Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gawai Holiday Outing

This Gawai holiday, we went to Sematan to visit mum's friend's holiday home. Actually, I didn't feel like going when mum mentioned abt it the day before because Sematan is faaaaarrrr from town and I'm always bored during the long ride as there is nothing to see. I mean, it's jungle all the way and no interesting stops in between *ZzzZzz*

I've always felt that the scenery along the way to Sematan is very 'normal'. The jungle looks just like the bush in front of my home, only many many times bigger. Sometimes I even wonder if the tourists regrets visiting here! Haha, how unappreciative i was!!

This road trip totally changed my feelings. There are actually quite a lot of things to see! Can see blue blue sky, mountains covered by cotton-like clouds, green green land, simple houses with no fences, chickens running around freely, homegrown vegetable patches, fresh corns being sold by the roadside...... It is peaceful and calm. And life here feels pretty relaxed and simple too.

How could I be so blind not to notice any of these last time? So careless of me.... Looking at the beautiful scenery flashing by, I actually felt grateful that I was born here. It's true that when u stay in one place, u tend to 'overlook' its beauty. Taking things for granted is a bad habit oh...

The magnificent view along the way to Sematan kinda reminded me of my trip to Sapa back in 2008. I raved about how beautiful Sapa is but forgot that i too have heavenly scenery like that just hours away from my home. No wonder when I showed my Sapa pictures to pa and ma, they laughed and said "look almost like here leh"....

One more great thing abt Sematan is that, there is nice clear blue ocean nearby. It's quite quiet over there. You can even swim naked there if u want and also not having to worry abt seeing your video on internet someday hehehe...

That day, we got ourselves a few fresh lobsters for dinner. They were yum yum btw. Mum's friends also bbq-ed one super duber big fish they bought at the Sematan morn market. Fresh seafood is the best! And they gave us each a pandan coconut which they picked from their garden. Aaahhh... life is sweet and cool ..........

I'm so glad that mum's friends invited us to her holiday home. If it weren't for them, I would not have discovered the beauty of my home town.

Took some pictures of my mum's friend's backyard in Sematan using my phone. I kinda regret that I didn't bring a camera with me. hehe, I didn't expect much from this trip :(

Blue Sky

Islands!! I want to buy!

More island!
Beautiful scenery. Kinda look like poster

Blue sky, blue sea, white sandy beach

I didn't take any photos of the mountaints etc ... May be you can drive down to Sematan yourself and see it with your own eyes... :P


baby jane said...

it's very nice you know how to enjoy liao ar...ya..i also take things for granted and kch is the place i dont take it for granted anymore...i miss it so much...

it was fun...but a bit hot ar..i felt like bbq liao...but love the surroundings and colours...and of coz the ppl..the thought of it still made my heart warm :)

lj said...

yeah, sematan is always my favourite place, next time try to drive into kampung sematan, there got quiet & beautiful small jetties, greenish river, blue little crabs, a nice ice tea in hand will make a heaven.

Jenn said...

im learning to cherish and appreciate what i'm given :)

wah lj, the place u described is heavenly. Can u bring me there? I wanna go to heaven without being dead :P