Wednesday, October 30, 2013


那天我跟Jane兩人在後院摘木瓜。突然有位阿姨跟我們倆打招呼。原來是朋友的媽媽~ 她說他們把我們家後面的空地買了下來,計劃蓋房子~


後面的空地以前是個修車房。木屋裡住著一位小女生。我們小時候常在後院爬樹,煮菜。小女生總是站在窗口的看著我們~ 她大概也很想跟我們玩在一起吧~ 因為是修車房,每天我們都聽到敲敲打打的聲音,有時真的覺得很吵。小時候的我們很頑皮,我們拿著媽媽廚房的鐵鍋和洗衣桶,也在後院敲敲打打以示抗議~ 哈哈,真的很無聊,但小孩的心聲是應該被聽到的! :P

有一陣子,我們在夜深人靜的晚上會聽到木屋裡播放老音樂~ 感觉屋裡的人好有情調,我想像他們邊喝紅酒邊沉醉在60年代的世界裡~ 後來修車房收掉了,住在木屋裡的一家人也搬離了~ 之後我媽說女主人生病往生了,我才知道原來老音樂是播放給當時生病的她聽的~

自從他們搬離後雜音和老音樂沒了但也不見新鄰居搬入。應該不會是聽說這附近住了野孩子吧?哈哈哈~ 因為沒人住,晚上我們家四周變得好安靜好安靜,也很黑暗~ 雜草樹木開始蓋過原先的修車房和木屋~ 空地上長了一顆很壯很綠的大樹。每次看到它,我就會幻想是否裡頭住了只可愛的龍貓Totoro~ 有時我晚上站在烏漆麻黑的後院看著大樹~ 因為大樹是瑩火蟲的遊樂園。在黑暗中,大樹有如家裡掛了X'mas lights 的聖誕樹一樣,一閃一閃的,美極了!有時我還會在我家看到松鼠奔奔跳跳呢!當然也有蛇和蝎子的問題但牠們也有生存的權利,所以我們盡量'井水不犯河水'。只是有一次我媽在菜園裡種菜時被蝎子咬了一口,讓她痛了好幾天~


想到空地将會被開發,我心酸酸的。因為我將失去這些自然環境~ 心裡有些不捨~ 畢竟在21世紀仍能在城市裡的家看到大樹,瑩火蟲,松鼠真的很難~ 但不變的是改變,我也只好接受~ 現在的我要​​盡情的享受和珍惜現在所擁有的~

今早我還聽到窗外的鳥兒在唱歌喔~ 能常被動物們圍繞著,我好幸福喔~ 感覺我好像白雪公主耶,呵呵~

la la la la.....

Thursday, October 24, 2013


大學畢業後,我從沒短髮過因很久以前有位小弟弟誤認當時男仔頭的我為男生 T___T 從此我不敢把頭髮剪短。可見小弟弟的話對我留下的陰隱有多深!呵呵~

這麼多年來我堅持留長發因為我害怕改變。改變很可怕,但不改變更可怕。人生充滿了無常,每件人事物都不斷在改變中,唯有改變不變。曾次看到這樣一句話 “習慣是可以改的。用好的習慣取代不好的習慣,沒有學不會的人,只有不願學習改變的人”。一針見血!>__< 我被自己留長發的習慣困了那麼多年,剪了短髮後才發現原來我被小弟弟的話框住了。哼!幸好我懂得跳出來,要不然我一世人都不知道原來我是可以把頭髮剪短的!


我一坐下,就跟理髮師說我要剪頭髮。她一如往常的問到 "到這裡嗎?"  她邊說邊指著我背部。我說"太長了。哪種短度適合我的臉型?" 她回我 “到肩膀吧”。 我說我要到耳下。她愣住一秒鐘,然後急忙的問我確定嗎?哈哈哈哈~

真的,確定!! 後來她勸我先不要剪那麽短。她說一下子變化那麼大,很嚇人。哈哈,他竟為我擔心耶。好吧,就听她的~ 旁邊坐了幾位 aunty... 他們以客家話說 " 蛤? !為什麼她要剪那麼短?是不是受了刺激?!” 哈哈哈...他們不知我聽得懂客家話(就說我長外星人嘛),真的很可愛吶!他們說一定是理髮師開玩笑,我怎麼可能一剪剪那麼短。說著,我的理髮師一手抓住我的長髮,咔, 剪了一大半。她很得意地在空中甩馬尾的說,"你們看,是真的喔" 然後大家哇一聲。哈哈哈,真的很搞笑!

短髮真的很舒服!至少整理上簡單很多! 大家看到我的新髮型的表情一致 - 都是嘴巴和眼睛張很大。每個都問我哪來的勇氣!呵呵~ 大家都喜歡短髮的我。目前一直得到好評哦! *得意* 我的朋友說我變年輕和漂亮了。真的嗎?還是在逗我開心?


回想當年小弟弟的話,我還真傻,幹嘛相信小孩子的話呀?他那麼小,哪來的審美觀呀?對他來說女孩子就是穿裙子,有一頭長髮的。我好傻我好傻! *醒*  幸好我有勇氣改變,要不然我永不知道原來我是可以短髮的!


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The 'silent' love

Woke up in the morning and found a warm and hearty breakfast waiting for Jane and I. 

Mum made us English breakfast - fried eggs, fried bacon strips, grilled tomatoes and sliced cucumbers. She even prepared papaya for us which she picked from the garden (such balanced diet!) and made us tea to go with everything else. I don't know about Jane but I certainly felt very loved~  

Our breakkie

Like many traditional Chinese parents, my parents don't speak of their love for their children. Sometimes they even say the opposite when in fact they mean other things.... Like when their friends commented that my parents have good kids (us us us! hehe), then they would say "oh no, no no no, they are very naughty. They always buy us too much food to eat. We eat until we cannot eat other things. Not good not good' That's just one of many instances :P The Chinese parents of the old days are taught to be humble. The Japanese people are the same, whenever they are being praised, they MUST deny it HARD haha... 

When I was small, I didn't understand this and always felt hurt when they said 'bad' things about me. As I grow older, I finally grew some wisdom (just a tiny teeny bit) and understood that they are just being polite! How did i understand this? From their actions of course. There is a saying "actions say louder than words'. Indeed, they do!

When my parents were on their 3-weeks getaway in Australia and New Zealand last month. I had a sudden urge of eating Maltesers. I whatsapped my dad asking him to buy one packet for me... He didn't respond and I figured he probably didn't care. Guess what? he came home with 5 packets instead of 1! hahaha.. And my mum bought me my favourite peaches along with many other stuff. My mum says I'm fat and yet she cooks big meals everyday~ And these are just a few of many instances....

Part of the presents from down under

So, never ever believe what u hear.. u gotta look inside and understand the meaning behind so u don't misunderstand ^^

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jane's back again

So Jane has left~ Actually, not yet as her flight only departs at 1.35pm later~ 

I read back to many of my old posts. In the past, whenever Jane left, i would feel 'empty' inside and would stop and stare and miss Jane..   As time goes by, that feeling is somehow getting weaker~ Hmmm... i think it's because I have grown wiser (ahem) as we come to realise that, saying goodbye only means not being together physically... we are still IN each others' hearts, which means, we have never been separated at all. wow~ my mind is still wise and clear even after sleep deprivation! I must have been 'naturally' wise hahahaha....

Jane and I did a lot during the past one week. Here is a sneak preview of some of our nightly activities~ 

Time flies when we are having fun~~

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Cakes in cups

Many weeks ago, i received a set of super duber cute (& delicious too!) cupcakes from my colleague. His son was one month old~ Congratulations!

I really loved the cupcakes! Not only do they looked lovely, they also tasted lovely! I had to take a picture of them to share with you all (although i didn't have a chance to let you take a bite but am sure you are still touched anyway :P)

Yummy cupcakes!