Thursday, June 6, 2013

Still Alive and Strong....

I browsed thru my own blog just now and realised that I've written 472 posts over the past SIX yrs! *bravo* \(^^)/ Can that be considered as a life achievement? haha

When I first started my blog, I didn't think I'd last long. I sort of have a bad habit of quitting half way. You know, like abandoning it and letting the wild weeds take over after the hot steam cools down ;P 

6 years (going on 7) have come and gone in a blink of an eye! I'm glad to say that my blog is still up and running! Even I surprise myself! Updating my blog is now part of my life... Although it's funny to see that the number of posts decreases over the years haha... At least my blog hasn't been concurred by weeds, so it's good :P

I've read many blogs. Many seem to have a specific theme like food, travel, hobby, fashion, family etc. For me, I don't have one. I share anything that comes to my mind. Sort of like curry cooking where u put in all kinds of different spices, meat, veggies... 

It's good that I record my life journey thru a blog (BTW, i used to write with my own hands). When I read thru it, I started to recall some of the events that I didn't even remember! Ahaha.. so in a way, my blog is my memory bank! Good. Coz that means I don't have to worry about not remembering anything when i get old or suffer from amnesia. What's more, it could be published into a book in the future! The problem is, would anyone want to buy it? haha

Recently, some of my friends have plans to start their own blogs. Am excited and really look forward to getting connected to their worlds! ^^ They asked me how to start a post as they can't seem to think of anything to write.... 

Honestly speaking, I still have a lot to learn in this area. However, since I'm able to continue to write for 7 years, I think I could be consulted on this matter la :P ahahaha... 

I'm more like a 'free-styler'. I write anything that comes to my mind. Even petty things make it to my blog! haha.. well, i guess the key is not to restrict yourself. Be creative. As long as u feel like sharing, anything is fine. After all, it's your blog! 

was talking to LJ just now and we found that a way to come out with posts anytime any day of the week is by making nothing into petty things, petty things into big things and big things into bigger matters (无事变小事,小事变大事) Hahaha... That way, u will find a need to write about them. Isn't that a bright idea? Disclaimer: you should only practise this philosophy in writing blog and NOT in life ok!

Whatever ways you use to squeeze out a post, just remember to sit back, relax and write... come, let's have a cup of cuppa first.... 

Me Enjoying a good cuppa in a cozy cafe in Perth


lj said...

wah~ u really efficient wor~

kudos! i've been reading for almost 7 years as well! ok lah, if u publish your blog, at least u got 2 customers, jane & me! heh heh~

jenn said...

kung fu si gei, ka qiu ai mei! (hokkien)

don't forget, i have long hands and long legs, of course i will always be a bit 'faster' than 'normal' ppl :P

Okie ON! i know my 2 customers will buy 2000 copies each! thank you very muchie!

Unknown said...

you need champaign to celebrate 6 years anniversary or not leh???

jenn said...

haha, no need la. am a low profile person :P