Monday, May 31, 2010

A gift from the heart

Whenever I visit HK, I must eat "bo lo bao" ( 菠蘿包 - Pineapple bun). BTW, Why call it a bo lo bao since it doesn't taste or look like pineapple? Can someone tell me coz I am super lazy to google for the answer hehe... * waiting to be spoon-fed*

Normal look

I don't know why i like bo lo bao. It is not attractive looking. U probably won't bother to take a 2nd look if u have never tasted it before. It may be plain looking but in actual fact, it's very tasty! 'Inner beauty' is more important huh! :P

Jane came back from HK last night. She told me that she bought me TWO bo lo bao *touched* JaNE remembers... What's more, they are all the way from HK! So wu sim (有心) of her... *sniff sniff* Then she pulled a plastic bag out from her big backpack and passed it to me.

From Jane

我左看右看,上看下看,再怎么看,都不觉得有像平时吃的圆圆的菠萝包耶。They were not round like the normal ones at all. They looked more like bo lo pancakes to me. Ummmm jane, is this a new look for bo lo bao in HK? haha...

The look is not important lah. They still taste v nice, that's the most important thing. Inner beauty, inner beauty k....

'Punctured' bo lo bao :P

oh Jane, it would be perfect if there was a hot cup of HK milk tea to go with the bo lo bao :P

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

南瓜 72 變

Who would know that an ordinary looking pumpkin can be so much fun!

Classic Halloween look

HAHA, are you for real? You are Funny!

It's yum yum!! One more plsss....

You make me laugh lah!

Really?! is that really true? show me. Can or not?

Oooo... like that only hiaaa....

Hope you enjoy my work of art.

Don't you just admire my creativity?

Yeah, even i'm amazed at my own ability sometimes :P

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Can't get enough of .....


I think no girls in the universe could resist the cute little red thing. Even if you don't like the taste, you will like its vibrant red look. It has the colour of happiness... *la la la....*

It was dark and rainy that day. The cold and gloomy weather must have affected everyone as ppl seemed to be in grey mood... Then something bright like a shining star in the dark sky caught our attention. Wooo, the strawberry shop we'd been looking for! It was like sunshine to us, except that the sunray is PINK! Waahhh... strawberries! Many many strawberries! There were strawberries everywhere. In and on every sinful cakes! *drooling* And even strawberry candies, soft toys, hair accessories etc....

Woohahaha.. Me became alived instantly.. Hmmm.. which one to buy??? There are all sOOOooo pretty and yummy looking... Buy all? cannot.. I just ate 94738540 things just now... *burp* After a long fight between my right brain and left brain, we finally agreed on this...

Delicious! I was in heaven for about 10 mins!

.... and i get to keep the beautiful glass as well! Wuhooo, so value for money! hehe...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The end of everything....


Me going to be broke....

I can see $$ flying away fr me

  • Toothpaste almost finishes
  • No more hair conditioner. Have to use hotel-taken conditioner as a temporary solution... Hair is all tangled up liao
  • I also run out of body shampoo. Thank goodness there is perfume! Haha... just kidding. I'm also using hotel-taken soap until i go get a new bottle :P
  • My one and only tube of sunscreen is already pancake-flat.

  • Toner is down to last few drops. Dunno enough to last til I'm not too lazy to go get new one or not...
  • Squeeze the moisturizer tube very hard until it makes loud fart-like noise. Haiya, all that effort for only a few sesame seeds-sized cream :'( My skin cells must be starving like crazy.. poor dudes...
Have to replenish my stock ASAP. Sigh... don't you just hate hate hate it when everything finishes at the same time?

Anybody wants to sponsor me? hehe... *thick-skinned*

Monday, May 3, 2010

I've a mail....

When i left my hometown to continue high school in aus, my old friends and I kept in touch by writing letters. Yup, i'm from THAT generation where ppl actually used their hands to write :P

Back then we didn't have email or fax and long distance phonecalls cost a bomb! We had to write on paper and then find a post office to send out our mails. Then the waiting time began. It was a loOOooong process but that's what we did last time to stay connected....

Nowadays, we only use our fingers to 'write' letters. Emails and text are so convenient, cheap and fast that I wonder how we'd lived last time! Haha.. BUT the feeling of receiving emails/texts is not quite the same as receiving old-fashioned handwritten mails. I remember back then, everytime i found a letter in my mailbox, I screamed with happiness and tore open immediately to read. I read not only once but many many many times til i remembered the content by heart.

I kept all the mails from my friends in my pretty boxes. They are my treasures. I re-read them from time to time. I just never seemed to get sick of the letters no matter how many times i read them! They remind me of the journeys i've been thru and good friends I've in my life... (^V^) *lucky*

Anyway, why am I being so sentimental today, i hear u ask. These days when i check the mailbox at home, all i find is bills from utility companies, credit card companies, phone bills, junk mails etc... ('_')

I've forgotten the happy feeling i used to have when I saw handwritten mails sitting quietly in my mailbox waiting to be discovered... until today, out of the blue, I received this....

From Jane

It's an electronic postcard she sent via her Iphone...

Ahhhhh... I really miss the good old-fashioned handwritten mails... Jane, could u pls send me one of those beautiful postcards from NZ? By airmail plssssss...?