Monday, July 29, 2013



昨天早上,我起得很早。哎,最近的天氣真的很熱!一大早太陽就高高掛了~ 也因為太亮(加上太熱),所以我很早就醒來了~

媽媽在看早報,看見我就叫我趕快準備,我們一起去吃早餐~ 哇!我最愛一大清早和家人一起吃早餐!我如一陣風般,很快就準備好了。

我問媽媽她想到哪裡吃早餐。她說 "我們去吃雲吞。在浮羅岸的 miào 那邊。" 

我鄒了眉頭一下,心想“浮羅岸有廟嗎?” 腦海裡出現浮羅岸的畫面,我從街頭scan 到街尾,噢,街尾好像真的有一座廟喔,但那裡沒有茶餐廳呀。

我問媽媽,她說的廟在浮羅岸街的哪裡。她回我說浮羅岸那裡不是有miào嗎?呵呵,我媽媽就是這麼可愛。回答了好像跟之前說的沒差~  我常常得用不同方式再追問她才會有答案。 


我立刻電燈泡亮起來,噢,我懂了啦!媽媽說的miào不是指‘廟’。是那隻在街頭迎接大家的貓貓像啦!都怪我平常把貓發音為 miāo,所以才會貓和廟傻傻分不清楚 ~ 我媽說著一口流利的正宗客家話,不知為何她的孩子們說的客家話就是有點'走音'。不但被人家誤認為外國人,還跟自己的媽媽鬧出笑話,真的太搞笑了!呵呵~ 現在回想,明明廟的客家發音是miǎo 嘛,怎麽會搞错了呢?應該是我太早起床了,身體醒了但頭腦還处在睡觉的状态,才会這麽烏龍的~ :P




這茶餐廳真的很復古!感覺自己好像走到了阿牛的'初戀紅豆冰'電影的茶餐廳耶!充滿了古時唐人街的味道!其實我也不懂那是什麼"味道",只覺得這裡的擺設都很古老這樣子,呵呵~ 一大早大家很憂閒的在吃著早餐,我還蠻喜歡這種假日懶懶的感覺~ 我們的座位旁邊擺了很多糕點,媽媽忍不住買了一包餅。幸好我們的雲吞很快就上桌,要不然我媽會買更多! 



我在其它地方吃的雲吞湯通常都只放炸紅蔥和一點點的青蔥,雲吞的餡少到我以為只有云吞皮 T___T 可這裡的雲吞大顆而且湯裡有很多青菜!好難得喔!再喝上一杯奶茶,喔哈哈,好幸福!



Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pinky & Meow

Once upon a time, there lived a pig called Pinky. He did not have any friends because he was different from the rest of the piggies in the village. U see, he was only as big as a grape.

One day, Pinky walked to school and was stopped by a group of school friends. They teased him like usual, pushed him a little and laughed that he was abnormal. 

Pinky was sad. He cried and ran to the lake behind his school. He sat down on the rock overlooking the calm water and wondered why he was born different. He wished he was as big as the lake so he could hug everyone in the village. He loved them but could never give them a proper hug......

While he was thinking, a red cat named Miao came sitting next to him. He asked Pinky why he cried. After Pinky told Miao everything, Miao smiled at Pinky and said "although you are small, u have a big heart! Can I be your friend?" Pinky was surprised at Miao's request. He smiled through his tears and nodded his head. Pinky was soOooo happy that he finally had a friend!

Pinky and Miao immediately became buddies. Because Pinky was very tiny, Miao let him ride on him everywhere they went~

Although the piggies in the village had bullied Pinky before, Pinky continued to show his love and was always polite to them. The piggies felt ashamed of themselves and asked for forgiveness. 

Pinky asked if he could be their friends and all of them nodded their heads. From that day onward,  all the piggies stopped making fun of Pinky and they all lived happily and peacefully ever after...

Pinky and Meow

 Jane bought for me from taobao

How do u like my little story? hehe....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013



那天停電了。我回到家時老爸提議早些出去吃晚餐。就這樣我開著我的車載老爸出外。路上老爸偶爾會小提醒幾句~ 可以換車道了,要開慢一點,走另外一條路比較快,等下要轉左...... 其實我是這區的'地頭蛇'。每天上下班我都得經過這裡,對這裡早已經滾瓜爛熟了。雖然如此,我還是順著我老爸話做。沒覺得他的話很多餘很羅嗦,倒覺得很溫馨~

路上的車子很多。大家是在回家的路上還是跟我一樣要去吃晚餐呢?我們從沒想過我們要去的地方很可能因為整個城市停電而休息~ 如果好不容易去到哪但又沒開,那不是白費心機了嗎?老爸似乎知道我的想法。他說如果哪裡沒開,我們就到其它地方看看吧~  嗯,就當著遊車河吧~ 雖然塞在馬路上很浪費時間,但能因此和老爸多相處,何嘗不是一件難得及有意義的事呢?




回到家,老爸坐在伸手不見五指的客廳 "看電視"。是的,通常這時間是老爸和電視談戀愛的時候,呵呵~ 我點了兩根小小的蠟燭,雖不能照亮全世界但在黑夜裡有它們,我們的世界就有溫暖了。在安靜的黑夜裡老爸突然說,自己好像回到電力有限的童年。嗯,真的!我雖沒經歷過這段,但我能想像那種純樸的生活。少了複雜卻多了親情人情。

在這停電的夜晚,四周真的很安靜!我看著窗外偶爾開著大燈經過的車子,彷彿自己到了宮崎駿卡通的世界裡~ 平日的大家都忙著看電視,上網,玩電話等等,人與人之間的溝通早就快消失了。也因為現在的科技太發達,大家似乎也不常靜下來好好思考事情了。為了打拼,每天的腳步都得很快速, 大家可能早就忘了生活中的幸福了~ 





Tuesday, July 9, 2013


上週末我們公司有個活動~因節目早上八點開始,我們大家犧牲睡到自然醒和早上跟家人吃早餐的時間一大早就趕到會場了。在哪裡我們等啊等,等啊等,因來趕不及吃早餐我邊等肚子邊咕嚕咕嚕的叫。眼看就快8 點30分了,怎麼還沒開始呢?原來VIP還沒到!就這樣300個人在現場痴痴的等待。我的職業病發作,開始算了起來。哇!你知道嗎,300個人的30分鐘是150小時耶!那等於6.25天呢!我記得很久以前我去參加公司的尾牙,竟等到9點30分才開始上菜! 300個人的2個小時是36,000分鐘耶!600小時!25天耶!呵呵,有沒有算得很精準?嗚嗚~ 看來只有VIP的時間才是寶貴的!


可大家千萬別把我的隨便但方便喔!我記得有次我和朋友們約了晚上吃晚餐。我和另位朋友很盡責的早15分種抵達餐廳。我們等啊等,等啊等,眼看快等上1個小時了,怎麼還不見其他朋友的出現呢?這1小時,我們倆很努力的自我娛樂,我們寬容到連一通簡訊也沒有給他們發,因為我們相信他們應該已在途中了。我們想,被等待的人現在的心情應該也很緊張吧~ 但後來才知道,他們遲到是因為另幾位朋友也會遲到,所以不用那麼早抵達 T___T 即然有計劃要遲到,好歹也跟我們說一聲,那我們可以一起'遲到'嘛~

我還遇過更誇張的。以前在澳洲上高中時,我們有位朋友很愛放鴿子。好幾次我們約了在周末碰面,等了1小時以上都不見人影。當時手機是奢侈品,我們這些窮學生根本買不起,所以要聯絡人我們還得特別到電話亭去打電話呢~ 好不容易找到電話打到她家時,她竟然還在跟周公約會!有次她還說她很懶不想出來了!真的超誇張的!她跟人家約好,不敷約竟然是理所當然的事情 *暈* 

其實我也說不上很準時,有時會遲到15分鐘,但我絕對心裡會很焦急,所以會告訴人家及道歉。雖不能彌補什麼但至少讓人家知道我已在途中了。說真的讓人家等 待真的很不好。大家的時間一樣寶貴,我也不該浪費他們的時間。只是這是我的道理又有多少人會贊同呢?我想,如果大家都能多為其他人著想,世界會和平一點的~

己所不欲 勿施於人嘛~ 



Wednesday, July 3, 2013


When I was small, I love to take cold stuff. On hot days, I would take an ice cube from the freezer and pop it into my mouth. And sometimes, I froze the milo drink my mum made for me in the morning and when i got back from school, i would dig the frozen milo with a spoon. I also liked to make Milo Godzilla. My version is to put a few scoops of condensed milk in a mug, then filled it with half a cup of milo powder. Then I poured iced water and quickly stirred it until it's sticky and gooey... it is nice and sweet to eat like that! When I was small, the word FAT did not exist...... 

When we were studying in Aust, we sometimes cycled to the deli near to our home and each of us bought a cup of frozen coke. We had a little competition where we drank the frozen coke with a straw and the first person to get brain freeze lost.... haha, the good old days where kids like us would do anything to entertain ourselves haha...

As i grow up, I realise that it's best we avoid taking cold stuff. Yup, i finally grow some wisdom! hahaha... I figured that since our body temperature is 37 degree celsius, if we consume cold food and beverages, our temperature will drop... Just imagine the amount of work our body has to go through to increase our body temperature to 37 again! *sweat*

After knowing the side effects, i try not to take cold stuff unless necessarily. I have weak will power when it comes to food but very persistent when it comes to taking cold stuff. Even on super duber hot days, I insist on taking hot drink or soup. Once, there was a black out in our office. All of us decided to have a drink at the cafe in front of our office to cool ourselves. All of my colleagues ordered something with iced cubes while i ordered hot milo. They were amazed and asked me if i didn't feel hot.... 

Weird to say, I didn't. In fact, i felt cool. I may look mad to have hot drink on hot days, but u know what, today i found that the Chinese Physician actually agreed that hot drinks should be taken during hot days! 


This week, I sort of broke my own rules a few times. well, because my friends wanted to share iced kacang with me.... Well, I sacrifice myself just for my friends~~~~ 

Red Bean with ice

It's HUGE! bigger than my head!

I feel a bit unhealthy so to make myself feel less guilty, i decided to take ... ginger drink!

Instant ginger drink!

I'm so clever! 我是有智慧的人!其实是自欺欺人.....哈哈