Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Goodbye 2019

Today is the last day of 2019. 

Time really really flies! I remembered struggling to write the new year correctly when we first entered the year 2019. Just when i finally got used to it, it's over and it's time to learn to write correctly again. 

It's year 2020 tomorrow. A year which seems very far from reach when I was younger but now, it's only a few hours away! Kinda scary but grateful at the same time. Feeling scared because time flies by too fast and i feel i have not properly utilised it or achieved anything! >.< Feeling grateful because I managed to survive til 2020! Maybe i could consider that as an achievement? what do u think :P

ok, so it's 2020. I still don't have a spaceship. I also don't have robot maids at home. I still need to climb the staircase using my feet etc etc... although we have not achieved those futuristic lifestyle as shown in the The Jetsons cartoon, i think it's good. At least we still need to do some manual work in order to stay fit. I'm happy that i could still use my feet to walk and my hands to work so i know they are still functioning well haha...

There are certain things in life that just shouldn't and couldn't be replaced with technologies, like spending quality time with loved ones.

Say Sake~

Happy 2020! Wishing everyone good health and happiness!

Monday, August 26, 2019

以前 vs 現在





今天,我出發去印度咯。老實說,除了 TAJ MAHAL,我
完全不知道自己還有去哪裡 哈哈哈。 



Thursday, June 13, 2019

Tiger 2009 - 2019

It was a sunny day yesterday. The sky was blue and the sun was golden in colour.

I didn't see Tiger so i called out. No response. I called out again and again, there was still no sign of him. I walked to the gate where i last saw him the night before. I called out his name again and still, i didn't see him running towards me like he always did.

I told myself, perhaps he had run further to play and would return shortly, like he always did.

When mum and I were about to go out for morning breakfast, mum suddenly yelled from outside the gate where she stood to wait for me to reverse the car - "Your dog is dying! Your dog is dying!" i quickly ran outside and there i saw poor Tiger, resting restlessly under the bushes of flowers. There, he lied with blood and wounds all over his body. He managed to lifted his head to look at us. OMG, he had been attacked! 

My mum and I quickly transferred him onto a flat box. I pulled the box where his injured body lied, inside the house compound. He  cried a few times out of pain. I stopped and padded him and told him he would be alright. He looked at me with pitiful eyes. I know Tiger, it's painful. I will try to be fast. The place where he lied injured is right outside our house gate, yet it seemed hundreds of miles away.  I prayed for Tiger while i pulled him further inside. 

Finally, i got tired and Tiger was too painful to be moved further. I decided to let him rest there for just a while. He had got injured many times before but always, he managed to heal himself after a few days of rest, he would be fine this time too, i told myself, even though deep down i knew, this time he was hurt too seriously. 

I called a house vet to come to take a look at him. The vet gave him medications and raw egg to replenish his energy. The vet told me to monitor Tiger as these 3-4 days would be his critical time. As Tiger wasn't resting under the roof, the vet kindly suggested that we pull him into the car porch, which is about 100 cm away. And he asked me to hold his head so he wouldn't bite. Just when i was reaching towards his mouth, the vet pulled him. Out of pain, Tiger turned around and accidentally bit my wrist. 

I quickly washed my wound and i padded Tiger to tell him to get a rest while i made my way to the emergency ward to treat my wound. Tiger had rabies vaccination but as he was attacked by a few dogs and we had no knowledge as to whether they are vaccinated, to be safe, i must be vaccinated too.

While i was waiting at the emergency for my treatment, my dad called me. He said "i think Tiger is dead". I told him he was just resting. "He isn't moving and he isn't breathing", to which i replied "oh, he just had his medication. Maybe he is sleeping. I will go home to look at him shortly".

I hung up the phone and sat there crying. Tiger is dead. 

10 years maybe just a small part of my life but it is Tiger's whole life. 

Tiger, you have left many good memories and we all miss you very much. You are now free from pain and hope you are now happily running around with our doggy friends in the pet heaven. We love u~ Amituofo.  

Tiger 2009 - 2019


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

無常 #2


啊,歷史悠久,壯觀美麗的巴黎圣母院 Notre Dame Cathedral 被大火侵襲!2014年,我和Jane第一次到法國,沒機會去Notre Dame Cathedral 朝聖。第二次去法國是2015年,我和Jane特別去 了之前沒機會參觀的地方。看!完美的Notre Dame Cathedral 在我們身後!




每件人事物本來就是會有'生滅' 象〜有生就有死,有開始就有結束。这是人生的过程。重要的是,我們學習活在當下,學習珍惜身邊的人事物,學習認真的過每一天。



Hurt but still standing~ 


Friday, March 22, 2019

How i boost my IQ level

My sister who lives overseas wanted to transfer some payment to a local travel agent last week. She couldn't understand our online banking system and called me to help. 

I had to log in my own account, video called her to guide her, step by step on how things work. After sometime, she finally made the transfer online *hooray* In her opinion, the online banking system here is too complicated.  She said one needs to have an IQ of 200 to understand and operate it. Hahaha... 

Although I have an IQ of 200 *ahem*,  I sometimes still struggle to work things out... 

You see, i received 4 tokens and am supposed to activate them. Unfortunately, after sometime, one of my tokens is locked and two of my user accounts are blocked. In order to unblock, i need to unlock first. The logic is simple but the journey isn't~ 

Last week, I went to the bank personally thinking that it would be faster to solve this mystery face to face with the bank personnel. Yes, it was fast because within one minute, the lady 'solved' her report by asking me to call the customer service... 

To date, i have called the customer service 4 times. Haha, i wonder if my number and name is already on the frequent call list :P

The first agent managed to teach me how to unblock but i still couldn't unlock. She asked me to follow the instructions on the booklet to unlock. If i am still locked, to call the customer service again. 

That sounds easy, however,  when i duly followed and received the passcode through the SMS and happily keyed in, again, i received the error message @.@

So i called the customer service again, explaining to this person what my problem was and what the previous customer service agent taught me and now am still stuck. She said to me, that i am supposed to key in the passcode on the token, not on the login screen in the PC. And she will reset again and reminded that to follow the steps correctly. OK, i wasn't told earlier :(

Anyway, after 4 calls and some jigsaw puzzle pieces put together by me, i managed to solve the problem. I think from now on, i could confidently say that my IQ is 400! haha

Although it's complicated, i should be happy to know that the online system is secure and that my money will be save and sound... 

I guess, there are more steps to follow in order to enjoy a peace of mind with a more secured system. Oh well, pros and cons....  that's the way life is.  

Friday, March 8, 2019




今晚,我有點想念我童年的好朋友。她跟我和jane 同年同月同日出生。也是一對雙胞胎。我們不認識另一個雙胞胎,因為小時候,她們分別被兩個不同的家庭領養了。我們小時候最愛去她家。因為她有一個很大的娃娃房子,当然也很喜欢一起玩耍啦~ 

後來由于大家到不同的地方求學,我們因此失聯了。我們那個年代,沒有 facebook,instagram,手機,聊天軟體等,說失聯就真的失聯了。 2001 年中學好朋友結婚,不小心認識了她的另一個雙胞胎。聽她妹妹說,她結婚了,嫁到西馬去了。以為以後都見不到了,結果2014年去 handicraft market 探望朋友,竟然碰到了她!緣分這件事,真的很妙。我們趕緊拿了彼此的聯繫方式。只是後來因為大家很忙,我們沒機會聚聚。


她兩年前被診出得了乳癌。她常常會把病情po 在 facebook 上。有人熱情的給與鼓勵,而我選擇默默的為她祈願。得知她往生的消息時,我愣了一下。腦海裡浮現了很多小時候的回憶。

慧麗,你到天國了了要乖乖喔。我相信你在上帝的身邊一定會很快樂的。謝謝你給我一個美好的童年~ 榆和彬想你了~

May you rest in peace~ 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Pig Year !

it has been a while since i last updated my blog. Oh my~ what have i been doing?

I thought i would be able to have more time to update my blog after starting a new life but Noooo.. i am busier and hardly sit down. Many times, i have stories i wanted to tell in my brain but they somehow never get translated into words T__T Please, can someone please quickly, urgently develop an app that can read my mind and turn into words? 

CNY is almost over. It's the 11th day of the lunar new year today. How time flies! i love CNY because it's the season all long-lost relatives and friends meet up. It makes u wonder, why we don't do it more often? Why do we only gather once a year when tomorrow or next second, one of us could be gone.. ahahaha, i hear some of you saying, 'aiyo, why u so negative one?' :P  Life is fragile, when u reach my age, u will understand ^^ 

Another reason why i love about CNY is that, it's time to eat all i want without looking at calories (although it seems i never bother to look at calories *oops*), an excuse to buy new clothes although i never stop buying even after CNY. I even get worried when i have not bought any clothes for CNY! hahaha, it's crazy i tell u... but am loving all these excuses!

This year, we received auspicious words from the calligraphy master. it's now hung at our entrance. So everyone walking in and out will be blessed. 

Wishing u always safe wherever you go

You know what, if you do direct translation from Chinese to English of the above, it reads: Blessed Out In. Ahem, Where did you mind wonder off to....? :P

Happy Blessed 🐷 Year!

🍊大利, 合家🍎

Thursday, January 3, 2019


我家的貓,從幾天后才回家吃飯睡覺進階到失踪整整幾個星期都不回家。我媽說,他跟母貓同居去了。真是潑出去的水呀!人家養青蛙,至少偶爾會寄 postcard照片回家,我的這隻貓,舍都沒有。真是的~

2018年的最後一天,也不見他回家吃團圓飯。 2019年的第一天,也不見貓咪的踪影。倒是泰哥最乖,每天看見我們都搖著尾巴,乖乖在家看門。還是他最忠心!

Jane還說好久好久沒看到貓咪了。 1號晚上要送Jane去機場時,失踪的貓突然跑回家!原本應該生氣他的,但看到他可愛的模樣,唉,又心軟了。

要好好跟他學習這一點 哈哈

