Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What's that?

....Was driving home from work as usual...

Something caught my attention.... Immediately, I took out my phone to take picture despite the danger of doing so while driving.... all because i wanted to share with all my beloved friends of the interesting and rare sight i saw... i know, i'm nice... just like always :P

Let's test how observant you are ~ Can u spot the "interesting and rare sight"?

Hints: "I'm blue and round.
I can't play piano coz I have no fingers" (-_-)

Hahaha.. i think the hints are very clear.... if u don't get it right, it's OK because u have a good friend (me me me) to share good and interesting stuff with ya :P

The blue blue thingie was dangling at the bottom of the car in front of me... almost touching the road. I thought, perhaps an important part of the car came off and the driver didn't know about it. So i sped up a bit to have a clearer view ...

Then I laughed... It was Doraemon. I wonder why he was down there... Did he lost his small helicopter which is his usual 'transportation' and needed a ride to get to his destination? Nothing is more adventurous than this ! Doraemon must be having a hell lot of fun down there! haha...

"an an an tottemo daisuki Doraemon"
Translation: ah ah ah, I love you very much, Doraemon

P/s: Please don't try this at home. Doraemon has undergone special training before he 'flew' on the road. Thank You.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



記得小時候,我們的玩具得靠自己的想象力創造的。有次我們和家裡的狗狗玩警察捉小偷的游戲。我們到處亂跑,狗狗在后面拼命得追。然后我們會 爬上鐵籬笆休息。狗狗會因為捉不到我們而在籬笆邊奔奔跳跳汪汪叫。然后我們又會找時機再從高處跳下來,又繼續了狗狗追我們的游戲。這就是我們的童年。 有時我們也會有想要的東西,但奇怪的是我們很少會去跟爸媽伸手要錢。我記得我們帶著家裡的狗狗到叢林裡採野菜,然后把菜賣給隔壁家的阿姨。我們還 手工制作了 一些書簽,然后在家門口擺攤子作起生意來。噢,原來我們小時候就當小老板了。呵呵。。。。 不過這‘小生意’也不長久,因為后來我們把媽媽廚房裡的用具拿到后院開始了我們的餐廳。當媽媽發現我們把她不鏽鋼的小鍋子拿到花園裡以干了的芒果葉子燒菜 時, 把我們罵了一頓。后來我們在樹下挖了個洞,把燒得黑黑的鍋子埋在地上,做成了一個小湖。湖裡的小魚是我們到路邊的水溝捉的。現在回想我的童年,我真的覺得 我們的想象力很豐富!哈哈~~

那天和朋友約會。因為天氣很熱,我們決定去吃冰。進到cafe裡,看見一些顧客們在玩手提電腦,有些在玩手機。就連餐廳的點餐方式也是採用touch screen的電腦。好先進吶!現代的人已經被科技控制咯。我和朋友也在cafe玩起來了。猜我們的玩意是什麼?




哈哈,我們倆的臉皮也太厚了吧。兩個老大不小的人竟在cafe玩娃娃。根本不把旁人放在眼裡嘛。呵呵... 不管啦,如果能讓别人把注意力從電腦和手機轉到我們的身上,那也不錯啦。而且娃娃那麼可愛,多看幾眼是應該的。哈哈!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

When I was small....

The other day, I walked past KFC and saw many young kids q-ing up to order their food... then i passed by Starbucks and saw more young kids sitting in the cafe playing with ipads or smart phones in their hands and their Starbucks drinks on the tables.

Kids today are really so much well-off than us in the older days. When i was small, we never heard of computers. And our favourite past time is climbing my mum's mango and guava trees, catching fish in the drain, playing 'police & thief'... and food like KFC is a luxurious item... Starbucks? Never heard of it! And i had to find public phone to make calls!

When young, my parents couldn't afford a lot of things. Many kids had professional coach to teach them to swim. My swimming coach was my dad. He would bring us to public pool and sometimes the river to swim.. And my mum taught us backstroke.. she could float in the water without moving! As soon as we learned the skill, we naughty kids played 'floating corpse'.. it was funny!

Once after swimming, my dad took us to KFC for lunch. In the old times, having KFC is like a dream come true... All of us were so so excited! I still remember that we took an instant photo with the Astronaut billboard just outside KFC. Because it cost money to take picture and dad didn't earn that much that time, I didn't dare to ask for it... but dad let me have a picture taken... I remember the day very clearly because it was one of the best moments in my life....

I wonder if kids these days have memories like this....Most kids today are lucky.. they can eat KFC and drink starbucks everyday or 3 meals a day if they want! haha.

well... they are lucky to be born in this generation... for me, I am lucky to have memories like this one... coz it's not the food that matters, it's the precious moments spent with loved ones that is priceless...

A simple snack while looking out to the airfield
is enough to satisfy me