crowned as the eating queen last time. Do i really eat that much? Seriously, DO I?!

Not really lah. I do eat SLIGHTLY more meals than others, that's all. That must be the reason ppl get the wrong impression that I eat like a dinasaur.... But i'm not going to deny that I like to eat. Because eating is my hobby!! \(^V^)/ And yummy food cheers me up. Bad food = bad mood.

There is something abt foodmakers here. Food can be very very nice and filled with ingredients at first. As time goes by, they start to substitute this with the cheaper version of this or totally skip this or add other cheap stuff thinking that the we won't know the difference T____T What are they thinking?! Unless our tongues don't function or better, if don't have a tongue, we will know! Sometimes the taste is so out that I don't know what I'm eating anymore T______________T

I remember a funny story told by my ex-boss. One fine morn, she went to a kolomee stall next to our office to ta bao noodles. Being health conscious, she told the kolomee taokeh not to put MSG in her noodles. The man nodded and continued with his work. After a few seconds, she told him not to put too much oil in her kolomee so as to cut down on unneccessary calories. This time, the taokeh got annoyed and said to her 'so troublesome! You go make your own kolomee lah!!"

Ahahaha, funny but true. If you don't like what you are getting or can't get what you want outside, why not make your own? d(^@^)p Ooohaha, so clever of me!

So 姜姜姜姜...!

My soya bean and cashew nut milk

Avocado with 100% full cream milk

My almonds, macadamia nuts, cranberries Granola bars.

And my specialty - Kimchi!

It's a lot of hardwork i must admit. AND i ALWAYS regret each time i start the project (like cleaning my room back in 2009). But like what i always said, '先苦後甜'. The end products are so good that I forget abt the lOOooong and complicated processes I went thru.... Then I make them again, feel regret to start, then forget abt the pain, and start to make again and..... ya, u get the sequence.... :P

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Is this for real?

Read this on news online... Checked my website several times to make sure that i was not on a jokes website. I must say, kids today are very adventurous...

The reporter was very humorous. It felt like i was reading a funny story instead of something serious, disturbing or something to be concerned about.

Here is the extract of the news online.. The title itself is already very interesting. Doesn't it make u wanna read on?


Thursday July 1, 2010

Teen runs half-naked for 1km to escape gang rape

AN 18-year-old girl ran half-naked for 1km to escape 10 men who tried to rape her in an oil palm estate in Gerik, Perak, reported H*rian Metro

The girl and her boyfriend had earlier gone on a date and had entered the estate to have sex.

While they were resting after their tryst, 10 men approached the couple and tried to rape the girl, said a source.

The source said the victim managed to put on her pants and grab her handphone before fleeing. After running for about 1km, she called the police.

The police showed up and rescued her from the men. She later lodged a police report before being taken to Hospital Gerik.

*********End of News**************

Well, the teenagers should be praised for their creativity. Who would thought of doing it at the oil palm estate? They are not afraid of being bitten by the cobras?