Friday, December 30, 2011

Fun time!

It's last day of work for 2011 for me.... gotta be honest, i wasn't very productive today :P Am already in holiday mood... since last Friday actually... I hehe...

Last Friday, we had a Christmas party in office... it was a crazy one. As soon as we came back from our Xmas lunch, we opened our presents. How exciting!?! All of us were super high.. we were so loud that we totally ignored our bosses in the office :P Aw, i'm sure they understand haha...

Here are some pictures we took last friday...

Christmas presents & cake for the celebration!
The one hanging on the tree is addressed to me!
Woohoo, what's inside?

I must show you close up picture of the cake
Super cute!! It was homemade
The Snowmen and presents are edible
It was a Choc Brownie cake ^^

Chrismasty or not? hehe...
Santa Claus tea pot, Snowman with choc, Chamomile Tea &
Xmas Ornament from Santa Claus (me me me!)

Another photo of my full-of-love gifts!

Our Crazy Party
Somebody couldn't wait to put on his snake-skin underwear haha

BTW, i received a very nice shawl from my secret (not anymore!) angel... super like it! Very soft!

This should be my last post for 2011 too. Before i end (for the year), I wanna wish you all.....

Have a great new year! See you again next year! Big muaks!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hi What's up?

Look what I bought?

A box full of colourful rabbits!

It's a bit crowded in there ... but they are happy to be together... *相亲相爱,和乐融融*

And they all wanna be seen!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Precious Moment

We all know that nothing can buy time.. Once it's over, it's over. There is no such thing as turning back.. No matter what you do, you just can't go back anymore. That's the way it is.

I once read a very interesting statement in a book. It says, how do u know that yesterday actually exists? How do u proof that what happened 1 sec ago really did happen? Because it's already over, all you are left with is memory.... As it's only a memory, how do u know that it's not an illusion? It is complicated i know..... It does sound like a nonsense but if u really think about it, it does make sense! I remember that there is a saying "life is like a dream"... And since dream is not real, does that mean the lives that we are living in now are also not real?

I'm a Doraemon fan. The author had invented many incredible devices I wish I'd in real life. Time machine and Anywhere door are 2 of my favourites.... Too bad there are no such things... it's just something we human beings wish we could've...

It's true that nothing can buy back time... luckily that there is something called "blog" *long life to blog!*

I always have a birthday post on 11th November of every year to talk about my birthday for the year. It's like my own tradition.... It's my way of reminding me of the loved ones in my life and how lucky I'm to survive another year.... This year, I broke the tradition, unintentionally *oh no!*... i was busy and didn't have the time to write about it... *excuses excuses excuses*

11.11.11 is worth to be remembered. Not only because 11.11.11 only comes around once in 100 years (we are all lucky to witness this!), it's also the day 2 adorable twins came to this world N years ago... \(^V^)/ that really calls for a big celebration! hahaha..... Come, please hop on to my time machine. I will bring you back to to 11.11.11 <-------- click here (2 posts in one day! I hope I make your day :P )

Happy Birthday Jane & Jenn!

Cherish every moment, cherish everyone in your life, cherish everything....

Saturday, December 3, 2011


夜深人靜的一晚,外面正下著大雨。想去睡了可是又不捨得。怕睡了長假很快就過了*揍* 那是什麼爛理由呀? 根本不合邏輯.... 不過我當時真的是這樣想的。哈哈~ 太夜了,頭腦不清醒嘛.....


奇怪的是星期六的深夜,怎麼電視都沒好看的節目呢?轉了很多台,都没好看的。是電視台希望年輕人星期六夜晚出外交朋友而不是在家裡看電視嗎?正想放弃时,突然我被吸引了。虾!那個演唱者是誰呀?! 唱歌好好聽喔,而且很有型吶!!是誰是誰?!?!? 赶紧看看銀幕上的名字,原來是是萧敬藤!这是第48屆金馬獎的重播。我以前有聽過他唱的歌,是很好聽但我對他没什麽深刻印象。為何今晚我覺得他唱的特別好聽呢?是因為外面正下著雨和夜深人靜的關系嗎?還是因為他的表演真的太帥了!


隔天我立刻上youtube下載了他當晚的演唱。*youtube萬歲!* 真的是越聽越好聽,越看越有型*陶醉* 這幾天,我又回到‘追星'的時光。上網找了很多有關萧敬藤的節目和MV。他最近有在康熙我來了,天才沖沖沖 etc 出現喔。他唱歌真的很好聽!唱的超投入,超有feel的!好欣賞他的才華!我正式封他為我的歌壇的偶像!喜歡喜歡!d(*~V~*)b


言承旭,你放心!你還是我心中唯一的演藝界偶像! 喜歡喜歡!已十年了,我還是不變心!
