Monday, November 26, 2012


Jane is addicted to Old Town's 3-in-1 white milk tea. Every time she comes back, she would buy it to bring to Sh... And she can finish 14 sticks in a flash! It's so fast that i think she could be one of the Guinness World Records holders  liao~  Jane! U gotta slow down man! Instant milk tea can kill! Okie, a bit too serious (but it can slowly kill u if not taken moderately) is not good for your health!

A few weeks ago, she asked me to buy another packet of Old Town milk tea for her... I obediently (Yup, Jane has a NICE sister) bought it and the other night, when i was tidying up my room, i took the packet out from the grocery bag..... I was shocked at what i saw! Old Town WHITE COFFEE?!! Oh gosh, i bought the wrong flavour! Jane will not want it! T__T  

I whatsapp-ed Jane to tell her the tragedy. Maybe she could change her taste for once? hehe... 

I told Jane about the mistake. She expressed her disappointment. I've bought Old Town's milk tea for her many times before but NEVER have i gotten it wrong! I told Jane that it's weird coz the packaging is exactly the same as Milk Tea's... Why would they make them the same to confuse customers?  I even took a picture of "mistake" to show Jane. Hehe, just to prove to her that the mistake was due to the similar packaging la..  Then Jane said "but it said "teh susu putih" (milk tea) leh.... So i took a closer look and ahahaha.. yeah, she is right... 

So the full name of the brand is Old Town WHITE COFFEE..... I thought that was the flavour I bought!!!! Buahahahaha... 

B-L-U-R-  @_@

Jane's addiction

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gifts of Love

I've received a lot of wonderful gifts from my beloved family and friends recently... 

They all came in a surprise... hehe, looking at the pictures, u can tell the number of surprises i got from my loved ones ^^ Yep, life is indeed full of suprises! And i love it! hehe...

Loving them all!

Pooh bear & his best frieds!!

Thanks guys, from the bottom of my heart! I feel so loved ! I love you guys too! Muaks!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hip Hip Hooray!

It's that time of the year again... haha, am not talking about Xmas... it's J & J's birthday! Yayee....

1111 is such a nice date. It's easy to remember and also, many friends think it resembles Jane and I. Because we are tall and slim *ahem* and when we stand side by side, we look just like 11. Okie, it kinda makes sense... 

We are also the famous "Twin Tower". A few years ago, we participated in the netball game. I was the Goal Shooter while Jane was the Goal Keeper.. And we won the game 13 - 1. hehe, 1 point was a gave away so to give our opposition 'some face' la.. It was a friendly game after all..... Since then, Jane and I are known as Twin Tower...

I like to post something on 1111... Well, just to leave a footprint on this special day and also, to let my friends know that I'm still alive... for another year! :P 

Am very lucky to have Jane since the date we were conceived.  I never have to worry about not having someone to play with, talk to, fight with etc. ...... Of course, there are downsides too (as usual, there are 2 sides to a coin :P ), like being mistakenly scolded at for something Jane did, constantly being compared with, having less to eat because I have to give a portion of food to Jane (strictly speaking, I had to share food with her since the day we were conceived! haha... ), sharing the same bedroom and clothes with her etc.....  Well, no matter what the downsides are, I don't really mind because not everyone has a soul mate to grow old with... ^^ 

When we were in uni, we know a pair of boy twins... They were not close... In fact, they stayed in different homes just so that they didn't have to face each other everyday and they seldom talked to each other... It's sad that this happened to them... They have missed out so much! Haven't had news from them for many many years.. I hope they cherish this special relationship and start to enjoy each other while they still have it...

 Just some pictures of my b'day celebrations...

 Can u figure out what the receipt below means?

Well, I went shopping and guess what my receipt says? On 11.11, i spent $111.1...! 1111.. get it? hehe...

You know what? I think the real meaning of our birth date 1111 is that Jane and I are best of the best! :P 

Friday, November 9, 2012


我昨天在整理我電腦裡的檔案。你知道嗎,你可從一個人如何處理他的東西中觀察到那個人的習性喔。呵呵,那你們現在知道我是一個蠻 disorganised 的人了 :P... 哈哈,其實我是一個蠻愛整潔的人,只是我很愛拖~呵呵,我的字典裡沒有 "今日事今日畢“ 這句話 @_@ 我常把東西擱一邊,待我有時間時我一定把它們整理的乾乾淨淨~ 只是當我有空閒的時間(有整理的動力)時,東西已堆積如山了~ *自我檢討-ing*

我在整理電腦檔案時,發現我很久以前下載的蕭敬藤音樂絕品收藏的影片。我下載後就把它遺忘了~ 哈!我的“收納”功夫也太厲害了~ 我很自然的順手把影片打開來欣賞。 哈!我不是要整理檔案的嗎?沒辦法,蕭敬藤的魅力無法擋!呵呵~ 

這影片是蕭大俠第一次出唱片的MV和花絮。記載了很多他的‘第一次’比如他到 KTV, pubs, 辦公室等其它場所做即興表演,學跳舞,跟陌生人互動,在大眾面前說話,背很長的台詞然後跟大牌明星演戲,上電視節目等等... 蕭大俠是個很沉默寡言很害羞的人。我相信剛開始他一定也有心理障礙。因為對他來說這些是很難的事情。畢竟人都會抗拒改變,尤其是對完全不熟悉和超越自己原本領域的事情。他說他把這些事情看成提升自己的方法,很高興他突破了自己的殼*鼓掌-ing* 蕭敬藤真的是一位很inspirational的人。

蕭大俠的真誠打動了很多人的心(包括我喔~)。他除了唱歌非常,十分,不尋常(okok,你們知道我的意思啦~)的好聽外,他說的話和他本人也讓我非常讚歎。年紀輕輕的他,做人處事怎麼會那麼有智慧啊?我不曉得他是否有'冤家'但從我看 了那麼多他上過的節目和報導,我覺得大家都很愛戴他~ 我覺得他是一個我們很棒的學習對象。



呵呵~ 從一個影片能有這樣的體悟,不錯吧~ 我沒有浪費時間哦~

還有還有,我雖有暫時轉移目標去看影片,不過我有把電腦的檔案全部整理好喔~很厲害吧.....?  請鼓掌!hahaha


Thursday, November 1, 2012

The forgotten one....

Many many years ago, I broke the branch of a plant at B's home and took it home to plant (wow, it rhymes! haha).. I  found a pot by the corner of our garden and stuck the branch into the soil..... and totally forgot about its existence... *cruel...*

One morning after many many years, I got attracted by the floral perfume.. it smelled very refreshing! Where did it come from? So I went to the garden searching for the source of the fragrant... And then I saw it! I was ecstatic to see the flower ~ Jasmine! It was real! 

Sob sob, it was soOOoo beautiful! Although it was forgotten by me and didn't have any my tender care and love, my Jasmine plant didn't get upset at me.. It still continued to grow and grow and grow under the harsh conditions (no fertiliser, no water, no sunlight, no love... :( Jenn's bad!)... I did not treat it well at all but I didn't mind... and even bloom to cheer me up... That's Unconditional Love

My forgotten Jasmine

Don't u think it's beautiful? It looks so pure ... just like me.. buahahahaha....