Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Have you ever craved for something so badly that you will do anything to get it? I have, for many times. I woke up at 6am this morning (5.57am to be exact) so I could satisfy my craving at one of my favouriate noodle shops called Tua Pui Sim at Carpenter Street. Yeah, that's more than 1 hour sacrifice of beauty sleep for one bowl of delicious noodles & soup and a glass of I-can't-live-without-it Iced Milk Tea. Desperate huh? I would do anything to get what my heart desires! hehe... I was proud to be their FIRST customer of the day. Being the first means getting first class service and attention from the boss. The rest of the customers were green with envy when he served my friend and I with the food we all came for. Aaaaahhh, if Aluminium + Oxygen = Aluminium Oxide, then vinegar noodles + meat & vege soup + iced milk tea = Heaven...

Big or small?

That's Husky. Doesn't she look powerful, masculine and dangerous?

Well, don't believe everything you see.. hehehe... She is, in fact tiny. The only time she is BIG is when she plays in the garden. Try imagine this - a BIG, FAT, BLACK worm crawling around haha...

Husky is not dangerous (at least not yet). I took some pictures of her so Mummy Jenn can show them to Grown-up Husky next time.


[Ouch!! Let go Husk!]

[Rub my tummy plzzzzzz]

She is adorable, isn't she? Really wish she would never grow up ;p

Friday, January 26, 2007

Dinky Dino

A friend and I walked into a fancy restaurant in town last saturday evening. Starving at 6pm (I couldn't believe that we were already hungry before dark! Breakfast & Lunch: noodles + soup + Iced Milk Tea; Snacks: yam puffs + BBQ Pork Puffs), we ordered food enough to feed 5 hungry mouths. Two "average" person would stop after the 2nd dish but not us. You see, we are not just "average" people. We are ABOVE-average! haha... The waiter looked at us in amazement when we went on to order the 3rd dish and the 4th dish. Yeah, I know that kind of look - "OMG! Two dinosaurs with bottomless tummies!!".

["DDD" - Dinky Dinos' Dinner]

As can be seen, all of the dishes were humongous but we managed to clear 99% of them. Wish we could clean up 100% of what we ordered! Too bad that the 1% = plates haha.... OOooohhh, one bad news though. I'm officially 1kg heavier. Evil Jenn wins AGAIN. Damn!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Better Life

How unimportant I'm in my parents' eyeeeessss.... The truth is revealed today... How did I find out?? Let me tell you a story (in a strong Indian accent ;p) - Today, my parents came home with my lunch. My mama passed me a big hot BBQ pork bun. I'm generally not picky when it comes to food & will obediently eat anything that is within my reach... Anyway, I was happily eating the pork bun UNTIL she passed me a warm chicken drumstick and said "This is for Husky". WHAT?!?!? Husky got a chicken drumstick for lunch while I was only given a bun?? How unfair is that?! 我连狗也不如呀! How saaaddd... sob sob... This was how I felt :-

Gosh, Husky's life is better than mine!! Arrrggghhh... I'm GREEN with envy....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Yin Vs Yang

I am proud to present the two newest members of our family. One of them is from the "Yin" side and the other from "Yang". They are total opposite of each other. Let me save my breath and show u their pictures since it is said that "A picture says a thousand words". Phew... that means a saving of 2,000 words for me!! yayeeeeeeeee....

Introducing Taylor. She is snow-white in colour and shines like a diamond under the sun (that's one BIG diamond haha). She is agile, good tempered, intelligent, biddable etc. She is basically an Angel. You can tell just by looking at her....
["Yin" - Taylor]

The youngest member of our family is the 2 months old Husky. She is full of energy! Even I find it hard to keep up with her (FYI, I'm also young and energetic ;p Just imagine the level of energy she possesses)! When she is excited, she hops around like Tigger in Winnie The Pooh Cartoon (BTW, Pooh Bear is my favourite character ^V^) I must really sign her up for "Guinness World Record". She can actually do somersaults!! Incredible isn't it? Hmmm... I wonder if she worked in a Circus in her previous life! haha... If you wanna see what else my Wonder Dog can do, do drop by. Words of warning - Husky bites like a Tiger... Visit at your own risk k...
["Yin" - Husky]

Husky is just as adorable as Taylor, but in a wicked way. She finds ways to get what she wants. Smart for a puppy huh? Too baaaaddd, I'm smarTER! hahaha........

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

What is this?!

GUESS what this is? You get one of these if you guess it right haha..

(What could this be??)

For those with corrupted minds - NO,it is NOT a vibrator or a sex toy. Gosh, don't corrupt the innocence please! I have under-aged readers here! d(*V*)P This rubbery "bone" is in fact, a chewing toy belonging to my cute little rottweiler
Spoiled Rotten Rottweiler , Husky. I bought this so she would stop eating my shoes. She still prefers to chew my shoes though. Guess my shoes are much tastier than the yellow bone... HMMMmmmm.... Husky has got good taste......

** Stay tune for more details about Husky**

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Rojak Thoughts

Everyone needs a Guardian Angel. I have my very own Angel who works 24-7. No, she doesn't complain like some of my friends (Guys, you know who you are. Don't make me name names here ;p).

(My very own personal Guardian Angel. Isn't she adorable, just like me? ;p)

It's now Year 2007. Where are the spaceships and robot maids as shown in the Cartoons? Oh man, we should sue these cartoon creators for giving us fat hope! What were they thinking?! That we, kids would never grow up to realise that we had been lied to all this while? I really thought I could drive my family and friends around in my expensive & sporty BMW spaceship!!! Sorry guys, you just have to wait for a few years more (I hope).

No new New Year's resolutions this year. I am going to "renew" my NY's resolutions. Yes, once AGAIN! Hopefully, my Guardian Angel will give Angelic Jenn the power to defeat Evil Jenn who always seems to win in 99% of the situations. Go, Angelic Jenn!!!