Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This was me a last week....

Feeling sleepy

Mind is unclear

Can hardly breath

Can hardly taste food

Darn, how i hate having flu!

My parents were eating durians last weekend. I shouldn't be eating because am already sick. But my mum kept asking me to eat coz the durians were really yummy. I resisted until I saw them eating too much. You know, durians are too sweet and heaty for them. A bit is OK but too much is definitely not good for their health. So, me being a filial daughter chose to sacrifice myself and joined them so they would have less to eat... Gosh, am such a great daughter!

Durians were indeed yummy!

What happened the next day?

Feeling sleepier

Mind is blank and unable to think

Nose is officially blocked. Have to breath via mouth

Can't taste food at all


Sore throat and coughing

Eyes and head are heavy


That's the result of taking too much durians... and while being sick...

Made myself Manuka Honey drink to consume... Hopefully will recover ASAP.... In case my parents buy more durians to eat I will have the strength to help...

Pooh bear is eating honey!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A gift of love

I just received my first birthday present for the year! And my birthday is still 2 months away...\(^V^)/

Like jane said, good surprises once in a while spice up life and give your heart some positive boost... But life is life, nobody can avoid bad ones too ... Let's just hope these ones don't happen too often :P

My friend passed me a nicely wrapped present a few days ago. She said she couldn't wait til my birthday to give me, hence an early birthday wish..... I, on the other hand, COULD wait for my birthday to come because I wanna stay at 25 forever.... but any early birthday presents are sure welcomed ^^

What could it be?

Like others, I shook the present up and down to try and guess what's inside. It totally made no sound! Also, holding the gift in my hand felt.... 'empty'. It was like having nothing in my hand! Then I started to wonder if my friend was actually playing a joke on me... is it really... empty? >_<

Can't blame me for having such suspicion because once upon a time, I was tricked...... by very own flesh and blood sister......

One year, we siblings decided that we should have gifts exchange on Xmas day.... presents started to pile up under the tree and one big box had my name on it. It was darn heavy too! I was so excited.. What could it be?

On 25th of December 1994 (yes, i remember the darn date too!), I practically tore open my present.... The gift box was filled with paper balls.... i dug thru them and at the very bottom, I found a big chunk of rock! Ha! I wish it was a big diamond! The rock wasn't even new! It was taken (or should i say, borrowed) from our garden! You couldn't imagine how disappointed I was.... then something made me smile thru my tears... there was a set of pinkish heart-shaped hair pins! They were so pretty... and what made it special is that, it was a gift from my sister's heart....

Back to my original topic, although the gift felt as if it was empty, i was sure my friend had stuffed her 'love' in it... it's a matter of whether I could feel it or not.... I carefully tore open the present and guess what i saw....

A kitty cat in my favourite colour! My friend handmade it herself...

Say meowwww....

Am so touched *sob sob*

You know, nothing can bother u if you have a positive heart and mind....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Mum is in action again....

The aroma of freshly baked moon cakes filled the house this morning. Yup, mum's baking more moon cakes ^V^ she wants to give them as gifts to a few friends as appreciation. No gifts are better than gifts with hands and hearts :)

Gifts from mum's heart

I did request mum to make me an egg york only moon cake. But she said "CANNOT!" It's too high in cholesterol... :( It's alright... because mum wants me to be healthy ^^

Mum's golden mooncakes

It's Lantern Festival next Monday... Hope it won't be cloudy on that night coz I wanna hang colourful lanterns around my car porch (if I'm up to it that night :P), eat homemade moon cake, sip green tea, enjoy the evening breeze and watch the moon.....

Some people always say 外国的月亮比较圆. Is it true? I wanna say, YES, it's true! The moon in Aus is HUGE! Esp when it's full moon! I remember looking out from my dark room one sleepless night and saw a gigantic moon! It was amazing! It's like if u really look at it, you could see the species living on it.. or you could see ET & his friend cycling over the moon, or a cow jumping over the moon hahaha... too much movies and kiddy songs is not good huh? haha... The moon was indeed very big and bright. I remember reading under the moonlight on that sleepless night... I wasn't exaggerating. I really did that as I couldn't turn on the lamp because that would wake Jane up... ah, the good old days....

Wait..... walking down memory lane is a sign of aging! haha....


Thursday, September 1, 2011


我在上班時間有聽音樂的習慣。快樂的環境很重要嘛。呵呵。。。 由於不方便大聲聽,我都會用耳機聽音樂的。有沒有很有公德心?:P


不知何時開始,一邊的聽筒燒了。升為持家勤儉的好女孩,我沒有嫌棄它。還是乖乖的照著用。只是一次只有一邊的耳朵能享福。 右耳和左耳很合作,他們沒有打架喔。是和樂融融的。這樣的日子也過了很久。

那天,我的‘單筒耳機’竟然沒聲音了!沒有音樂的辦公室立刻變成灰色的。好悲傷的顏色啊! 假期一來臨,我趕緊去買了一對新的耳機。是可愛粉嫩的粉紅色喔。看了就讓人心情愉快!

星期一,我帶著期待的心情來上班。哇,我的世界又再次充滿了色 彩,而且是粉紅色的!不但如此,我的左右耳終於得到公平的對待了!雙耳聽音樂的感覺很棒!

第二天,我仍帶著快樂的心情上班。來到座位時,我沒發現掉在地上的新耳機,結果我笨重的身體踩在上面,還‘卡’了一聲!!往下看,是我可愛的新耳機 耶。


只能說,我的雙耳沒有福報。 呵呵.....