Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Still in one piece

Before X'mas, there were rumours that it would be end of the world on 21122012.  I don't have anything against this belief because it could be the end for everyone any day... that's the way life is... So, instead of worrying something which is beyond my control, I might as well cherish every moment and enjoy life ... like eating pinkish snow balls (glutinous rice balls)! Y(^.^)Y

My Winter Solstice meal made by mum ~ YUMMY

It was Winter Solstice festival (冬至) on 21122012. Mum made snow balls in chicken ginger soup for us to eat.  When small, we always helped to make snow balls.. I know snow balls should be round, after all, they are called snow BALLS .... But  being creative is what kids do best so instead, we made square ones, heart-shaped ones, animal-shaped, snowmen, gingerbread men, alphabet-shaped etc.. it was so hilarious to look at a pot of all-kind-of-shapes snow "balls". At the dining table, we would try to identify the masterpiece's creator! haha.. Our masterpiece  sometimes turned out to be a disaster too... like when we were trying to make 'hot dogs' and instead it looked like big fat worms floating in the soup... well, i guess before there is success, we all have to go through some sort of failures to perfect ourselves.... 

So, end of the world did not happen.... Some people complained and asked why it did not happen as promised. Hmmm... what's all that about? The world has become strange. Isn't it good that it didn't happen? I don't know about you but I certainly feel grateful that the world is still in one piece. I feel fortunate that I can still smell the fresh air, stare at the moving clouds, feel the sunshine, be with my loved ones.... the list is endless! What's more, i get to open my X'mas present! yayeeee.... 

I've been a good girl this year, again (what's new? :P) Guess what I received this X'mas? 

I received a nice lunchbox set from Santa Claus... Oppps, guess my love for food must be very strong... So strong that even the far far away Father Xmas knows it! *blush*  I love the bright colours ... even the lunch bag is cute... and it looks so good on me, as if it was made just for me! :P From now on, every bite of food from my lunchbox is gonna be a bite of happiness!! 

My gift from Santa!

Life is good.... Life is the way you want it to be.... 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's Xmas soon!

Like last year, we arranged a little gift exchange session in our office.. Guess what? The gift opening session is this Friday! Ooooo... I can't wait...! Not only I wanna see what i get from Santa Claus (I have been a very very good girl this year), I also wanna see the happy faces of my colleagues when they open their gifts from their secret angels \(^V^)/

Some people say they don't mind what presents they get because it's the heart that counts. True but I believe it would be more meaningful if the person receives something he/she really likes. That's why, as soon as i got the name of my 'Little Angel", who i will be buying Xmas gift for, I started my mission to find out what she likes... hehe,  I am like a spy.. testing her thoughts about the gifts i intending to get.... 

U know what? i think i have found a perfect gift....  It's all the way from Taiwan and Limited edition!

Beauty Masks 

Nicely wrapped by me!

We have decorated our Xmas tree... with colouful xmas ornaments and of course, Xmas Presents!! I can feel Xmas already! Fa la la la la la.... 

Guess which one is mine?

Stay tuned to find out what i get from Santa!  *can't wait!!*

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Big Big Butterfly

Many people regard today as a special day. Simply because it's 12.12.12. 

Although I don't see today any different from any other day, I still wanna drop a few lines here just to 'record' the "special day" *kiasu*

Saw a very BIG butterfly at my office building. It's really really big! like bigger than my face! If you know me, u will know how big my face is... T__T 

The butterfly is really beautiful... it kinda looks like a kite...  and you could see the patterns on its wings.. NICEeee....

Friday, December 7, 2012

The things mum do for us

While cleaning one of the cupboards in the house, i found a dress mum made for Little Jane and Jenn, when we were 4 or 5. It looks really teeny weeny! With my king kong size now, it is kinda difficult for me to imagine that i was once so tiny! haha.... Hmmm... what did my parents feed me when I was small? :P
We have an old-fashioned sewing machine at home. U know, the one that has wooden frame and to get the needle moving, u  need to paddle and paddle and paddle ... Yup, that antique belongs to my mum. She used it a lot when we were small to make us dresses.  We would stand in front of her with our hands stretch out while mum measured us here and there so she could make us dresses that fit perfectly.  Apart from that, she also made bedsheets, pillow cases, cushion covers, table cloth, quilt cover etc ... 

Mum is really talented. Not only is she outstanding in cooking but can also sew well. you know what? I think i have inherited her talents because I could sew and cook too (yeah, even I can't believe this! Good thing I captured these unbelievable happenings as proves.. Pls see DIY) ahahaha... just that am still at the kindergarten level :S 

I remember that mum made me a dress to wear to a piano examination. It was light blue (my favourite!) in colour and has a blue ribbon at the neckline. It was really pretty...  And because it was full of mum's love, i looked really pretty in that dress ( although my natural beauty is 50% of the reason why it looked so pretty :P *厚脸皮*

Now that we have grown up, mum stops making us dresses... Instead she buys for us... it's her way to show her love... of course, her love has brought some tragedies too like, 2 months ago, she actually exchanged my newly purchased DREAM clothes for something else because she thought I didn't want them T___T Okie i should let the past be buried and not mention about it anymore haha.... 

Lately, mum is into something I would never buy... 

Polka dots blouse + matching bag! 

I have always felt that polka dots isn't for me. Ha, don't ask me why, it's just not my thing.... Surprisingly, they don't look awkward on me at all! wow, mum actually changes the way I think about polka dots! :P

Guess i will always be the little girl in my mum's eyes... she even made me a cute bedsheet this CNY. Hmmm.. I wonder what I will get from mum next CNY... i wish for a pyjamas with cute prints!

I will let you know once i receive anything from mum ya! 

Monday, November 26, 2012


Jane is addicted to Old Town's 3-in-1 white milk tea. Every time she comes back, she would buy it to bring to Sh... And she can finish 14 sticks in a flash! It's so fast that i think she could be one of the Guinness World Records holders  liao~  Jane! U gotta slow down man! Instant milk tea can kill! Okie, a bit too serious (but it can slowly kill u if not taken moderately) is not good for your health!

A few weeks ago, she asked me to buy another packet of Old Town milk tea for her... I obediently (Yup, Jane has a NICE sister) bought it and the other night, when i was tidying up my room, i took the packet out from the grocery bag..... I was shocked at what i saw! Old Town WHITE COFFEE?!! Oh gosh, i bought the wrong flavour! Jane will not want it! T__T  

I whatsapp-ed Jane to tell her the tragedy. Maybe she could change her taste for once? hehe... 

I told Jane about the mistake. She expressed her disappointment. I've bought Old Town's milk tea for her many times before but NEVER have i gotten it wrong! I told Jane that it's weird coz the packaging is exactly the same as Milk Tea's... Why would they make them the same to confuse customers?  I even took a picture of "mistake" to show Jane. Hehe, just to prove to her that the mistake was due to the similar packaging la..  Then Jane said "but it said "teh susu putih" (milk tea) leh.... So i took a closer look and ahahaha.. yeah, she is right... 

So the full name of the brand is Old Town WHITE COFFEE..... I thought that was the flavour I bought!!!! Buahahahaha... 

B-L-U-R-  @_@

Jane's addiction

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Gifts of Love

I've received a lot of wonderful gifts from my beloved family and friends recently... 

They all came in a surprise... hehe, looking at the pictures, u can tell the number of surprises i got from my loved ones ^^ Yep, life is indeed full of suprises! And i love it! hehe...

Loving them all!

Pooh bear & his best frieds!!

Thanks guys, from the bottom of my heart! I feel so loved ! I love you guys too! Muaks!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hip Hip Hooray!

It's that time of the year again... haha, am not talking about Xmas... it's J & J's birthday! Yayee....

1111 is such a nice date. It's easy to remember and also, many friends think it resembles Jane and I. Because we are tall and slim *ahem* and when we stand side by side, we look just like 11. Okie, it kinda makes sense... 

We are also the famous "Twin Tower". A few years ago, we participated in the netball game. I was the Goal Shooter while Jane was the Goal Keeper.. And we won the game 13 - 1. hehe, 1 point was a gave away so to give our opposition 'some face' la.. It was a friendly game after all..... Since then, Jane and I are known as Twin Tower...

I like to post something on 1111... Well, just to leave a footprint on this special day and also, to let my friends know that I'm still alive... for another year! :P 

Am very lucky to have Jane since the date we were conceived.  I never have to worry about not having someone to play with, talk to, fight with etc. ...... Of course, there are downsides too (as usual, there are 2 sides to a coin :P ), like being mistakenly scolded at for something Jane did, constantly being compared with, having less to eat because I have to give a portion of food to Jane (strictly speaking, I had to share food with her since the day we were conceived! haha... ), sharing the same bedroom and clothes with her etc.....  Well, no matter what the downsides are, I don't really mind because not everyone has a soul mate to grow old with... ^^ 

When we were in uni, we know a pair of boy twins... They were not close... In fact, they stayed in different homes just so that they didn't have to face each other everyday and they seldom talked to each other... It's sad that this happened to them... They have missed out so much! Haven't had news from them for many many years.. I hope they cherish this special relationship and start to enjoy each other while they still have it...

 Just some pictures of my b'day celebrations...

 Can u figure out what the receipt below means?

Well, I went shopping and guess what my receipt says? On 11.11, i spent $111.1...! 1111.. get it? hehe...

You know what? I think the real meaning of our birth date 1111 is that Jane and I are best of the best! :P 

Friday, November 9, 2012


我昨天在整理我電腦裡的檔案。你知道嗎,你可從一個人如何處理他的東西中觀察到那個人的習性喔。呵呵,那你們現在知道我是一個蠻 disorganised 的人了 :P... 哈哈,其實我是一個蠻愛整潔的人,只是我很愛拖~呵呵,我的字典裡沒有 "今日事今日畢“ 這句話 @_@ 我常把東西擱一邊,待我有時間時我一定把它們整理的乾乾淨淨~ 只是當我有空閒的時間(有整理的動力)時,東西已堆積如山了~ *自我檢討-ing*

我在整理電腦檔案時,發現我很久以前下載的蕭敬藤音樂絕品收藏的影片。我下載後就把它遺忘了~ 哈!我的“收納”功夫也太厲害了~ 我很自然的順手把影片打開來欣賞。 哈!我不是要整理檔案的嗎?沒辦法,蕭敬藤的魅力無法擋!呵呵~ 

這影片是蕭大俠第一次出唱片的MV和花絮。記載了很多他的‘第一次’比如他到 KTV, pubs, 辦公室等其它場所做即興表演,學跳舞,跟陌生人互動,在大眾面前說話,背很長的台詞然後跟大牌明星演戲,上電視節目等等... 蕭大俠是個很沉默寡言很害羞的人。我相信剛開始他一定也有心理障礙。因為對他來說這些是很難的事情。畢竟人都會抗拒改變,尤其是對完全不熟悉和超越自己原本領域的事情。他說他把這些事情看成提升自己的方法,很高興他突破了自己的殼*鼓掌-ing* 蕭敬藤真的是一位很inspirational的人。

蕭大俠的真誠打動了很多人的心(包括我喔~)。他除了唱歌非常,十分,不尋常(okok,你們知道我的意思啦~)的好聽外,他說的話和他本人也讓我非常讚歎。年紀輕輕的他,做人處事怎麼會那麼有智慧啊?我不曉得他是否有'冤家'但從我看 了那麼多他上過的節目和報導,我覺得大家都很愛戴他~ 我覺得他是一個我們很棒的學習對象。



呵呵~ 從一個影片能有這樣的體悟,不錯吧~ 我沒有浪費時間哦~

還有還有,我雖有暫時轉移目標去看影片,不過我有把電腦的檔案全部整理好喔~很厲害吧.....?  請鼓掌!hahaha


Thursday, November 1, 2012

The forgotten one....

Many many years ago, I broke the branch of a plant at B's home and took it home to plant (wow, it rhymes! haha).. I  found a pot by the corner of our garden and stuck the branch into the soil..... and totally forgot about its existence... *cruel...*

One morning after many many years, I got attracted by the floral perfume.. it smelled very refreshing! Where did it come from? So I went to the garden searching for the source of the fragrant... And then I saw it! I was ecstatic to see the flower ~ Jasmine! It was real! 

Sob sob, it was soOOoo beautiful! Although it was forgotten by me and didn't have any my tender care and love, my Jasmine plant didn't get upset at me.. It still continued to grow and grow and grow under the harsh conditions (no fertiliser, no water, no sunlight, no love... :( Jenn's bad!)... I did not treat it well at all but I didn't mind... and even bloom to cheer me up... That's Unconditional Love

My forgotten Jasmine

Don't u think it's beautiful? It looks so pure ... just like me.. buahahahaha.... 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lost & Found

I noticed when i returned from work one day that one of my very important sleeping companions was gone... *Gasp* It's not hard to realise because he is always by my side to go to sleep with me... And also the fact that he has a very big butt ... haha.. cute ~~

I sort of could 'feel' where he was.. yeah, u could say, we have developed some kind of telepathic connections... so i went straight to the other room and immediately, i spotted his big yellowish butt...  

What an awkward position he was in! Poor guy~~ 
Painful or not?

I think he really enjoyed his unique way of sunbathing... Just look at the big smile on his face!  haha~~

Apparently, my mum was 'roasting' him under the sun to kill bacteria.. Great thing that Pooh boy is strong enough to survive awkward situation... Pooh boy is now back at my side and he smells like sunshine! *♪♪ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine♪♪ ......* That's the smell of happiness!

Sunday, October 14, 2012


最近真的發生了很多'傻事“。全都是因為太興奮的關係!哈哈~  其實应该是不夠專注啦~

上個星期五,託Jane 的福我們才有機會和兩位很難約的貴人吃午餐。我們點了餐點後,就你十句,我一句的聊起來。大家有聽沒聽的'聽'服務員重複我們的訂單。過了好久,只來了4杯飲料和一份家乡炒飯。我們想說,應該是他們生意太好了,其它的餐點可能還需再等一會才會送來。過了約45分鐘,炒飯也吃完了,肚子餓到快昏了但還不見其它餐點的踪影。在我們的尋問之下才發現我們的訂單上只有4杯飲料和一份炒飯 *哭~ 難怪服務員重複訂單時,我覺得好像少了些什麼,可不知道少了些什麼 *流淚不止*

第二天晚上,我們和珍夜半三更不睡覺,溜到附近的飯店吃“嗨-tea"。哈哈,真的很high!我們點了飲料和蛋糕後,服務員有再重複。我感覺有點不對勁,但也沒再跟服務員確認。因為只顾着聊天... 哈哈,結果珍點的熱牛奶變成了smoothi​​e。哈哈,我想應該是太夜了,再加上我們太high了,所以才會出錯 *明明就是沒專注還不承認*

两天後,我和珍一起吃午餐。那天我們倆在seminar有吃了點東西,不太餓。但又是午餐時間,不吃好像怪怪的耶~後來我們決定點小份的兩人一起共享。我和珍當天不想吃辣的,所以就點了一份雞肉河粉和烤花生醬麵包和兩杯白濃咔啡。這是自助式的,我把餐點的號碼寫好後,就開開心心的把訂單交給服務生。不久,服務生送來了一份雞肉河粉和一份紅色的咖哩面。我們倆看了咖哩面後,就很確定的告訴他送錯咯。過了一陣,一位服務生拿著我寫的單紙過來,他說我們有點咖哩面哦。後來我才發現,我把烤花生醬麵包的編號B004寫成了A004。而A004正好就是我們當天不想吃的辣咖哩面 T__T

所以啊,做任何事都得專注,要不然下場就會像以上那樣~ 我和珍那天帶著'性感'的厚嘴唇回公司。真的很好笑~~ 拜托,不要再那麼blur 了!我不想太性感!哈哈~

Friday, October 5, 2012

Addicted to Food

Jenn's other half is back in town.. 

With Jane's home, it means lots of gathering with old friends, relatives, primary school friends, secondary schoolmates, ex-colleagues, friends of friends and even kindergarten friends. And with her around, it means "comparison". 

Yup, since we were born, we have to deal with the constant comparison by people ~ our looks, heights, weights, school results, jobs, salaries, the way we talk, our facial expressions, the way we dress, our food portions, the size of our wrists..... the list is endless............

The most recent remark is, Jennifer is fatter T___T Am hurt, But I can't deny it because I know it's the truth! *i can handle the truth* I blame no one but myself... U see, my mum has a food empire at home while i have food empire of my own in the office... hehe i guess u can say 'like mother like daughter"? hehe... 

Here is how my little empire looks like hehe... please don't look if you are hungry... 

My Little Pantry

I see gold-fish eyes d(@.@)p... hehe, pls don't be shocked... You see, these are necessary so that when I'm tired of work, i can stop and refresh myself... This is where my source of energy comes from...... ! :P

Friday, September 28, 2012



短短的五分鐘,我成交了3件上衣!有沒有很豪爽? 哈哈~ 對,當想做一件事,沒有什麼是可以阻礙的!


Photo stolen from my favourite Benshee's blog :P



我媽說因為我沒把衣服帶走,他以為我不要那些衣服,所以就把我一見鍾情的3件衣服拿去換了其它的衣服 T___T

我媽媽怎麼那麼強啊?我真的敗給我媽! 哈哈~~


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Handmade Toys~

Recently, Jane and I bought a few handmade toys, which we found on Facebook. It's called Poco Handmade...  

Last week, we saw the photo of two cuties and instantly, Jane and I fell in love... because they look soOoo much like Jane and I! haha.....

Happy friends
Which one looks like Jane?

This is how our conversation went..

Jane: "The left one looks like you and the right one looks like me"
Jenn: "Why u said so?"
Jane: "Coz the right one has a bigger face.. Just like me...!"
Jenn: "Oh... u mean the hippo"
Jane: "What hippo? it's a frog!"
Jenn: "Since when does frog have ears?" *Laugh out loud*
Jane: "Kerokeropi has ears leh!" 
Jenn: "No he doesn't! Those are eyes!" *Laugh til roll on the floor*
Jane: "Ahahahahhaha...."

We laughed so hard that we could hardly talk and breath! Hahahaha...

The right one is indeed a hippo... Well Jane, I have no right to laugh at you coz i thought the left one is a bear. Jane kept telling me that it's a doggie.. Yup, it's a dog alright.. it's called "Do Do Dog"... 

Well, there is no right or wrong la.. It's Ok to let your imagination runs wild.. after all... it harms no one to imagine it to be something u want it to be...

Am just so happy to look at them...! what a pair of adorable twins! Just like Jane and I! *Blush*

BTW Jane, this is what kekeropi looks like...

No ears Okay? hahahahahaha....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

So Organised!

Due to lack of a proper system, our used bottles, containers, aluminum cans, paper used to be lying  everywhere in the house ~ At the car porch, in the store room, laundry room, bathrooms, kitchen, car boot, in the garden and even at the balcony..... yeah, it's a mess! It was really a headache to gather them all in one place when we needed to bring them to the recycling centre ....  @_@

No more headache because Clever Jenn has  created our very own recycling station at home... 

Tada! Look what I did!

It's great coz now we can have plastic items, paper, aluminum cans etc all in their assigned 'homes" !  It's so neat to look at now! 



Friday, September 7, 2012

Eating non-stop

I've been eating a lot lately... U r probably thinking "what's new? we all know u eat a lot"... haha... the thing is, it's a bit too much lo :P

I think it's because it's almost weekend.... The relaxed mood is the thing that makes one eats a lot.... because the best way to celebrate the coming of weekend is to eat all u can!  yayee... okie, that's my logic to hypnotize myself that it's OK to eat non-stop... u don't have to agree hehe...

I have been craving for kolo mee  since the Raya holiday a few weeks ago.... I didn't manage to satisfy the craving that time and so, the craving continues and it grows stronger and stronger each day! The solution? Eat a bowl of kolo mee of course... aren't i clever? haha...

Kolo mee + teh c 

I also had cheese muffin mum bought from The Loaf in KL + a cup of black coffee (my 1st black coffee btw. Didn't know it tastes a bit "sour"). They were my lunch, round one.. haha, why? because my friend suddenly called at 1130am and asked me for a lunch date... She just passed her exam and was in the mood to celebrate.. I love celebration! So we went to Tempayan for their big club sandwich and... i completed the meal by washing it down with a super duber big glass of teh tarik... That is lunch, round 2. Honestly, I was really full after that.. I can't believe i had 2 rounds of lunch in one afternoon! Who wants to challenge me? *in fighter mode* hehe...

imported lunch

When i came back to the office, my colleague passed me a big piece of cheesecake... wah... what's the occasion today? Why is everyone stuffing me with food....? I'm already "cute" (fat) the way i am.. well, i guess they would like me to become cuter haha.... It's not nice to reject ppl's kindness and wasting food is a big No No, so I cleaned up the cheesecake presented to me...  

Now that I listed down the things i had, i realised that I had a 3 course meal for lunch! You see, muffin + coffee were my appetizers, club sandwich + teh tarik were the main course and cheesecake was dessert! Wow, that's amazing! haha...  And i wonder how many kgs i just gained in one afternoon! haha... I know i am the one to blame.. if i have to will power, i will not eat so much.. but the thing is, the 'enemies' are just too strong .... So i surrendered :P
"Sometimes it's not because we can go on a diet,
it's because the enemy is too strong" ~ so true!

Food.. who can resist anyway? Since u can't beat them, might as well join them, right?

BTW, this is a new thing invented.. It's spaghetti the Hakka style!

It's lui cha spaghetti!

Hakka style! 

It tasted pretty good... a bit bitter.. just like life sometimes haha...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

A child u love and hate...

I was looking through the apps store last night and  was so happy when i saw that i could download Shin Chan Comics for free! haha, that really reminded me of my teenage years..  *walking  down memory lane*

i remember buying the comics and bringing to AUS... My brothers and sisters cherished them like gold. We read them over and over again...... We also bought the VCDs  and watched the cartoon together on a daily basis and laughed and laughed and laughed because Shin Chan is just soOOoo darn naughty and creative...! And only Shin Chan came out with those innovative ways to upset people.. haha...  but I bet it wouldn't be so funny if i were the victim... :S 

My Collection

Yayee... i could read and read again on my iphone! What's more, i actually 'carry' 20 books in one little device!! Smart phone is the greatest thing ever invented! Of coz, a coin has two sides.. it can be the worst thing ever invented too.. but right now, i think the pros > cons hehehehe...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Quick & Yummy!

I remember, when i was small, i used to eat 3 packets of Mi Goreng at one time.... We were such a big eaters that my mum always bought boxes of mi goreng to put at home so she didn't have to go to the supermarket too often.  Instant noodle is a life savers especially during lazy moments or due to sudden hunger. It's so easy and fast to cook... just the thing I like :P

Some of the cafes here have instant noodle as one of their dishes. My colleague once paid maggie mee + one egg for $2.50.  Some cafes even have upgraded version. They put in more ingredients, take a nice picture of it and display it in their menus to tempt people like Datuk Heng hehe...... And yeah, it does really look kinda tempting! *心动* 

I've been wanting to try it but every time I wanted to order, , my brain would stop me... I would start to go through the calculations in my mind ahahahaha ~~ For $7.90, the cafe version of instant noodle comes with 1 hot dog, 1 string of vege, 1 egg and 1 packet of instant noodle.  If i were to cook it at home, my version would be  1 Grade A egg 50 cents + 1 string of vege 30 cents + 1 hot dog 50 cents + 1 packet of instant noodles 70 cents. Total cost is only $2! I know,  I know, we have to pay for the ambiance and services too... 

I won't mind paying that kind of price if it is something too complicated to make at home... And u know,  the cafe version of instant noodle is really not a complicated one. It doesn't come with special soup made with secret recipe nor is the noodle handmade or something. Like me, they also take 2 minutes to cook...I really find it difficult to convince myself to pay $5.90 more to eat something I can make better at home... I bet the cafes hate customers like me who always try to calculate their costs before ordering.. oh well, money isn't easy to earn... ahahahaha... And i blame my occupation for my calculative habit! :P

This morning, I had my version of quick & yummy noodles as breakfast... It only took me 2 minutes to assemble everything... 

All i did was ~ cooked the Japanese noodles like how u cook maggie mee, then throw in some  vegetable from the garden, then one Grade A egg. I didn't have hot dog at home so, I topped it with the leftover pork from last night's dinner instead.

Jenn, the lazy chef cooked this :P

It's definitely much healthier than the cafe version and bigger portion too :P

What's more, this is a good way to ensure that no food gets wasted at home~~~ I'm sure my mum is proud to have a good daughter like me... y(^_^)y 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Double J

Many people get confused when they see us.... The most heard remark is "I can't tell you guys apart!". Strangers say that a lot.... Some friends still get confused.... They still take 1 minute looking at us, trying to find some clues.. I don't know what clues they are looking for, which can tell us apart.. Can u let me know? Is it the hair? Or the eyes? Or is it the way we talk or our expressions? 

I always think, Jane and I do not look alike... Some people say we don't need a mirror at all because all we need to do is look at each other ... But the thing is, every time i look at Jane, I don't think I look like her! Jane thinks so too.... I guess mirror is still required la... Just in case i have ketchup on my face and Jane doesn't.. hehe...

One article said, identical twins look exactly the same when they are small ~ They wear the same clothes, same hairstyle and go to the same school, meet the same friends. 

At their teenage years, they start to be a little bit different. They start to have different interests, different strengths, start to have different friends...

When they get a little more mature, they start to become totally different both in personalities and look.... due to different exposures in lives... It's true.... U can tell from the picture below that we don't look identical anymore... 

Double J

This is our most recent photo... Can you tell us apart? See? I told ya, we don't look the same...

There are 2 things that will always be the same ~~~~ we will always be the adorable twins you know of and we will always be fun to be with! y(^V^)y  I see Jane nodding her head hard... Looks like we still have many similarities despite our different looks and personalities..... Twins.. how can u not love them? buahaha..  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's a happy day!

X'mas is still months away and here i'm, opening my present! V(^v^)V The feeling is SUPERB!

This X'mas present doesn't come free from Santa Claus though.... It's currently still owned by my bank because I've yet to pay off my credit card bill :S Whatever it is,  I'm still happy... Opening parcel is just so much fun! haha... 

Oooo, what's inside?

These are luggage scales. Ha! No more paying luggage overweight penalties because I can now 'plan' ahead accurately! hiak hiak hiak... 

 Jane chose the green one.. 
So it's purple for me! 

Jane received my purchases from Taobao weeks ago.. I can't wait to feel them with my own hands (feel real this way hehe..) and wear them (even more real this way! ha!)! 

jane has opened my presents on my behalf

More 'presents' to come soon... *can't wait!*

Today, i saw online coupon for strawberry/blueberry smoothies.. Hmm... my fingers are feeling 'itchy', I kinda  feel thirsty all of a sudden.... I wonder why?

Alrighty, i gotta go.. have something very important to do... :P                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Scary morning

This morning, while i was still in my dreamland, i heard a loud BANG followed by screams. Instantly, i jumped up from my bed. It was still dark and drizzling..... I looked out from my window and was shocked at what i saw! Somebody just crashed into bush next to my home! The white car must have skidded due to the wet road and it fell from the high road to the bush next to my home. The car was quite damaged and the scariest part is, there were people screaming for help in the car! 

I quickly ran to the victims.. There was already a small crowd at the scene and before i reached the accident scene, one of the pedestrians shouted to me to call an ambulance... Oh gosh, someone is injured! This is serious! While running back to my home, i was praying hard in my heart for the victims. I sincerely hoped that they will be fine...

I dialed the emergency number and a lady picked up the phone and greeted me, by my name. No time for good customer service... OK OK, it's good service.. i know they have my information, just in case it's a prank call, they know where to look for me. ha! Anyway, she passed me to the ambulance section.. The guy asked me sOOoooOoo many questions! I know it's their standard process.. but at critical time like this, i really felt that it's a bit too long...... The longer I wait, the longer the victims suffer T___T

He asked me to go back to the scene to find out more about the accidents and the victims, like how many children and adults, what kind of injury, whether they are in pain @_@ I think he wanted accurate information so he could arrange proper equipment and officers to come over... 

OMG,  A closer look, it was more serious that I'd imagined! The 3 kids were badly injured! There was blood all over the victims and car... The poor girl was stuck in the car while a small boy has deep cuts on his head and blood could be seen coming out from his eyes like tears! Another small boy was lying on the grass unconscious... The poor mum who has bruises and cuts kept touching her young boy.... She kept apologising to her children.... saying that she didn't drive fast at all, how did this happened? Sigh.. it was a heartbreaking scene... :(

My neighbour successfully rescued the young girl from the car.. I held an umbrella over her to prevent her from getting wet. I couldn't do much except giving her faith.. She told me she is in pain. I told her that she would be fine. The ambulance is on the way to save her. I asked her for her name, how old she is, how many brothers & sisters she has etc....  I don't know what else to do except keeping her awake and calming her down.... I asked her to pray to Jesus.... She obediently did that... Then her dad arrived at the scene. The little girl asked her dad to pray for her as well.. It was such a touching scene...

The victims were taken away by 2 ambulances... I wonder how they are doing now.. I hope they make it through...and that there are no permanent damages caused. I hope they are able to jump and down like they used to.... I hope they recover fast....

I was very late to work.. After seeing what happened, I really felt that life is really full of uncertainties. Last night, the family might be having a fun time together at food fair, then the next day, 3 out of the 5 family members are facing life & death situation.... 

We must cherish everyone and everything we have in life.. let's not waste time complaining how unfair life is.. let's not take things for granted... because  what we love will disappear all of a sudden.... no matter how u do not want this to happen... it will still happen.... 

...Disappear like morning dew

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wise Vs Wild Spending

Many people these days cannot live without internet... And because of that, many eateries & cafes offer free wifi as one of the ways to attract customers. There is even portable internet so people could go online anytime, anywhere. And sadly to say, I myself is turning into one of those people! haha...But am considered a 'light addict" because I do not subscribe to portable internet and don't mind being internet-less for a while ... yes, i still can live without internet hehe... BTW, do you know that some buses in HK provide free wifi too? Cool right!

Internet has made things very easy for us I must say.. And it also makes communicating with loved ones living abroad very convenient! So convenient that I feel as if we are never apart! Sometimes, I still miss the old fashion communication though.... love the feeling of receiving hard copy of handwritten letters!

I remember, i used to Q up for more than 1 hour just to pay my telephone, electricity etc bills. it was such a waste of my beautiful Saturday morning! Then when the companies no longer open on Saturdays, I had to sacrifice my precious lunch hour to rush to settle the bills... Sometimes I had to skip lunch because of the slow service >//< Then one day, i discovered that i could see my bills and pay my bills online for FREE!! What's better, I could pay whenever and wherever i like, like at 3 in the morning in Taipei! hiak hiak hiak.... What's more, I don't need to keep hard copies of receipts because the system keeps track of my payment history. So happy that I am saving trees too :P So Cool!

Lately, I started to get addicted to online shopping... Gosh, I never realise that I would become one of those mouse clicker shoppers just like Jane!@_@ I must say, it's just too convenient to resist! hehehe.. Guess what, I've bought coupons for Latte, digital weighing scales, foot spa device, 1 month use of gym.... I do practise my will power when it comes to online shopping.... u see, there are tonnes of things i wanted to get, like the candy floss machine, the 3-in-1 sandwich & waffle maker + BBQ grill, ice cream maker, yogurt maker etc but i didn't buy any of those... Simply because I'm a wise shopper hehehehehe.. OKie, I lied. I'm Jennifer, I'm an online shopaholic.... because i just spent on clothes with Jane on Taobao! T___T

Last weekend, J & I redeemed our food coupon at the cafe. The ice-cream in toast with mulberry sauce was yummy! Half way thru the ice cream, I realised that there was a piece of lettuce in the dessert... What is it for? probably as a decoration i guess.... I ate it anyway, it tasted really yummy, with ice cream!! It managed to make me feel healthy and less guilty for gulping down a fattening dessert! Yes, I can have another dessert! YUuummmm...


I redeemed my latte too at a cafe at Waterfront on Sunday. There were a lot of tourists at the cafe and i kinda felt as if i was also on a relaxing holiday somewhere! *dreaming* It's good coz I could be "on holiday" without having to actually spend big bucks on trips! Yayeee.. that's one good reason to spend more online! hahahaha...

I want another cup!

Am waiting for my other online purchases to be sent to me... wooo.. i love opening presents! hehe.. However, I wouldn't be so grateful when i see my big fat credit card bill at the end of this month.... @_@ Nah, let's worry about that later.. In the meantime...

let me just enjoy life and big cheers to internet!! y(^V^)y