Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Mid Autumn Festival on Sunday!

I really miss sunshine. Mr Sun has been unable to visit us because of haze. Haze Haze, when will you go away? Can't believe that after so many weeks, haze is still with us! And what's worse is that, it has worsen!!! Sigh....

It was Mid Autumn festival on Sunday. And because of haze, we didn't get to see the big, round, bright moon. Man, haze steals away both my sunshine and moonlight! T___T  

Although the air was polluted, but it didn't stop us from celebrating. The problem with us is that, we will change our lifestyle to suit the situations. Not that it's bad but sometimes, others will take advantage of our tolerance... like suffering from Haze for 18 years?!  

Anyway, back to our happy celebration. At home, we only eat moon cakes with egg yolkS. So after dinner, i cut one with TWO egg yolks. One yolk for me and one for mum so we don't fight. Once, we cut a mooncake with only one egg yolk and my mum said she she wanted the part with bigger yolk. Then I lit up the lanterns and we hung few traditional colourful lanterns at the car porch . They looked soOOooo beautiful in the dark!


Colourful lanterns

This year, my friend and I decided to visit the moon cake festival food fair at Carpenter Street. I am usually not so keen in any kind of fairs because i don't like to spend my precious time in the traffic jam. But moon cake festival fair at Carpenter Street is a different story because... when else do you get a chance to walk in the middle of the street without having to worry about cars? 

The old street came alive with beautiful lanterns and food stalls selling Chinese tit bits to Tuak (rice wine). There were also kung fu performance, Malay dance and even ang mo playing sape! Cool! I really like that people of all races were gathering in one place to celebrate! I love the happy atmosphere and what's more, the air was full of food fragrance. I like that I can take my time to appreciate the old buildings, opera stages, temples... I really like my hometown!

Old street --- Alive!


Assorted lanterns!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


上週的煙霾真的很嚴重。雖然空氣不新鮮,視線也不清楚但還是不阻止我和朋友出外~ 誰叫吃喝玩樂這麼重要?哈!

我很喜歡逛老街 (part 1, part 2)。有時我會找一個時間,把車子停的遠遠的,然後古晉老街趴趴走。看著前人留下的痕跡,似乎可以感受到他們為了在異鄉生活而做的努力~ 他們努力的創造他們懷念自己家鄉的建築,手藝,文化等,如今我們的政府卻為了呈現華麗的城市而把這些可貴的建築屋剷平。雖然感謝政府為了提升人民的生活品質而建了很多新的設備,但真心希望他們可以以不傷害原本樣貌的方式去進行。歷史一定要被保留呀!我們古晉也是個有故事的城市~ 古老的手藝也漸漸消失因沒人願意繼承這堅苦的工作。週末時間,大家都往 Shopping Mall 去,沒人願意在炎熱的天氣裡逛老街。如果大家繼續這麼不關心自己的'故事',真擔心有天這些寶貴的建築,手藝,文化等會隨著時間消失了~ 



大家或許不知道,在這老街里,隱藏了一家保留傳統咖啡的咖啡店吧?你知不知道古晉有條街曾經被稱為“棺材街"? 有天我和朋友們提起這名字。很妙的是,竟然沒人聽過!怎麼會這樣? !

這傳統咖啡店就座落在棺材街。說實在的,我常經過這間咖啡店但卻第一次踏進它!相見恨晚!但遲到好過沒到,呵呵~  咖啡店的座位不多,我們坐下來後,我細細看四周,哇!好古老!電視機,冰箱,時鐘,櫃子等都是老舊的。仿坲我坐了時空機回到了從前。





老闆和老闆娘是安娣安哥(aunty uncle)。我們點了他們的傳統飲料”果比股油“ (福建話: 咖啡加牛油/奶油)。雖然古晉的咖啡豆原本就是咖啡豆跟牛油一起炒,泡出來的咖啡有一種香味,但在咖啡裡加牛油還真的是罕見。牛油在熱熱的咖啡中慢慢溶化,同時聞到咖啡香和牛油香,真的很想趕快喝!我平時不喝黑咖啡因為好像在喝苦茶但加了牛油的果比真的有點像加了奶的咖啡。好喝!我們邊喝邊吃在附近的老店買的蛋撻,真的是美妙的搭配!雖然卡路里爆表,但就先甜後苦吧~ 待會兒去 gym 待久些就是了。人啊,要為自己的所作所為負責嘛~ 





Thursday, September 17, 2015

Go away and never come back again...

最近我们每天都活在朦胧,灰色的世界里。 好久沒有看見藍天白云了。空氣也很有‘味道’ T___T

這些日子我們跟煙霾24/7 共處。真的很不好受!


第二天一早拉開窗簾,唉呀,怎麼外面還是一片朦朧? !而且还比前一天更糟!是清晨的霧嗎?空气中带有臭味,哦,是烟霾~  唉,心情低落。。。





我們的鄰居呀,18年了,到底什麼時候我們才可以正式跟煙霾說拜拜?這已經不是1,2年的問題了。 18年了耶!還是沒改進,真的真的說不過去喔!可以麻煩你趕緊 do something 嗎?

燒森林的人們呀~  因為你們的方便和己利益,全東南亞的人民都賠上了健康,可怜的动物们也因此失去了他们的家园~ 真的很不仁道喔。


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Yippee.. i got what I wanted!

I used to go to gym but ever since it closed down 4 years ago, I have not been doing any frequent, systematic exercise. At first, i wasn't used it. I looked hi & low for a new gym, tried jogging outdoors, watched exercise program on youtube, joined marathon, went swimming.... but none of these lasted... I gave up after a while. Ever since then, I live my life without any exercise :P I kinda enjoy the lazy life though hehe..... No wonder people said one can develop a new habit within 3 months... 

2 years ago, many new gyms started to mushroom around the town... I was so excited and started to look into what various gyms have to offer. Some have good facilities and classes but their prices are too 'hot & spicy" (high). Some are affordable but are too far from my home. Some are close to my home but are too expensive. Hmm, life is definitely more complicated when there are too many choices! :P

After 2 years of consideration (aka procrastination), I decided to join a 24 hour gym. They have adequate machines and entrance & monthly fees are affordable... But I continued to procrastinate because I didn't like the bathroom. It sounds lame but bathroom is very very very important to me! In fact, it's the number 1 thing in my list.  Haha, the things I'm persistent at :P

Good things do come to those who wait. One of my friends' friend decided to drop out from a prestigious gym which I've been eye-ing for. And she is letting her membership go at half the price. I grabbed the deal immediately without any hesitation.... simply because it has a nice bathroom haha... The monthly fee is slightly higher than the 24 hour gym which I initially wanted to join but with free use of sauna, spa, jacuzzi, swimming pool, basement parking, towels, how could I say no? 

I went to the gym on Sunday. Wah, nice to be doing physical work out once again.  But after 29 mins of hard run, i only burned 112 calories?! @____@

waliao eh, wanna pengsan already

 Mannnn... I better think twice before I eat kolomee next time! 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Being honest with myself

I came across this book. Am kinda inspired and motivated. This will be my project this weekend.

How to keep your stuff neatly to save space

Many years ago, i went thru the pain to revamp my bedroom. I vowed that I will not clutter it ever again as I do not want to ever go through the pain of cleaning again. 

Haha, talk is cheap because, things started to pile up again over the years, although it isn't as bad as it used to be (in denial). I just need to learn some storing skills. 

I know, deep in my heart that storing (aka hiding) things properly isn't really the correct solution to my problem. There is a Chinese saying that goes "To prevent the weed from re-growing, one must destroy the root". So after my careful analysis, I figured that the root cause of my problem is in fact my habits @_@  

If I could stop buying unnecessarily, I wouldn't even need to learn how to store things properly! If i can't stop myself from buying, at least i need to learn to clear unwanted or unused things to make way for my new things.

There, I have confessed. 

How about you?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

just some random thoughts

I was driving back from the airport to office the other day. Suddenly, it occurred to me that my most often visited place is Airport!

27/7 -  Sent my parents off to Singapore
29/7 -  I was on a business trip to KL 
30/7 -  I returned from my business trip
7/8  -   Picked Jane up from Airport
10/8 -  Sent Jane to Airport
14/8 -  Accompanied my sister and baby YY to Singapore
17/8 -  Returned from Singapore
18/8 -  Sent my youngest brother to airport
19/8 -  Sent my elder brother and sister in law to airport
20/8 -  Sent my mum off to Singapore.
25/8 -  Picked my parents from the airport

For the past 4 weeks, I had visited airport 11 times. Wow....