Tuesday, October 27, 2015




這次是姐姐要搬新家,她得看顧剛滿8個月的貝比加上我姐夫出差(原本),沒辦法收拾及搬東西,所以老遠把我和Jane 叫去當'外勞“,哈哈~ 只能說,家人的愛是無條件的!就這樣,我又帶了超過30公斤的東西,把自己和爸媽的愛送到法國去!這次跟上一次一樣,2個行李箱滿滿都是姐姐和貝比的禮物。 結果行李箱超重了,我還得把自己的衣服取出來,自己手提到巴黎。真的是無條件的愛呀~

20小時後,我和Jane順利抵達巴黎。一到姐姐家,我們就立刻’開工‘。大的家具由搬家公司包辦,小的東西就由我們自己包辦~ 姐姐的'小'東西真的超多的!真不曉得小小的房子到底是如何裝這麼滿的!結果我們一共花了4天的時間把全部小東西搬到新家!新家的東西也是在四天內全都擺好。我們的效率真的很驚人!呵呵

當然我們也不忘了忙中偷閒。姐姐姐夫有空時會帶我們到處吃吃喝喝,看風景。但帶著貝比就不能在外面待太久。有天姐姐姐夫沒空,我和Jane決定到去年沒去到的聖心堂及聖母堂玩耍,完成之前的 unfinished business!然後順便重遊凱旋門和 Eiffel Tower 。我們不甘心這次來巴黎沒看到他們因沒親眼看到好像沒來到巴黎似的,所以我和Jane買了一天11.5 歐元的火車票到處'亂坐'。當然要好好利用車票嘛!哈哈,歐巴桑的心態!


10月的巴黎和去年8月的巴黎不一樣。看! 8月有藍色的天空,怎麼拍怎麼美!秋天的10月的天空卻是灰灰的,偶爾還會下雨咧。不過還是不影響我們的心情啦 ~


你知道我喜歡巴黎的什麼?帥哥?好吃的法國餐?法國麵包?巴黎鐵塔? LV?

No No... 我喜歡.....巴黎那古色古香,超大超紮實超重的門!



站在門前,我覺得自己'很苗條',也莫名覺得很有安全感,。這麼大,這麼紮實,這麼重的門,我想小偷應該不容易把門翹開吧?這樣的門,我要!哈哈~ 我好像把巴黎的水準降低了,哈哈~

Friday, October 23, 2015

No refrigerator? No problem

I brought a bottle of apple cider which i bought in Paris to drink with my colleagues. Awww, I kinda miss my Paris trip, how i wish I don't have to come back to reality... more about that next time hehe,,,

Chilled apple cider is the best but the problem is, we do not have a refrigerator in the office :( So we decided to chill it the primitive way. Well, when you are faced with limitations, you just gotta be creative to find your way round it instead of giving up... Maybe that's how we were trained since young... 

My colleague accompanied me to the kopitiam behind our office where I managed to get a bag of ice for $1.... So we chilled our apple cider like this:

My version

As there were still some leftover ice in the plastic bag, my colleague decided that we should fully utilise the whole bag of ice and this is her version:

French apple cider in plastic bag of ice

We couldn't stop laughing at this sight. I think my version is more 优雅 but the 2nd one worked just fine hahaha... 

A couple of days ago, Jane asked my brother-in-law who is an expert in wine, whether the Champagne she bought in Epernay would be spoilt in the hot weather since she needs to bring it from her home to office where travel time is about 45 minutes. My BIL suggested that she keeps it cool. 

So Jane, here is an inspiration for you. I think champagne in a plastic bag of ice is just ideal for you. There, I solve your problem hehe...

Saturday, October 17, 2015

MY FAQ regarding Jane & I

Many strangers I meet are fascinated when they find out that I'm a twin.

They ask all sort of questions like what's it's like to have a twin, whether we like the same things, colours, food, clothes & etc, whether we can feel how the other twin feels, whether we have the same thoughts and personalities....

Well, can't blame them for their curiosity.  After all, they are not a twin themselves :P Maybe there should be a FAQ about being twins so these people can just google for the answers haha... 

I'm nice (and i know it! :P) so here are some of the answers which I've compiled

1) What's it's like to have a twin?
 I've slightly touched about this before.

2) Do we like the same things, colours, food, clothes & etc? 
When we were small, may be. Because we didn't get to choose what we liked. Our parents just bought the same things for us to prevent us from fighting. Yeah, it could be a bloody scene nobody wanted hehe... As we grow older, we started to develop our own thoughts, after all, we are 2 different individuals although we look alike lah... i did explain why in my previous post

3) Can we feel how the other twin feels?
Hmmm.. this is a hard one to answer... Well, I guess this doesn't limit only to twins. If you have your heart for someone, whether it's your family, friends, colleagues, pets, strangers... u can feel how the other feels. 

4) Do we have the same thoughts & personalities?
Of course......... not. That explains why we fight haha... We do have similar thought I must say... like: 

Saying the same things at the same time

There... my FAQ. Hope it helps you to understand better how it is like being a twin ;p

Disclaimer: The above apply only to Jane and I :P