Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lost & Found

I noticed when i returned from work one day that one of my very important sleeping companions was gone... *Gasp* It's not hard to realise because he is always by my side to go to sleep with me... And also the fact that he has a very big butt ... haha.. cute ~~

I sort of could 'feel' where he was.. yeah, u could say, we have developed some kind of telepathic connections... so i went straight to the other room and immediately, i spotted his big yellowish butt...  

What an awkward position he was in! Poor guy~~ 
Painful or not?

I think he really enjoyed his unique way of sunbathing... Just look at the big smile on his face!  haha~~

Apparently, my mum was 'roasting' him under the sun to kill bacteria.. Great thing that Pooh boy is strong enough to survive awkward situation... Pooh boy is now back at my side and he smells like sunshine! *♪♪ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine♪♪ ......* That's the smell of happiness!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


最近真的發生了很多'傻事“。全都是因為太興奮的關係!哈哈~  其實应该是不夠專注啦~

上個星期五,託Jane 的福我們才有機會和兩位很難約的貴人吃午餐。我們點了餐點後,就你十句,我一句的聊起來。大家有聽沒聽的'聽'服務員重複我們的訂單。過了好久,只來了4杯飲料和一份家乡炒飯。我們想說,應該是他們生意太好了,其它的餐點可能還需再等一會才會送來。過了約45分鐘,炒飯也吃完了,肚子餓到快昏了但還不見其它餐點的踪影。在我們的尋問之下才發現我們的訂單上只有4杯飲料和一份炒飯 *哭~ 難怪服務員重複訂單時,我覺得好像少了些什麼,可不知道少了些什麼 *流淚不止*

第二天晚上,我們和珍夜半三更不睡覺,溜到附近的飯店吃“嗨-tea"。哈哈,真的很high!我們點了飲料和蛋糕後,服務員有再重複。我感覺有點不對勁,但也沒再跟服務員確認。因為只顾着聊天... 哈哈,結果珍點的熱牛奶變成了smoothi​​e。哈哈,我想應該是太夜了,再加上我們太high了,所以才會出錯 *明明就是沒專注還不承認*

两天後,我和珍一起吃午餐。那天我們倆在seminar有吃了點東西,不太餓。但又是午餐時間,不吃好像怪怪的耶~後來我們決定點小份的兩人一起共享。我和珍當天不想吃辣的,所以就點了一份雞肉河粉和烤花生醬麵包和兩杯白濃咔啡。這是自助式的,我把餐點的號碼寫好後,就開開心心的把訂單交給服務生。不久,服務生送來了一份雞肉河粉和一份紅色的咖哩面。我們倆看了咖哩面後,就很確定的告訴他送錯咯。過了一陣,一位服務生拿著我寫的單紙過來,他說我們有點咖哩面哦。後來我才發現,我把烤花生醬麵包的編號B004寫成了A004。而A004正好就是我們當天不想吃的辣咖哩面 T__T

所以啊,做任何事都得專注,要不然下場就會像以上那樣~ 我和珍那天帶著'性感'的厚嘴唇回公司。真的很好笑~~ 拜托,不要再那麼blur 了!我不想太性感!哈哈~

Friday, October 5, 2012

Addicted to Food

Jenn's other half is back in town.. 

With Jane's home, it means lots of gathering with old friends, relatives, primary school friends, secondary schoolmates, ex-colleagues, friends of friends and even kindergarten friends. And with her around, it means "comparison". 

Yup, since we were born, we have to deal with the constant comparison by people ~ our looks, heights, weights, school results, jobs, salaries, the way we talk, our facial expressions, the way we dress, our food portions, the size of our wrists..... the list is endless............

The most recent remark is, Jennifer is fatter T___T Am hurt, But I can't deny it because I know it's the truth! *i can handle the truth* I blame no one but myself... U see, my mum has a food empire at home while i have food empire of my own in the office... hehe i guess u can say 'like mother like daughter"? hehe... 

Here is how my little empire looks like hehe... please don't look if you are hungry... 

My Little Pantry

I see gold-fish eyes d(@.@)p... hehe, pls don't be shocked... You see, these are necessary so that when I'm tired of work, i can stop and refresh myself... This is where my source of energy comes from...... ! :P