Friday, January 26, 2007

Dinky Dino

A friend and I walked into a fancy restaurant in town last saturday evening. Starving at 6pm (I couldn't believe that we were already hungry before dark! Breakfast & Lunch: noodles + soup + Iced Milk Tea; Snacks: yam puffs + BBQ Pork Puffs), we ordered food enough to feed 5 hungry mouths. Two "average" person would stop after the 2nd dish but not us. You see, we are not just "average" people. We are ABOVE-average! haha... The waiter looked at us in amazement when we went on to order the 3rd dish and the 4th dish. Yeah, I know that kind of look - "OMG! Two dinosaurs with bottomless tummies!!".

["DDD" - Dinky Dinos' Dinner]

As can be seen, all of the dishes were humongous but we managed to clear 99% of them. Wish we could clean up 100% of what we ordered! Too bad that the 1% = plates haha.... OOooohhh, one bad news though. I'm officially 1kg heavier. Evil Jenn wins AGAIN. Damn!!

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