Thursday, February 27, 2014

Another Scary Accident

Last Thurs, I was woken up by a loud car screech followed by a big bang at around five in the morning. I saw from my home that a car, tires facing the sky, on the ground. The exact same spot that a car crashed into 1.5 years ago.

Someone was screaming. Oh man, I was scared that someone might be stuck in the car as the accident looked serious!  My mum and I ran as fast as we could to help. We saw a lady in white coat at the main road. She was covered in blood and was screaming frantically. I felt relieved at the sight of her! If she could crawl out from the car and climbed to the main road and yelled on top of her lung, most likely she is not too seriously injured. However care should be taken too coz it could be due to "sudden strength", you know, the type of 'supernatural power" you suddenly posses during emergencies.  

Upon seeing us, she ran to hug my mum really tightly. Poor gal, she must be in shock. She had blood all over her face and kept asking if her face is OK.

A neighbour and my mum sent her to the hospital while i ran home to call the police. They came with an ambulance within minutes. It's good to know that there was no other person in the car.... It took the men 1 hour to pull the car out from the drain. Wow, it was quite a damage. Fortunately the victim is OK.

Good thing the driver is OK

A couple of days later, i saw in the newspaper that a serious accident had happened near my office. The car crashed and a lady passenger lost an arm Heard that she is still in coma. Pray that she is OK.

Please drive carefully as life is fragile. In seconds, life could be totally a different story (in a bad way). Please drive with care...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


以前我的字典沒有肥胖, 減肥這两個字~

中學時,身邊的朋友們為了減肥,每天才吃一顆萍果。我卻每天豐富的三明治,料多到爆開的壽司條等! 然後還反問他們為何要減肥~

記得以前我一次能吃3包印冬面(快熟面- Indon Mee)。最愛吃Milo巧克力粉。有時我在杯裡放半杯的Milo粉+2匙的紅字牛奶,然後加入半杯的冷開水後用湯匙攪。粘粘稠稠,甜到爆炸的美祿牛奶飲料(其實根本不是飲料!哈哈~)是我常吃的。有次我還買了一包奶精粉 Coffeemate,打開後坐在電視機前,一口一口的送入嘴巴~ 還有個冬天晚上,我們姐弟3人叫了3大 pizza 外送到家裡。一個晚上我們3人各吃了一大個披薩!哈哈~ 真的是大胃王!以前我吃月餅,也是一整顆一整顆這麼吃的。我以為大家的吃法都是這樣,直到有次同事看到尖叫後,我才知道原來除了我家之外,大家都是切小塊分多人吃的,哈哈~ 

直到身材往橫的發展後,我才知道什麼是肥胖(會不會太晚了呀!衣服早就穿不下了!@_@)也慢慢意識到健康的重要性。我才明白禍從口入,you are what you eat 的意思!真是后知后覺~ 後來我幾乎不吃快熟面了,也只喝無糖的Milo巧克力飲料(加很多水喔~ ),戒了奶精粉,披薩一次也只吃 2,3片~ 雖然如此,我還是沒變瘦 :( 因為我家有個超級無敵霹靂厲害煮東西的大廚師(我媽啦~ 哈哈)。每天面對這麼多好吃(重點是份量也很大!)的食物,我還真的無法抗拒!哎~

現在我唯一保留的童年小吃就是...... 舒打餅+紅字牛奶'湯'!超好吃的!我一次可以吃上10片舒打餅!哈哈~ 沒吃過~ 可試試看喔~

Biscuits in Condensed Milk


哎,歲月不留人啊~ 往事只能回味~ 呵呵

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


過年時我們'半家'到台灣旅遊~ 說半家而不是'全家'因為只有我爸媽,我,Jane和我小弟~ 兄弟姐妹分散在世界各地不同的城市,要來個大團圓真的不是件容易的事~

因為難得去台灣過年,當然希望有個好天氣。我爸爸最怕冷,我們去台北前,他每天都看天氣預測。台灣天氣冬天很潮濕,幾乎每天都下雨,溫度也很低。我爸還說如果天氣太冷,他不想去了~ @_@ 我爸是出了名的任性,說到真的會做到的~ 


因為是春節,飯店超難訂的!吃年夜菜的餐廳也訂不到!Jane打了10個餐廳但都没位子了。不是說經濟不景氣嗎,怎麼到處都爆滿呢?>__<  難到真的要睡天橋下,除夕晚要喝西北風了?我們一封求救的email, 台灣朋友們大力幫忙,結果訂到了東區的一間大飯店,年夜飯還吃到了好吃的潮洲料理的醉紅樓。我爸媽對年夜菜贊不絕口。他們愛死台灣了~ 還說要再去!耶!

醉蝦,醉鴨,醉臘味,金玉滿堂等+好酒+家人= 馬上幸福!

朋友們告知說春節期間的台北通常很濕冷。至少過去的幾十年都是這樣。他們還幫忙準備了很多暖暖包~ 我和Jane一直默默地祈願,希望在台灣的那段日子溫度不要太低。應該是上天感受到孩子們的真誠,在台灣的一個星期,竟是台灣這幾十年來的好天氣!天氣預測的冷氣團突然消失了,爸媽帶了一箱冷衣和暖暖包沒派上用場。每天都 22度以上!超幸運的!



快樂的一星期就這樣過了~ 满满美好的回忆,也带了胖胖的身材和60公斤的行李回家!


我們離開後,台北的溫度立刻下降~ 現在每天下雨,才8度10度呢!我們好幸運,遇到了好天氣!我爸媽這次很滿意,下次還要來環島呢!呵呵~ 開心呢!

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Gong Xi Fa Cai!

What have u been doing? been eating lots of junk food, drinking lots of fizzy unhealthy drinks, doing absolutely no exercise at home, stomach bulging out like u have just swallowed a cow?  It's good. Because that's part of CNY! hehe....

I started the abovementioned routine a bit late.. well, it's better late than never! haha... This CNY, we did lots of eating and lots of walking. Technically, i shouldn't have any problem with putting on weight. But food in Taiwan is too good that my input is greater than output, thus i came home looking like a snake that has just eaten a horse (马上有肚腩 T____T)

As all of us are scattered around the world, we first spent CNY with Jane and my youngest brother in TW. Then we came back to continue the celebration with 2 of my sisters & families. Something funny happened on the 4th day of CNY. After dinner, my 2nd sister asked her kids to help cleaning up. I was happy to be relieved from my usual chore and went upstairs to rest (checking FB actually :P). While enjoying my break, i suddenly heard a loud scream from downstairs that the kitchen is flooded. I threw my phone away and ran to the kitchen.

O.M.G! Did storm sweep through our kitchen without me knowing?  There was water everywhere. And there was a small 'waterfall' at the storage area!

It turns out, one of my nieces stacked too many pots and pans in the storage area below the sink and accidentally detached the connecting pipes, so dirty water came straight down from the sink above instead to the drain outside @_@ As it's CNY, i couldn't swear so instead i said "猪笼入水” (water flows into pigsty). It's an Auspicious saying in Hakka/ Cantonese which means that wealth inflow hehe... ("猪笼入水” - 吉祥语,这是香港俗语,意喻在新的一年,财富像水源源涌入,大家都发财).

I quickly removed all the pans and pots while dirty water continued to come straight down and tried to connect the pipes. When i finally did that, I had to scoop the excess water out from the storage area, wipe every corner and dry the kitchen. By the time i was done, i was exhausted.  So I ended up more tired & spent more time cleaning up the kitchen than if I had done the dishes myself haha...

Life is indeed like a Kinder Surprise. A surprise pops up from time to time to spice up your life.... haha
