Wednesday, April 29, 2015

opps, i did it again :P


現在不用出外,一樣可以不小心買很多。網絡世界太可怕了,就如花花世界,讓我看著看著忍不住買很多 :P

My taobao items~ 

Friday, April 17, 2015

Slow down dude~

I went to the bank to pay off my credit card debts.

After i inserted my card, i took a bit of time to count the money.

The machine beeped non-stop while i was counting! The green light at the money slot kept blinking crazily at the same time! It's like it's pushing me to feed it with money FAST and NOW!

Are you that hungry? Or simply greedy? hehe

 Money eating Machine

Friday, April 10, 2015




Saturday, April 4, 2015

Tele-conferencing with baby yy

My youngest nephew is two months old. 

Thanks to modern technology, we are able to see him grow bigger and bigger even though he is thousand miles away from us. Now, that's proper use of smart phone :P

Hope to see him in person real soon ^^

Baby yy is sleeping soundly