Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Holiday Food

We had a 4 day long weekend a few weeks ago. I love holidays because holiday means not having to be woken up by the alarm clock, not having to work, u can do anything u want and best of all, it's OK to be lazy :P

Of course, i didn't be lazy la. I used my time wisely by doing things I didn't have time to do, like cleaning my room (although it is quite well maintained all this while)! :P

Although i love that fact that i can take things easy, but it was a pain that most of the kopitiams were closed! Every morning, we spent our time exploring the whole town because all our usual eateries were closed T___T Then we decided to take chances and ended up with not so delicious food, but their business was good anyway because all the good ones were also on holiday.... 

On the 3rd day of holiday, one of our usual eateries was opened (Yaye!). Mum being mum, she ordered the biggest plate of special curry rice for me! It came with veggie, an egg, steamed chicken, roasted chicken, roasted pork + a bowl of curry soup. Wah, i think it could feed 2 people! But i finished it anyway and thought of skipping lunch later. Mum asked me to go grab her a morning newspaper. It was quite a hot day but i didn't mind taking a walk because it would definitely help with digestion!

I walked in the lonely street. All shops were closed and there wasn't even much cars on the road! Half way, i saw a stall selling fried you tiao (crispy rice rolls 油條). The father was busy frying the rice rolls while his little son was in charge of serving the customers. I hadn't had this for a long long time! I remember, when i was working in the dim sum restaurant, one of my favourite dishes is steamed rice rolls stuff with crispy rice rolls (炸油條腸粉). The outside was soft while the inside was crunchy, it was such a heavenly combination! 

in case you are wondering what's 炸油條腸粉, this is it! 
Doesn't it look yummy? *drool*

So i decided to buy 2 pieces  (hmmm, didn't i just had a big breakfast?!) and continued my search for newspaper. Good thing that the newspaper stall was just around the corner!

 Crispy rice rolls + newspaper

I walked back to the kopitiam with my 'trophies'. my mum was happy to see that i got her a newspaper and even happier when she saw the crispy rice rolls. I couldn't believe it but I actually ordered a cup of milk tea to go with the rice rolls! what to do? Must consume them immediately because soft crispy rice rolls are awful!

you know what? i didn't manage to skip lunch that day. My friend wanted to eat Indian food and I had Nasi Bryanni + Teh Tarik.

Indian Cuisine!

Sigh, no wonder my skinny jeans are getting tighter and tigher :S

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


別以為從小講的語言,你就精通這語言喔~ 我們是道道地地的本地人但每次在大廳廣眾說客家話時,別人就會問我們是哪里人。每次我們都得重複同樣的答案~ “我們是本地人呀”~ 然後她們就會用懷疑的眼光看著我們說“真的嗎?可是你們的客家話不像本地的客家話”。這樣的情況一直重演,剛開始我們會一直解釋,但人家還是不接受。現在 我們發現微笑是最好的答案!哈哈~

今天午餐時間,我待在公司。剛好 Jane 打電話給我。掛上電話後,我的同事過來跟我說'哇,你會講'新安'客家話啊! 我解釋說我是在講河婆客家話但發音不准。她說"你不懂啦~ 你講的明明就是新安客家話。我從小聽我媽媽講新安客家話,我知道的!"。明明我妈就是河婆客嘛~ 他一直堅持說我就是新安客,他懂因為她從小聽她媽媽講等等等........ 後來我以微笑回應她。好啦,你比我更知道我的根好吧~ * 無奈*

其實這樣的事件從很久前就一直上演了。我早就不知道我到底是哪國的人了~ 呵呵... 我是走國際路線的喲,哈哈~ 因為我在自己的國家常被認為是外國人,在外國他們又認為我是其他國家的人。在這裡,人家會問我是不是台灣人,大陸人(是上等美女的那種喔,呵呵~ ),韓國人(如果是整了型的韓國美女,我OK啦),住外國回家鄉渡假不會說華語的人。在外國時,人家以為我是日本人,香港人,台灣人......

我記得以前我和jane在澳洲時,有天放學後我們騎車回家,途中有個紅毛阿姨把我們攔住。她說他多幾個月要去日本旅行了(我們那個年代網路不盛行啦~) ,想請問我們到時的天氣會是如何,要帶什麼樣的衣服去比較適合。很可悲的是我們從來沒去過日本。有次我在KLCC等朋友,有位日本人前來跟我說日語。我疑 惑的看著她然後說'素米馬森,娃大使娃你紅金雜阿里馬森' (對不起,我不是日本人)。她很不好意思的一直道歉。哈! 沒想到中學時期學的日文這時還能派上用場!呵呵~ 

又有一次我因為要買些本地土產給國外的朋友們,就去了紀念品一條街走走。結果老闆跟我說‘阿納海色喲’。我看著老闆跟他說我是本地人喲。我會說華語,能不 能算便宜?

有次我去北京渡假。北京人問我是不是北方人。去台灣時因為發音不准,他們問我是不是香港人。有時我說華語時,有些人會嚇一跳。他們說我看起來是說英語的。 還有一次我去莫爾本時,跟當地的人員乘巴士去雪山,那位主辦人過來跟我聊天,問我是不是很常去滑雪。我說沒有耶,這是我人生第一次因我住國家是熱帶,只看 過 iced kacang 的雪片而已。他很驚訝的說我長得一點都不像馬來西亞人。呵呵,馬來西亞人有特別的長像嗎?哈哈,反正這樣的事情發生很多很多遍,我老早已習慣 要為我的'身世'做解說了~

我想到了,以後我再被問到,我會回答'我是世界公民’ 但人家應該會覺得我瘋了吧?哈哈.....

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bloody scene

Was in KL the other day. Stayed with my friend and found out that she was into scary movies called Saw. There are 7 parts to the movies and she watched one part every night before she went to bed. I didn't watch it with her as there are too many bloody scenes. I can't handle blood and violence *weak heart*

Are u the same? If you are afraid of bloody scenes, u should stop here.

If you are against bears eating, u definitely should stop here~

BUT if you are hungry, just keep scrolling down for more!

Honestly speaking, i didn't know bears could taste so good. OK, i can't believe I'm saying this, because bears are so cute and I love teddy bears! Many years ago, I even went to a Teddy bear cafe in Taipei city to have afternoon tea with teddy bears! I never thought I would eat bears until i had one and fell in love with it.

Having tea with teddy bears!

The other day, my colleague brought some bear samples for us to try. I took one, examined it coz it just looked so adorable and without further thoughts, i popped it into my mouth and instantly, i placed my order. One week later, i got my very own bears to eat! yayeeee~~~

They look so cute and innocent in there!! I think they scream "Get me out of here!!!" haha...

Bear Family

We loved to watch Disney cartoons when we were small. And we kids like to assign cartoon characters among us. Somehow I always ended up with the 'funny' characters.... Jane is Donald Duck, the grumpy one and I'm Goofy, the blur one; She is the smart chipmunk called Chip while i'm the not-so-smart Dale etc.... Coincidently, the bears have black nose and red nose which kinda reminded me of Chip and Dale, aka Jane and I....

Twin Bears

I like to play with food... haha, not that i always play with food la. just that it's fun to eat it in different ways..So how did i eat my bears?

1) Too cute to eat! So just put it there as a decoration!
2) Headless bear! 
3) Eat half of the body
4) Break the legs first, so teddy can't run away
5) OMG! I lost my body!
6) Now you see it, now u don't!

OK, am childish! (haha... what's new?)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Still Alive and Strong....

I browsed thru my own blog just now and realised that I've written 472 posts over the past SIX yrs! *bravo* \(^^)/ Can that be considered as a life achievement? haha

When I first started my blog, I didn't think I'd last long. I sort of have a bad habit of quitting half way. You know, like abandoning it and letting the wild weeds take over after the hot steam cools down ;P 

6 years (going on 7) have come and gone in a blink of an eye! I'm glad to say that my blog is still up and running! Even I surprise myself! Updating my blog is now part of my life... Although it's funny to see that the number of posts decreases over the years haha... At least my blog hasn't been concurred by weeds, so it's good :P

I've read many blogs. Many seem to have a specific theme like food, travel, hobby, fashion, family etc. For me, I don't have one. I share anything that comes to my mind. Sort of like curry cooking where u put in all kinds of different spices, meat, veggies... 

It's good that I record my life journey thru a blog (BTW, i used to write with my own hands). When I read thru it, I started to recall some of the events that I didn't even remember! Ahaha.. so in a way, my blog is my memory bank! Good. Coz that means I don't have to worry about not remembering anything when i get old or suffer from amnesia. What's more, it could be published into a book in the future! The problem is, would anyone want to buy it? haha

Recently, some of my friends have plans to start their own blogs. Am excited and really look forward to getting connected to their worlds! ^^ They asked me how to start a post as they can't seem to think of anything to write.... 

Honestly speaking, I still have a lot to learn in this area. However, since I'm able to continue to write for 7 years, I think I could be consulted on this matter la :P ahahaha... 

I'm more like a 'free-styler'. I write anything that comes to my mind. Even petty things make it to my blog! haha.. well, i guess the key is not to restrict yourself. Be creative. As long as u feel like sharing, anything is fine. After all, it's your blog! 

was talking to LJ just now and we found that a way to come out with posts anytime any day of the week is by making nothing into petty things, petty things into big things and big things into bigger matters (无事变小事,小事变大事) Hahaha... That way, u will find a need to write about them. Isn't that a bright idea? Disclaimer: you should only practise this philosophy in writing blog and NOT in life ok!

Whatever ways you use to squeeze out a post, just remember to sit back, relax and write... come, let's have a cup of cuppa first.... 

Me Enjoying a good cuppa in a cozy cafe in Perth