Monday, September 11, 2017

Yy's adventure in Taipei

It was summer holiday in France. My sister decided to send little YY to school in Taipei. 

Lucky YY for being able to "study overseas" at such young age! Haha~ 

My nephew is now 2.5 yo. When we con-call,  he talks but we can't understand. We thought he is still baby talking. Then one day we realised that he was actually speaking FRENCH! >.<

The only French words i could speak are bonjour, c'est super, c'est la vie... yeah, u see the problem haha

My sister and brother-in-law want him to learn more Chinese vocabs so they thought, why not spend one month in Taipei since there are a variety of programs to choose from. So my sister enrolled him into a summer school.

We all flew to Taipei to spend some time with them.  It's definitely nearer and cheaper to fly to Taipei than to Paris haha...  YY has grown really tall! He is still adorable. Kinda miss him now that i am writing this.

YY loves bus. Whenever he sees bus, he would point at one and says BUS. We even purposely took a bus somewhere just to fulfil his dreams. He was excited and very alert the whole time. He watched the moving items without blinking. That's how concentrate he was haha~ 

And it's amazing how one thing can stuck in one child's mind. No wonder ppl say, kids are like sponges. They see, they learn. Oh and one more, they remember. One morning after breakfast, my sister walked him to school while mum and I walked back to our hotel. They witnessed an accident where a bus hit a motorcyclist. To avoid my nephew from looking at the bloody scene, my sister quickly led him away. At night before he slept, he told my sister about the incident. My sister was shocked that he remembered! 

He said:

"Bus. Boom. Pipu pipu"

Mannnn.. i should learn from little YY. 
His story is short and straight to the point. 4 words to tell a story to be exact! Save time, save breath! 

Now I am ashamed. My posts are usually more than 100 words 🙈🙈

         Yy's adventure in Taipei