Monday, October 29, 2018




問:唉呀! 是不是你把我的花棌了?
我:沒有呀 *冤枉*




He did it!


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

13年 Goodbye










Monday, August 13, 2018

Forgive and forget~

It's interesting how many things one can accumulate over the years.

This morning, i decided to do some spring cleaning on my laptop.

Everyday, i add in new things and none comes out because i think to myself, what if I need them one day? Of course most of the time, this day never comes. But i keep them anyway, just in case.  Oh well,  the files only take up virtual space, i thought I might as well leave them there, because re-building from scratch is a pain. Am I the only one feeling insecure? haha...

Today is a historical moment because it's time to delete.Yes, there comes a time when you are forced to do something and only then, u realise that, those things u think were important at that time, no longer seem important now.  

At a press of a 'delete' button, over 1,250 files in my dowloads folder, which i had accumulated for the past 5 years were gone in less than a minute. Looking at the speed, i suddenly thought, if we all could delete/ let go of our unhappy thoughts, memories and feelings at this speed, wouldn't we be happier? Wouldn't the world be more peaceful?   

Many times, we hold on to past events, be it happy or unhappy ones, be it hatred or love for many years. Good ones are like vitamins for our healthy, while the bad ones are slowly killing us but we refuse to admit them... We think, by doing so we are showing the other parties some 'colours' but in actual fact, we are punishing ourselves. 

Hmmmm... something to work on....


Tuesday, July 17, 2018



說有點,其實是虛報 呵呵~
只能說,多希望一天有 48 個小時。
哈哈,我自虐狂的特性又來了 😆

忙了許久的小空間,終於快好了! *撒花*


那時,我總覺得其它地方很有他國的特色,讓人想一直探索。比如去到法國,覺得那裡流露了一陣陣藝術浪漫的氣息。去到台灣,那裡有著人情味。踏到澳洲,那裡是陽剛運動的氣息。在布拉格,那裡流露著童話故事的浪漫。去到檳城,覺得那裡流露著文化藝術的氣息..... 那, 古晉呢?



也有人很努力的創造, 讓古晉跳出框框。


分享我老爸昨天跟我說的一句話 -  不要問人家可以給你什麼。問自己你能為人家做些什麼

Monday, June 25, 2018


那天無意中看到台灣的節目, 一樣是中文怎麼不一樣?!
內容笑死我了,什麼‘水草’,‘割他’確實是我們常會說的。真的讓我想起我和Jane在台灣鬧得笑話。我想台灣朋友們跟我們談話,很多時候是有聽沒懂吧? *流汗*

有位台灣朋友說,有次一位新加坡的老闆到台灣出差。眼看開會時間快到了但還不見人影,就打了通電話給他問他還要多久才抵達。新加坡老闆說‘多三個字’。朋友聽不懂就再問,那是多久呢?他又說‘給我多三個字。多三個字我就到了‘。朋友還是不懂意思,忍不住問道“請問…… 到底是哪三個字呀?“。我聽了笑到淚飆出來。我們的一個字等於5分鐘,所以三個字就是15分鐘。哈哈哈~ 我的天兒呀,為何我們會這麼說?

我們的語言太多,把我們搞得很雜。我在外國讀書時,特別選了一科‘華語’,因為我以為應該很容易,結果一點都不簡單!我搞不懂中國的朝代歷史但對共產黨的歷史倒有點知識。話說有次老師要我們寫中文作文,文章發回來時,香港台灣大陸同學們寫的頂瓜瓜 (哈哈,这个是广东话直接翻中文的吧?),我的卻很多紅色圈圈。因老師看不懂什麼是‘巴剎’。哈哈,我怎麼忘了這是馬來文翻出來的’中文字‘呀?




發音不當也惹來了很多笑話。有次我想說‘ 僅供參考‘。但一時忘了這正式的說法,我說了’只供參考‘。台灣朋友頭上冒很多問號,問我為什麼‘子宮’要參考~


有時我覺得我們真的很懶。說話句子常常不完整,讓人家容易誤解。像之前去泳池,不小心踢到東西,結果腳趾 o che ~ 幾個星期後腳趾甲竟然掉了。但因為自己沒好好照顧傷口,結果腳趾發炎了。又腫又癢又紅。在公司穿了人字拖走動,同事問我腳怎麼了。我說因為我腳趾掉了所以不能穿包鞋。我這句話造成了轟動。大家開始很驚訝,問我到底什麼事情讓我腳趾掉了。原來我少說一個字讓大家誤會了,不好意思。是腳趾甲掉了啦~


Thursday, June 21, 2018

The hidden message

Some say, the opposite attracts. I think otherwise though. Just think of it this way, if you can't stand a certain things, how would it be possible for u to form a good relationship with people who possess those things? Unless it's unconditional love hahahaha.. like how i love Jane :P

In my view, people form friendship with those who hold the same values as them. Otherwise, u are into topic A and he/she is into topic B, i don't know how long this kind of friendship would last haha

In my world, i don't like to regards problems as problems. I don't like to sit there and whine about how unfair life is because we are the writers of our own destiny. You choose what kind of a person you want to be. You choose how you want to react to situations. There is no easy way but when there is a will, there is a way.  To me, nothing is good or bad. It's us, who put a tag on what we like and don't like or what's good or bad. 

I used to get frustrated when certain things turned out differently when I'd already made perfect plans. Then i realised, that's the way things are, change is constant. I either move with change or be left behind. I still do my best to prevent things from happening, but if it still turns out differently, i just gotta accept it and see how else i could improve. And who knows, the unexpected change might turn out to be a good thing! 

I have been added to many chat groups - Buddhism class group, medical volunteer group,  charity org group,  real estate motivating group.... The one thing these groups have in common is, they all want to make a difference to the society.

One day, i had nothing to do and viewed the group of people in one of the groups (haha, how meaningful :P). Wow, everyone has very positive quotes as their introduction. I guess the quotes must be what they want to achieve in the future or have achieved or realised. 

When i got to the bottom of the list, i laughed so hard XD

If these people ever go through the list like i did, i wonder what they think of me when they see the chicken! haha..

Actually, the chicken is not just a random icon i put. It has a positive energy meaning. U have to read the hidden message!

So i did a little survey by asking a few friends what they think the icon implies.

A friend said, "don't know. You are craving for chicken rice?" (i do like to eat chicken rice but that's not what it means haha)

Another said, is that your year of birth? (oh, why not? haha)

My colleague gave the most hilarious reply
She said, "it's very obvious! I think u support 那只鸡" (@.@)

haha, ok, looks like great minds aren't easy to find hehe...

That chicken, popping out from the egg means 重生 (Rebirth) --> when we are presented with new things which we have no idea how to handle, do not fear or run away. Find ways to overcome them. Once u crossover, you are no longer the person you were yesterday because you have gained one more strength, you are one step better.

That chicken popping out from its egg also means stepping out from your comfort zone. Do not let fears stop you from chasing after your dreams. We only live once. If you never never try, you will never never know your capabilities.

That chicken popping out from the egg also means, growing up/ being strong because if it breaks from the outside, it means you let yourself be beaten by the external forces, however if it breaks from the inside, it means that you have taken actions to overcome your shortcomings ( 从外打破是压力,从内打破是成长).

See? i do not even need any words to express my positive thoughts! Awesome right?

My one little chicken icon is FULL of Wisdom!

This is truly a picture is worth ten thousand words! :P

Thursday, May 31, 2018

There it goes again...

I am thinking of creating a new label called "Grab funny moments" haha..

Today, i took a grab car to the Eye Specialist Centre as my mum was already there and i worried her vision would be blurred after the eye drops and wouldn't be able to drive home.

In the car, the driver asked me if i am working at the Eye Specialist Centre.
I don't really like to reveal too much as I do not know if this person, you know, is being friendly or has other motives... Haha, sorry, i know we have new government, new hope, new ways of living and this person is just trying to be nice, hoping to get a rating of 5 from me... But, i shouldn't let down my guard down still, right? 

So i simply replied "No".
After a few minutes, he asked again, "you are there to see patients?"
Errrr... No... 

Last time i took a grab car from a medical centre and the driver insisted i must be a doctorThis time, another driver thinks i'm an eye specialist or nurse? haha interesting...

Ok, i think i look intelligent (AND i am although a bit clumsy :P) and it kinda makes me feel that, i should've studied to become a doctor instead.

Too bad, my talents and intelligence aren't for that field T___T
I only get to look like a doctor but actually not a doctor .. but it's cool anyway haha.. 

Well, not only am i mistakenly as a foreigner in my own hometown, but also a profession which I am not familiar with :P Are u envious of my multiple identities? hahahaha

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Spotted! hehe

There is a new mall in town. 
I thought I would only visit after 3 months of its opening to avoid crowds, instead Christine and I visited a day before its opening day :P

Call us kia su haha

Actually, we were having lunch nearby (what a big mistake) and we thought since we had spent time waiting in the traffic jam, we might as well make this trip worthwhile by joining the crowds. Is that logic logical? haha...

We were walking to the car park. Along the way, I saw new trees being planted. Nice, because in a blink of an eye, these trees will grow into big, masculine trees which provide shades to the pedestrians. 

Just as i was in my own thoughts, something caught my attention and i just had to stop and take this picture to show you guys :P

Look, the trees planted by 'normal' people are growing well except for the tree planted by the Senior Assistant Director of Forest Department >.<


Can u spot the dead tree? hehe

Thursday, April 19, 2018

My new occupation haha...

I took grab car at  the medical centre just now because i reckoned it would be easier for the driver to locate me if I am at a landmark.

When i got in, the driver asked me if I'm a doctor. 

I said nope. 

He asked me what I do.

I replied that I'm doing everything from low to high and left to right. I wasn't kidding. It's exactly what i do :P

He turned back and looked at me and said, "Nah, it can't be. You look like a doctor".

I wish I have such talent! haha.. I said really, am not. I just wait for car here actually... 

Then he started to chat with me, about health issues which are now affecting younger people, the high medical costs and insurance nowadays and how he had a heart surgery and then being told actually his heart is OK (Oh my, he went thru unnecessary pain!).....

He then turned around and said again,  I think you are a doctor.


I said nooooo... seriously! 
He 不死心 and continued to say, then u must be some kind of doctor's assistant?

NOOoooooooooooo.... 😅😅😅

Haha, which part of no doesn't he get it? haha... 

I'm telling the truth and yet he doesn't believe me 😆

OK la, it's an honoured to be regarded as a doctor. If he must insist, I will just accept with humble heart. Actually, u could say I am a 江湖医生 (self-taught, fake doctor) 😆 

There, i hope that makes him happy! haha...😂 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

New Device for Home

OK, i haven't mentioned about the new device which we installed last November. 

I wanna wait and see if this device works as intended.... now that it has been almost half a year, i think i can comment on the effectiveness now.


My home is infested with rats.

It has always been a problem because our house is surrounded by bushes and there is an abandoned house behind us where the rats hide. Of coz, the fact that there is plenty of food in my mum's kitchen too... it's like the rats can come for buffet anytime @.@

Recently, it becomes a serious problem when the rats multiply and create a colony within our house.

Many times, we see them breezily walked past. Sometimes we catch them eating an unopened packet of food in the kitchen... Something absurd happened one night. I was sitting in my room engaging myself in the IT world, then i saw in the corner of my eyes that "something" was moving into my room from outside. I looked and gosh, it was a rat! 

The rats are daring. They aren't afraid of anyone or anything.

We caught the rats using the cage a few times. And some died from the rat poison. But the problem did not get better.

One time, to prevent the rats from getting to precious food which i brought back from overseas, I kept them in hard casing luggage thinking it would be safe until one fine day, i found out that, the luggage that looked 'untouched' had actually been bitten through by the rats! just to reach the packets of dried organic noodles inside!

Look what they have done to my trusted friend!!

OMG, they are insane!! They are dangerous! They are out of control!

I bought a device which was said to produce ear-piercing sound that irritates rats and had them turned on 24 hours a day for about 2 years. As you can see, they don't work at all. Crap, money down the drain...

So after many many rounds of negotiations with my parents, one day, i came home to find a new device.

It's a ...

Blue-eyed kitten!
Ok, don't be fooled by his cuteness 

He was angry when my mum first brought him in. nobody could touch him. Even feeding him food offended him haha... 

Then after a few days of us trying to make friends with him, he relented. 

We kept him inside the house. The next day, we found a dead rat in the living room. Then we found dead little snakes, cockroaches, lizards... my parents were proud of him.  But we also found torn toilet paper, broken vase and that he actually naps on my cleaned clothes!!!

oh well, i guess nothing is perfect. This device functions but at the same time, we need to pay the price to keep him entertained.

As our cat grows bigger, he starts to treat home as a hotel. He disappears and only comes home during meal times when he will meow non-stop. After meal, he disappears again. He doesn't hunt for anything anymore and my parents start to complain that he is a useless cat.

haha, oh well, he deserves to be scolded. Just look at him... we find him sleeping most of the time or just lying around doing nothing haha...

Just look at all his different poses!

The cat is now my responsibility even technically, it's my mum who brought him home. As i said before, i'm a responsible person. Since the cat is now one of the family members, I have to make sure he becomes a better cat. So lately, i nag at him that he better starts catching some rats to prove to my parents that he is not some 'qi liao bi' (wasting food) member. 

Last weekend, i found some dead lizards on the floor. OK, no rats yet but at least he did SOMETHING. Yesterday, when i was eating at the dinner table, i saw something moving rapidly at the door. I looked closely and oh my gosh, my cat had a big black bird in his mouth. It was still alive and struggling!!

The cat with the bird bigger than him came inside the house and tried to go upstairs. I screamed at the cat and the next thing i saw, the bird escaped from his mouth and ran frantically to kitchen and then out the window and my cat was chasing after it, jumping from the floor to the counter top and then out the window.. it looks just like the scene in Jacky Chan's movie. 

It was crazy! When my cat returned from the bush, I caught him and said, PLEASE CATCH RATS, not birds. Zzzzz... 

Haiiii.... the rats are still partying loudly at the ceiling. I wonder when my cat will terminate them all. 

Friday, April 6, 2018

New skill developed

I have developed a new skill recently.

It's not something that i like to do and capable of but i have no choice because if i don't do it, i will eventually be the one responsible for the consequences :(

I have not mastered this kung fu because every time i need to practise it, I still feel embarrassed.

This new skill of mine is called 'giving gentle reminders" haha... well, it's a nice way of putting it. Really, i think those who have received countless messages or calls from me repeating the same would think it should be renamed to 烦死人 (bugging people or broken recorder) >_<

Seriously, i don't like this to be practised on me too. And i surely do not like practising this on people too. BUT  I force myself to do it simply because I have deadlines and objectives to meet. I hope those being bothered by me understand my predicament. I do it for a reason, really.

My sincere apology if u find me annoying.

But looking from another angle, if my requests are timely attended to, I wouldn't need to give reminders, right? Haha, look who is making me who I am :P

Many years ago, a friend once said to me that I'm a very responsible person. He said, whatever tasks given to me, I would find ways to accomplish them.

He is so damn right!! Once, i got headhunted by other section head because of this strength! It's a compliment although sometimes i wish i am not that responsible hehe... Being very responsible can make me v tired too. I remembered, when my family just set up a new business 2 yrs ago, as we were not familiar with the operation, it was hard at the beginning. And being a responsible person (i don't even own it! haha), i spent so many sleepless nights trying to understand the operations and figuring out how to operate it. I skipped lunches to run errands etc too. Soon, I ended up taking a short vacation in the hospital hahahaha...

Anyway, no matter what, i still feel blessed that I am a v responsible person. I see it as a quality rather than a suffering because by being so, I'm a better person. I refuse to allow myself to be complacent and just let people take lead of my life.

So guys, please excuse me. I know u may find me a nuisance for countless reminders, i feel the same too for doing so... . But, i do it anyway because life is the way we manage it :P

Thursday, March 29, 2018


還是像我一樣,多買幾件鬆鬆垮垮的衣服,讓我自以為還是可以繼續大吃大喝? *墮落*

他們說要給老人院安排一個旺旺年新年 party。哇,這是一定要的呀!

有人提議說,可以給每位老人家一個小小的紅包。因為有時麵包車來到,能走動的老公公老婆婆們開心的出去瞧瞧,但看著琳瑯滿目的食物卻沒錢買。其他的會員覺得是個好提議,但由於 budget 有限,決定不給紅包。

我和朋友聽到這個決定,心裡有點點心酸的。小時候,我也最喜歡麵包車,菜車,冰淇淋 uncle 嗶嗶的來到我們家。我媽媽會給我一兩毛錢,剛好可以買一樣東西。對的!很久以前,一兩毛錢比牛車輪還大,真的可以買到東西吃呢!現在一兩毛連停車費都不夠呀! T__T 哎, 往事只能回味..... *我老了嗎?哈哈*

Anyway, 我們倆過後跟朋友說,紅包錢由我們來負責。因為我們覺得這是一種意義!讓老人家在這個新年裡,拿到一點點零用錢,買到的不是食物而是千金難買的回憶!


後來自己又覺得,如果由我們自己去派紅包,感覺好像怪怪的。好像大選前,有些人到處派紅包拉票的感覺,呵呵 (純粹個人感受,我不會因此要坐牢吧?>.<)

我在想,如果能找到一位財神爺來派紅包,應該會更好。老爺爺老奶奶從財神爺手中得到红包的話,他們會有一種被保佑祝福的感覺吧~ 但但但... 要去哪裡找財神爺呀?

這時就要靠神通廣大的朋友們啦~ 找了同事幫我打電話,結果還真的找到呢。只是問題是,他的收費有點高 >.<

雖說我也不能要求人家免費付出,或許他也是在為莫個善事在籌款, 但幾百塊對我來說真的有些吃力 :(




有些失落, 心裡一直祈願能找到收費在負擔以內的財神,因為真心希望老人家們有個特別的 party。

隔天,朋友來我家拜年,我提起了這件事,她說可以幫我問問一位朋友。第二天她跟我說,她朋友願意借出他們公司的可愛的卡通財神裝。而且還免收費!哇, 真的是菩薩心腸呀。


當晚,由一位朋友的朋友 volunteer 當財神。財神一出場,老媽媽們開心的大呼叫呢!有些拍手,有些笑的好燦爛!


有位行動不便的阿姨堅持要站起來。我們大家只好扶著他。他緊緊握著財神的手,用客家話說“謝謝財神爺下凡來看我。請您保佑我,讓我順順。我的腳很痛,請您保佑我....." 看著這一幕,聽著他這麼許願,真的很感觸。原來財神不僅給老人家們帶來歡樂,同時也給了他們希望......




印象深刻的是一位老伯伯。他拉拉我的手,叫我把他輪椅上的布剪開。我還真的差點去拿剪刀呢 後來我想,這塊布應該是護士綁的吧,以避免老伯伯擅自走動。我馬上跟老伯伯說我現在沒剪刀,等下才去找。老伯伯說,天快黑了,他要在天黑前去買山豬肉。他要烤豬肉。啊~原來老伯伯是失智的老人家。




Tuesday, March 13, 2018



我爸爸曾經因此嘲笑我。他說如果每個人都像我這樣,咖啡店沒錢賺囉。啊哈哈,安啦,我雖然隨身攜帶一瓶水但進到咖啡店還是大方消費的啦 呵呵~


不知為何,我總覺得玻璃瓶子裝的水比較好喝,比較甜,最重要是無毒。哈哈,應該是因為我愛裝溫水入瓶子,也愛在車上放著水,覺得塑膠的雖然被標說是可耐高溫但塑膠還是塑膠嘛 *到底有多麼不相信人? 哈哈*

雖說保溫瓶可以抗熱但對它就是不太喜歡。原因有點好笑。不愛只因為“看不到”內容 哈哈哈哈... 我現在這麼分析了才發現原來本人是視覺動物 🙈🙈🙈

你不覺得,透過玻璃瓶看到裡面的內容有點夢幻嗎?感覺好像 snow globe 這樣,裡面充滿了夢幻。哇,這麼說起來,原來夢幻的味道是甜美可口,讓人一口接一口!難怪我會上癮

Serene happiness 

ma's special purple drink

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

CNY reflection

After all the hectic cleaning to get ready for CNY, it kinda makes me reflect...

Why on earth do we make ourselves so tired before CNY? I know I know, CNY is the time we celebrate one year of hard work, forgive and forget the bad, welcome new luck and better future... But the hectic cleaning? I really don't see how it fits in :P 

I hate to admit it but it just shows how little i do everyday to keep the house i live in, clean @.@
Yes, I am a responsible person. I don't like to give excuses of how busy life is and i don't like to blame others if i haven't done my part. I have lots of cleaning to do before CNY simply because of my laziness,  the dirt and dust accumulate for a year and by the time i want to clean, they have already become too stubborn to remove or part of the fixtures! 

This doggie year, I will try to clean as often as I could. I think if I force myself to do it on a more regular basis, sooner or later, it will become a habit. Let's see how long this lasts hehe...

Oh, i have to share this for it would be sinful not to. My friend nicely delivered homemade cookies to me this morning. Am so touched that someone actually took the trouble to make these at 4am! The cookies are soOOoo cute! I kinda have a good feeling for 2018. It's gonna be 旺旺旺.  Doggie year, I am ready for you! ^^

My friend's creation
So cute!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Doggie year is coming

The year of doggie is just around the corner. It's this Friday to be exact *excited*

It has been raining everyday last week, making it difficult to do some CNY chores. But it also makes it cooler to be doing CNY chores. See? There are always two sides of a coin, it depends on which side one chooses to see. How about seeing both sides? :P 

Me shopping in the rain :P
Love the old fashion way of displaying tit bits

I am ashamed to say, I haven't done much CNY preparation. Yes, AGAIN!! But I am confident that everything will get done before the doggie visits for i am someone who will only become productive and efficient when deadline is near T___T   If you plan to follow my step, beware, because you should only act like this provided you can take pressure ;P

We have bought drinks and cny tit bits and most of the house are already cleaned. We have even put up CNY deco. Mum, being in charge of CNY design, this year she creatively put some cherry blossoms on her plants. Hahaha i bet the plant which never flowers must be happy that it's finally full of pink flowers!

Even Tiger had his bath, which he didn't like very much. He tried to escape but of coz, he has a smart owner who made sure he had no place to hide ;P  

In the year of dog, the appropriate word to put is. Sound exactly like Tiger's barking! :P I sense that it's gonna be a very very prosperous year ahead *fingers crossed*

I have a colleague who is looking hard for ways to make sure she is prosperous all year round. She said she went everywhere looking for coconuts which she wanted to display in her house during CNY. 

Coconut? i have never heard anything auspicious about it. She said she wants a coconut that will 'explode". Explode? Wouldn't it be easier just to light firecrackers if she is looking for "huat dao bao"? haha... And i have never heard of coconut that will explode by itself haha...  Her respond made me laugh so hard. She said, if the coconut explodes, it means "yiah dao bik" (Hokkien. I have no proper English phrase for this haha...). 

Then she also looks for small golden pumpkins. She said pumpkins means "pump kim" in Hokkien which means pump-in gold. Oh.... hahaha... She also wants to get a big chunk of charcoal wood. I have seen a lot of kopitiams putting this near their cashier counters but i thought it's for getting rid of odour since charcoal is commonly used for this purpose. My colleague kindly explained to me that, apart from 'sucking' away the odour, it can suck in money too @.@. I totally salute her for being able to associate everything with money!

You are welcome to copy her ideas. For me, i just wanna keep it simple as life is already complicated as it is :P

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

My new addiction

Ever since i had this canned coffee in KL in 2016, i couldn't have enough...

So far the best canned kopi in my opinion

Oh gosh! So I managed to get rid of my unhealthy habit of taking too much teh c but it was replaced by having too much kopi C. Recently, I started to get addicted to this! I drink it at every chance i have. And i crave for it when I know i shouldn't be  ╮(╯_╰)╭     

And the absurd thing is, I even manage to influence the people around me to start taking it! My colleague called me just now to ask me the name of the coffee i like. Another friend whatsapp-ed me the picture of the coffee to confirm if it's the one i like haha...

You know what? I think Wonda should really pay me a commission for such wonda-ful advertisement!!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Be suspicious

The world is becoming an unsafe place :(

Last week, something happened at our home. 

When i got home last Tuesday, my mum told me that someone would be coming to fix our house phone. Just when i was wondering how on earth my mum knew how to lodge a report, our house phone rang. The lady spoke in Mandarin and asked for my mum. I politely asked her who she is (that's my routine question because my mum always asks me before she comes answering the phone), she said she spoke to my mum earlier about sending people over. She said my phone could've been suspended for non-payment. Then i told her, if my phone had been suspended, how on earth she could call in. She mumbled and hung up.

Immediately, i became suspicious. I asked mum how did she found this lady. My mum told me that the lady called our home herself. Oh, now it was even scarier. Never in my life had TM ever called without me calling them first. I told mum not to open the door if anyone ever shows up to fix the phone.

The next day, my mum called me when i was at work. She said a friend of mine just called our house phone and said he would like to invite Jane and I to his wedding. He told mum that he had lived overseas for years and lost touch with us and asked for my mobile phone number. My mum gave it to him. Again, i was skeptical. I told my mum I have never given our house phone number to anyone and i don't have a friend called Ah Hong. I reminded my mum to not answer the house phones anymore. I think someone must be trying to play a trick on us.

Half an hour later, I received calls from my brothers, asking me where i was. Feeling strange, i told them in office, where else? They asked me to call my mum immediately. So i called, not knowing what happened although everyone sounded worried. It turned out that, someone called my mum's mobile phone, and strangely, it showed my mobile phone number although i had never made the call! A man threatened that he had me in his hand for I'd borrowed money from him and didn't pay up. My mum said there was a lady crying in the background.

OMG, i've read this story online! And the real thing actually happened to us! I told my mum to switch off her phone immediately. My dad insisted to drive behind my car after work. He said, just in case it wasn't a crank call.

For the next two days, he continued to send me to office. My dad, he doesn't speak of love for his children but his actions say it all. It was peace and quiet for the next two days until... my mum's hand phone rang again on Friday evening.

A man asked if the daughter had reached home. My mum thought it was a friend of mine and replied "not yet". The man then said "she will never be able to return home anymore. She has upset my people and we are sending people to pour acid at her!!".

Heard that a lot of people have received crank calls recently. We could ignore them but the scary thing is, how did these people get hold of our confidential info?! 

Anyway, we all should be more cautious. Too many wants, desires but too little heart to learn to the proper ways to earn them. Always be suspicious of strange calls or messages... Oh wait, I'm a Scorpio and born to be suspicious hahahaha...(^~^)Y a kind-hearted Scorpio that is~~ 

Friday, January 26, 2018

Productive Jenn

I just completed 3 reports in 2.5 hour.  yea, i'm such a efficient person!

My boss told me only at 10.30am this morning that he needed them by today and I had a meeting at 1pm later! @.@

I can be very efficient and productive when i wanted to .... actually, when i am forced to >.<

I always feel that, I'm the person I am today because of the training i got from my parents and all my bosses. How else to manage their spontaneity?

I remembered, when GST was first implemented in 2015, my company put me in charge of implementing it as well as ensuring smooth transition for our group of companies. I was sent to KL and in the car with the area manager, i asked her how many KL colleagues had attended the GST courses. To my surprise, none!

As soon as i reached our office (5-10 minutes before class began), I immediately made changes to my slides to include all the basics to be shared in the briefing later. My other colleague who accompanied me to KL was so impressed at my ability to adapt to changes that she said she officially regarded me as her idol ahahahaha...

Frankly speaking, i didn't think I'm good at anything. I merely do what I have to do. I get embarrassed when people praise me because deep in my heart, I feel that the things i did were not perfectly done and wished I could've done better.

Hmmm... I think I am self-abusive.....