Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Yin Vs Yang

I am proud to present the two newest members of our family. One of them is from the "Yin" side and the other from "Yang". They are total opposite of each other. Let me save my breath and show u their pictures since it is said that "A picture says a thousand words". Phew... that means a saving of 2,000 words for me!! yayeeeeeeeee....

Introducing Taylor. She is snow-white in colour and shines like a diamond under the sun (that's one BIG diamond haha). She is agile, good tempered, intelligent, biddable etc. She is basically an Angel. You can tell just by looking at her....
["Yin" - Taylor]

The youngest member of our family is the 2 months old Husky. She is full of energy! Even I find it hard to keep up with her (FYI, I'm also young and energetic ;p Just imagine the level of energy she possesses)! When she is excited, she hops around like Tigger in Winnie The Pooh Cartoon (BTW, Pooh Bear is my favourite character ^V^) I must really sign her up for "Guinness World Record". She can actually do somersaults!! Incredible isn't it? Hmmm... I wonder if she worked in a Circus in her previous life! haha... If you wanna see what else my Wonder Dog can do, do drop by. Words of warning - Husky bites like a Tiger... Visit at your own risk k...
["Yin" - Husky]

Husky is just as adorable as Taylor, but in a wicked way. She finds ways to get what she wants. Smart for a puppy huh? Too baaaaddd, I'm smarTER! hahaha........

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