Friday, May 29, 2015

Unbelievable Part 3

I have always believed that we must first sow the seeds of hard work, determination and endurance before we could reap the rewards of achievement, success and self fulfillment.

That is why I work hard on submitting the contest forms at the petrol stations.

Some of my friends think that this is a waste of effort so they do not bother to fill up the forms and drop them into the lucky draw boxes. I, on the other hand, think otherwise simply because 1 form = 1 chance!  Yep, i am a person who likes taking chances :P

I am glad of my persistence because a couple of years ago, I was rewarded of my hard work!! I REALLY won a prize from Shell! It was a wonderful feeling! So naturally, I continued to do so ~ 

The other day i received an SMS, congratulating me for winning $25,000 from Shell. I was very skeptical (Hmmm... when will i learn to trust? hahahaha). It looked like a scam but I should confirm it. What if it's real? :P

So i asked my friend who works for Shell. 

Wow, i am a winner!

Guess what? 

She confirmed that it's fake. 

Damn! What a shame! 

Thursday, May 21, 2015



如果你發現我不怎麼跟你「哈拉」、原因就是⋯ 呵呵呵

Friday, May 15, 2015




來來來,我給大家一個線索---- 就是這是很多人的夢想喔~

好啦,我翻譯的不好,所以大家都猜不到:P 那我自己解開迷 ~ (無聊)



我會給媽媽唷!很孝順吧~ 呵呵

那天媽媽要去旅行~ 我開心的告訴媽媽我要給他50萬。她聽了開心了一下然後又鄒眉頭。一定是想說這女兒是窮光蛋,哪可能有那麼多錢~

我說我真的要給他50萬喔,然後我就把錢掏出來給他~ 不信?有圖為證!

是50萬印尼頓~ 呵呵~

話說這母親節沒能跟媽媽一起慶祝(雖然平常就應該孝順父母)因為他跟朋友們到印尼玩耍去了~ 星期一她回到後,跟我說她星期天好忙、因我哥哥姐姐們輪流打電話跟他聊天,講好久。我問他們怎麼聯絡她呢~ 她沒一回事的回我說“當然是打我的手機啦~ ”。我快昏了~ 國外漫遊耶!這個月的電話單一定爆炸高! T_____T

Oh My Bank! 呵呵,不是oh my God 了因為連God也無法幫我付~

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Going to see Jane~

My perfect travel companion and I have gone to many places together since we met last year. I almost lost her during my flight to Paris last year but the lovely MAS air attendant found her and we were reunited. Phew...

Rabbit is sunbathing

We just traveled together 2 weeks ago, to visit Jane. I must say, it wasn't such a smooth journey. First, we couldn't land in KLIA because, according to the captain, there was a heavy rain in KL thus we had to take a spin in the sky for an extra 1 hour. It's OK for me since my connecting flight was still hours away and what's more, it also means I could finish the in-flight movie :P

My flight to Shanghai was a midnight one. I planned to sleep through the journey and woke up in Shanghai~ such brilliant plan i know haha...

However, things don't always happen the way you plan it coz at 5am, the captain woke us up and informed that due to bad weather, we had to divert to Hong Kong as instructed by the Shanghai Authority.

Too bad we weren't allowed to disembark but I was lazy to budge from my seat anyway haha... We were served with breakfast and I had it while watching sunrise in HK through the tiny window. It was a lovely... 

Finally at 7am (yeah, we spent 2 hours in the aircraft!), we took off and flew to Shanghai. Although i arrived 4 hours later than planned but at least i arrived well and emotionally not affected and what's more, i got to enjoy the on-flight services longer. Totally value for money hahahaha...