Friday, September 28, 2012



短短的五分鐘,我成交了3件上衣!有沒有很豪爽? 哈哈~ 對,當想做一件事,沒有什麼是可以阻礙的!


Photo stolen from my favourite Benshee's blog :P



我媽說因為我沒把衣服帶走,他以為我不要那些衣服,所以就把我一見鍾情的3件衣服拿去換了其它的衣服 T___T

我媽媽怎麼那麼強啊?我真的敗給我媽! 哈哈~~


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Handmade Toys~

Recently, Jane and I bought a few handmade toys, which we found on Facebook. It's called Poco Handmade...  

Last week, we saw the photo of two cuties and instantly, Jane and I fell in love... because they look soOoo much like Jane and I! haha.....

Happy friends
Which one looks like Jane?

This is how our conversation went..

Jane: "The left one looks like you and the right one looks like me"
Jenn: "Why u said so?"
Jane: "Coz the right one has a bigger face.. Just like me...!"
Jenn: "Oh... u mean the hippo"
Jane: "What hippo? it's a frog!"
Jenn: "Since when does frog have ears?" *Laugh out loud*
Jane: "Kerokeropi has ears leh!" 
Jenn: "No he doesn't! Those are eyes!" *Laugh til roll on the floor*
Jane: "Ahahahahhaha...."

We laughed so hard that we could hardly talk and breath! Hahahaha...

The right one is indeed a hippo... Well Jane, I have no right to laugh at you coz i thought the left one is a bear. Jane kept telling me that it's a doggie.. Yup, it's a dog alright.. it's called "Do Do Dog"... 

Well, there is no right or wrong la.. It's Ok to let your imagination runs wild.. after all... it harms no one to imagine it to be something u want it to be...

Am just so happy to look at them...! what a pair of adorable twins! Just like Jane and I! *Blush*

BTW Jane, this is what kekeropi looks like...

No ears Okay? hahahahahaha....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

So Organised!

Due to lack of a proper system, our used bottles, containers, aluminum cans, paper used to be lying  everywhere in the house ~ At the car porch, in the store room, laundry room, bathrooms, kitchen, car boot, in the garden and even at the balcony..... yeah, it's a mess! It was really a headache to gather them all in one place when we needed to bring them to the recycling centre ....  @_@

No more headache because Clever Jenn has  created our very own recycling station at home... 

Tada! Look what I did!

It's great coz now we can have plastic items, paper, aluminum cans etc all in their assigned 'homes" !  It's so neat to look at now! 



Friday, September 7, 2012

Eating non-stop

I've been eating a lot lately... U r probably thinking "what's new? we all know u eat a lot"... haha... the thing is, it's a bit too much lo :P

I think it's because it's almost weekend.... The relaxed mood is the thing that makes one eats a lot.... because the best way to celebrate the coming of weekend is to eat all u can!  yayee... okie, that's my logic to hypnotize myself that it's OK to eat non-stop... u don't have to agree hehe...

I have been craving for kolo mee  since the Raya holiday a few weeks ago.... I didn't manage to satisfy the craving that time and so, the craving continues and it grows stronger and stronger each day! The solution? Eat a bowl of kolo mee of course... aren't i clever? haha...

Kolo mee + teh c 

I also had cheese muffin mum bought from The Loaf in KL + a cup of black coffee (my 1st black coffee btw. Didn't know it tastes a bit "sour"). They were my lunch, round one.. haha, why? because my friend suddenly called at 1130am and asked me for a lunch date... She just passed her exam and was in the mood to celebrate.. I love celebration! So we went to Tempayan for their big club sandwich and... i completed the meal by washing it down with a super duber big glass of teh tarik... That is lunch, round 2. Honestly, I was really full after that.. I can't believe i had 2 rounds of lunch in one afternoon! Who wants to challenge me? *in fighter mode* hehe...

imported lunch

When i came back to the office, my colleague passed me a big piece of cheesecake... wah... what's the occasion today? Why is everyone stuffing me with food....? I'm already "cute" (fat) the way i am.. well, i guess they would like me to become cuter haha.... It's not nice to reject ppl's kindness and wasting food is a big No No, so I cleaned up the cheesecake presented to me...  

Now that I listed down the things i had, i realised that I had a 3 course meal for lunch! You see, muffin + coffee were my appetizers, club sandwich + teh tarik were the main course and cheesecake was dessert! Wow, that's amazing! haha...  And i wonder how many kgs i just gained in one afternoon! haha... I know i am the one to blame.. if i have to will power, i will not eat so much.. but the thing is, the 'enemies' are just too strong .... So i surrendered :P
"Sometimes it's not because we can go on a diet,
it's because the enemy is too strong" ~ so true!

Food.. who can resist anyway? Since u can't beat them, might as well join them, right?

BTW, this is a new thing invented.. It's spaghetti the Hakka style!

It's lui cha spaghetti!

Hakka style! 

It tasted pretty good... a bit bitter.. just like life sometimes haha...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A child u love and hate...

I was looking through the apps store last night and  was so happy when i saw that i could download Shin Chan Comics for free! haha, that really reminded me of my teenage years..  *walking  down memory lane*

i remember buying the comics and bringing to AUS... My brothers and sisters cherished them like gold. We read them over and over again...... We also bought the VCDs  and watched the cartoon together on a daily basis and laughed and laughed and laughed because Shin Chan is just soOOoo darn naughty and creative...! And only Shin Chan came out with those innovative ways to upset people.. haha...  but I bet it wouldn't be so funny if i were the victim... :S 

My Collection

Yayee... i could read and read again on my iphone! What's more, i actually 'carry' 20 books in one little device!! Smart phone is the greatest thing ever invented! Of coz, a coin has two sides.. it can be the worst thing ever invented too.. but right now, i think the pros > cons hehehehe...