Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quick & Yummy!

I remember, when i was small, i used to eat 3 packets of Mi Goreng at one time.... We were such a big eaters that my mum always bought boxes of mi goreng to put at home so she didn't have to go to the supermarket too often.  Instant noodle is a life savers especially during lazy moments or due to sudden hunger. It's so easy and fast to cook... just the thing I like :P

Some of the cafes here have instant noodle as one of their dishes. My colleague once paid maggie mee + one egg for $2.50.  Some cafes even have upgraded version. They put in more ingredients, take a nice picture of it and display it in their menus to tempt people like Datuk Heng hehe...... And yeah, it does really look kinda tempting! *心动* 

I've been wanting to try it but every time I wanted to order, , my brain would stop me... I would start to go through the calculations in my mind ahahahaha ~~ For $7.90, the cafe version of instant noodle comes with 1 hot dog, 1 string of vege, 1 egg and 1 packet of instant noodle.  If i were to cook it at home, my version would be  1 Grade A egg 50 cents + 1 string of vege 30 cents + 1 hot dog 50 cents + 1 packet of instant noodles 70 cents. Total cost is only $2! I know,  I know, we have to pay for the ambiance and services too... 

I won't mind paying that kind of price if it is something too complicated to make at home... And u know,  the cafe version of instant noodle is really not a complicated one. It doesn't come with special soup made with secret recipe nor is the noodle handmade or something. Like me, they also take 2 minutes to cook...I really find it difficult to convince myself to pay $5.90 more to eat something I can make better at home... I bet the cafes hate customers like me who always try to calculate their costs before ordering.. oh well, money isn't easy to earn... ahahahaha... And i blame my occupation for my calculative habit! :P

This morning, I had my version of quick & yummy noodles as breakfast... It only took me 2 minutes to assemble everything... 

All i did was ~ cooked the Japanese noodles like how u cook maggie mee, then throw in some  vegetable from the garden, then one Grade A egg. I didn't have hot dog at home so, I topped it with the leftover pork from last night's dinner instead.

Jenn, the lazy chef cooked this :P

It's definitely much healthier than the cafe version and bigger portion too :P

What's more, this is a good way to ensure that no food gets wasted at home~~~ I'm sure my mum is proud to have a good daughter like me... y(^_^)y 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Double J

Many people get confused when they see us.... The most heard remark is "I can't tell you guys apart!". Strangers say that a lot.... Some friends still get confused.... They still take 1 minute looking at us, trying to find some clues.. I don't know what clues they are looking for, which can tell us apart.. Can u let me know? Is it the hair? Or the eyes? Or is it the way we talk or our expressions? 

I always think, Jane and I do not look alike... Some people say we don't need a mirror at all because all we need to do is look at each other ... But the thing is, every time i look at Jane, I don't think I look like her! Jane thinks so too.... I guess mirror is still required la... Just in case i have ketchup on my face and Jane doesn't.. hehe...

One article said, identical twins look exactly the same when they are small ~ They wear the same clothes, same hairstyle and go to the same school, meet the same friends. 

At their teenage years, they start to be a little bit different. They start to have different interests, different strengths, start to have different friends...

When they get a little more mature, they start to become totally different both in personalities and look.... due to different exposures in lives... It's true.... U can tell from the picture below that we don't look identical anymore... 

Double J

This is our most recent photo... Can you tell us apart? See? I told ya, we don't look the same...

There are 2 things that will always be the same ~~~~ we will always be the adorable twins you know of and we will always be fun to be with! y(^V^)y  I see Jane nodding her head hard... Looks like we still have many similarities despite our different looks and personalities..... Twins.. how can u not love them? buahaha..  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's a happy day!

X'mas is still months away and here i'm, opening my present! V(^v^)V The feeling is SUPERB!

This X'mas present doesn't come free from Santa Claus though.... It's currently still owned by my bank because I've yet to pay off my credit card bill :S Whatever it is,  I'm still happy... Opening parcel is just so much fun! haha... 

Oooo, what's inside?

These are luggage scales. Ha! No more paying luggage overweight penalties because I can now 'plan' ahead accurately! hiak hiak hiak... 

 Jane chose the green one.. 
So it's purple for me! 

Jane received my purchases from Taobao weeks ago.. I can't wait to feel them with my own hands (feel real this way hehe..) and wear them (even more real this way! ha!)! 

jane has opened my presents on my behalf

More 'presents' to come soon... *can't wait!*

Today, i saw online coupon for strawberry/blueberry smoothies.. Hmm... my fingers are feeling 'itchy', I kinda  feel thirsty all of a sudden.... I wonder why?

Alrighty, i gotta go.. have something very important to do... :P