Tuesday, May 22, 2012

O Che Face

My right cheek is still a bit swollen and bruised. 

Poor me, i got hit... >__<  it almost got my right eye but luckily i am tall, it hit the side of my eye instead! Aren't I lucky? *自我安慰*

Check out the big 'pimple' near my right eye

So what happened? Who has the guts to bully a giant like me? *looking for the guilty party*

The big bully is indeed very big.. both her guts and body size. I looked at my swollen face in the mirror.... And the guilty party looked back and laughed at me... for being soOOo careless....

I was at my friend's house the other night. Half way thru talking, I realised that I'd left my mobile phone in the car... I worried I would miss calls from friends (who might thought I were dead if i didn't pick up) so I quickly ran to the car to grab it.... 

I opened the car door like normal but as the car was parked too close to a drain, i leaned forward a bit and Bang!, i hit myself... right in the face! It was darn painful i tell u! I almost screamed but being a lady, i held back ... The area near my right eye was instantly swollen.. i quickly rubbed it hoping it would subside and most importantly, bruise-free.... 

Well, it didn't work.. it is swollen and bruised.... The good thing about having a big face is that, nobody noticed about it.. they probably mistook it as a super duber big pimple, serious eyebag problem or just dark circle due to lack of sleep... 

Well, the lessons learned? Life is the way u act.. You can either cry or get angry when bad things happen and have a miserable life OR face and solve your problems and learn from them.. 

For me, I've learnt never ever to rush when doing something... Take it easy, then life will be breezy...

Thursday, May 10, 2012


昨晚和遠方來的親戚們吃晚飯。他們分享了很多有趣的事情。我因為肚子太餓了,只忙著吃東西,對他們說的話也沒記得很多。哈哈~ 都是自己太貪吃!



以前的人真的很單純啊... 去做了會有所领悟。 人是從什麼時候開始變復雜的?現代的人甚麼也不相信。儘管用心煮了很多免錢,好吃又有營養的飯菜捧在他們面前,還是沒人要吃。還得被懷疑耶。其實只要你吃吃看,就会知道它的味道了。就那麼簡單。朋友們,你愿意吃一口嗎?