Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hope and Happiness

There is a secret garden at my home. Haha, not secret actually. I just wanna make it sound mysterious so you would feel curious and continue reading *心機重*

I saw mum digging lots of holes in the garden a few weeks ago. Then I saw her watering and fertilising every evening. I asked her what she planted. She told me to wait and see. Oooo, I like surprises but I hope I don't have to wait too long!

After a few weeks, they finally blossomed! (^V^)

The flowers are bright yellowish.. from far, they kinda look like many little sunshine. very cute... They really brighten up my days :)

I asked ma for the name. She said they are called 新花 (New Flower). Ah? Weird name for such beautiful flowers.. I secretly changed their names to 小太陽 (Little Sunshine) coz they really look like one from far...

I made a request to ma to plant more 小太陽 in our backyard so that every time we look outside, we see hope and happiness...

Hello sunshine!

So bright So cute So Happy

Even the bee loves it!

Hope they bring colours to your day too :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Diet No More....

I say I wanna go on a diet so often that some of you (esp LJ) is sick of the phrase... I'm very serious about it. I REALLY wanna go on a diet coz being tall, it's important NOT to be too fat unless I'm planning to join the sumo team...

I do try very hard to watch my weight. The thing is, mum always cooks nice food every day. And it's like a feast enough for 10 people! My dad eats v little while my mum sometimes skips meal coz being the chef, she claims that she is full just by cooking it. Me being a 持家节俭的好女生, wasting food is a big NO NO. So what do i do? I stuff all into my tiny tummy, which is no longer tiny T______T

Lately, mum is into making new food she hasn't tried before. In one week, she made chicken pies twice, crispy-skinned roasted pork twice, egg tarts, lo bak (braised pork) and salted chicken. With so much delicious food, how is it possible not to eat? *Where is my will to lose weight?*

Homemade chicken pies

Penang "Chick" Ku Teh

Mum just returned from her 1 week Thai & WM trip. Before we could finish mum's 3 bags full of food from China, she bought another bag full of food.

more food on top of lots of food

Mum even bought birdnest dessert all the way from Thailand for me! WAH.. so touched ^^

Nice packaging!

It comes with a spoon somemore

Oh well, i might as well just stop dieting since that's never gonna work. Let me just sit back, relax, enjoy mum's love and BE FAT.... (^@^)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Cool or not?

Found these in my colleague's car

Her new generation Sunglasses

Did you spot anything unusual about them?

My colleague bought a pair of sunglasses but as she is short-sighted, she needs them re-done. Instead of taking them to the optometrist, she decided to DIY. And here is how they look like, close up....

Lens + clear sticky tapes! haha

I laughed so hard when i saw how she did it. Then laughed til my tummy aches when she said " Actually, I wanted to use superglue one..."

Would like a pair just like that? LOL