Monday, September 27, 2010

Strange strange place

I'm feeling particularly blue today. It must be because of the dark, gloomy, rainy weather outside. How i wish I were at home hiding beneath my warm & cozy blanket & dreaming away! *ZZZzz* Another weekend just came and went. Somehow, time flies during weekend! WHY?!

Had dinner with my long lost friend at the weekend. WW and I were in the mood to be adventurous. We wanted to try 'new' food. New as in both of us have never been before. Although we were starving like mad, we still willingly crossed the deep sea and high mountains to get to a place far far away. We heard from someone that it makes different food. Mannnn, this person better be right!!

The place looked quite filled up from the outside. That's a good sign because crowds usually means good food. Ooo, i can't wait to try! But that eagerness soon vanished when we entered the shop.

Why is it dark inside? I guess the owner probably wanted to conserve energy because the brightness came from the lights at the corridor. NVM. It's good for Earth. As long as we can see what we are eating, I don't care...

Then the ladyboss came to our table and sat down with us. WW and I were waiting for her to introduce their famous dishes but instead, she sat back at the chair lazily not saying a word.

Weird. Has she worked too much that all she wanted to do is rest? Or is she being forced to give up her Saturday night to help out in theshop? Coz she sure didn't look like she wanted to do business. Or maybe because WW & I are 'small fish' so she didn't see why she had to spend her energy to entertain us.

WW broke the silence first and did what any first comer would do and asked for some recommendations. The lady, still v relaxed in her chair said "鱼囉,虾囉,肉囉 (fish, prawn. meat)". She stopped there. Har? Is that all? Such general menu ah? So we asked for more. She replied "菜囉, 鱼囉,虾囉,肉囉 (veggie, fish, prawn, meat)" Full stop again. Err.. what's up with her ah? Then we asked her if there is any non-seafood dish? She replied "雞囉,猪囉,牛囉 (chicken, pork, beef)". I was falling asleep as she went thru her menu, if it was even one *Zzzz* It's indeed different, just like the person said but different experience, not different food. Funny....

ooo, guess what? I'm having ginger milk tea tarik right now. A perfect drink on this cold, gloomy weather.

Instead of keeping my hot take-away milk tea in a plastic cup, i got him to put inside my thermo cup. Such good idea coz it's still warm when i reached office. Somemore I saved a few trees by avoiding plastic cup and also avoid cancer! One stone kill 3 birds. So clever of me! hehe...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How do u eat your mooncake?

It's Lantern Day today!

Lanterns bring back a lot of childhood memories. I still remember the times we hung our colourful lanterns around the house. They looked so pretty in the dark! Once, we hung many lanterns of different colours on a long bamboo stick and paraded around the neighbourhood. Everyone looked at us. They must be admiring our colourful creation! haha...

Lantern party at hip's house last yr
Mannn, has it been a yr?? time flies!
Look at my Pooh Bear lantern. Cute eh?

I wanna ask how u guys eat your mooncakes. Tell me. TELL ME! I ask this question every year after one faithful Lantern Day a few yrs ago.

I've never found anything weird abt the way i eat my mooncake because everyone at my home eats it like this. That day when i was biting into my mooncake in the office, my ex-colleague screamed very loudly. I thought she got attacked by a big black hairy spider! Turns out, she was shocked with the way i ate my mooncake. Then everyone else joined in. Errr.. I don't like attention leh :P

It turns out that nobody eats mooncake like i do. BUT that doesn't mean i'm weird, right? It's just that everyone else were raised to eat mooncakes their way. They are just not accustomed to the way i eat mine and because my way doesn't conform to theirs, so they see me as 'weird'. Actually, I'm just different (& unique) lah haha....

I don't cut into tiny little wedges and eat only 1 or 2 pc and then keep the rest in the fridge for future consumption. It's just too troublesome. Also, the leftover might be left forgotten in the fridge and eventually invaded by some green hairy species (mouldy). Me, I take the whole mooncake and bite it like how u eat a bun. I know. I could've cut into little wedges and eat it piece by piece. More ladylike right? But, why bother? I would have to wash that plate and knife!

Enjoy your Lantern day guys....

I like eating mooncake MY WAY

Monday, September 20, 2010

Busy Sunday

Sunday is supposed to be my lazy day. Just lazing the day away in a hammock with a good book to read or a few comedy movies to watch, a jar of cold cold freshly squeezed orange juice to drink and lots and lots of crispy, full-of-fat chips to eat... ahhhh, that's my kind of Sunday!

I decided to make myself worked like a cow on this particular sunday out of the blue. RARE. No, pigs didn't fly but the weather did change from hot sunny morning to dark, windy, wet afternoon... Hmmm.. I wonder why?

I woke up pretty early this Sunday, like 730am in the morn. Awww... i was really looking forward to waking up late! sigh...

Went downstairs for some juice and suddenly, i felt MOTIVATED (BTW, is this how popeye feel after he takes spinach???) and took out that pack of flour from the fridge and started making my breakfast. In 20 mins, i get my hot and crunchy and a bit chewy Focaccia.

My yeastless focaccia with lots of herbs & garlic! yummm...
So fast and easy to make that even a cooking dummy like me can do

I only do simple food. Anything quick and easy is my kind of cooking, simply because, i'm already a complicated person, i don't need more complications in my life :P ahaha... actually, recipes with complicated ingredients and steps confuse me. I give up even before I finish reading haha...

Then I remembered the black glutinous rice i bought a while ago coz i craved for some black rice porridge dessert. It never got cooked because i was too busy (a good excuse for my laziness hehe...)

Yes, u guess it. I made sweet black sticky rice dessert and topped it with some coconut milk. Yummm...


U know what? As I write this post, I feel quite impressed with myself. When I'm not in the mood, nothing gets done (like my long overdue exam which is going to expire in 2 months time ZZzzzz...) but when I'm motivated, i can get zillions of things done in one go! Sigh, how i wish i feel motivated EVERYDAY. Then i won't have such a long to-do list to follow! Oh well, life is the way I manage it....

It was a 'foodful' morning. When afternoon came, hunger striked. Since there was quite a lot of coconut milk left from the black rice porridge, I made vegetable curry. Ahahaha.. i think by now everyone of u must be amazed at my abilities haha... I am too!!

Vegetable Curry

Brought some curry for my colleagues to try. They cleaned up the whole pot in 5 mins! That's the silent way of telling me that it was good :P

After making focaccia, dessert, curry and the cleaning up, I was really exhausted by the end of my Sunday. Good thing that my motivation comes visit me only once in a blue moon. Or else i would be exhausted everyday and go mad one day :P

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why so Blue??

Feeling very blue today...

Not only it's monday today, it's also the first work day after 3 joyful rest days... After days of eat, sleep, play, no wonder I am feeling more blue than other mondays! (-_-) I wanna continue to eat sleep play! And all those curries, satays, muruku, masak merah, cake lapis etc that I had during Hari Raya, I want to eat them again!!!

Here is a picture irrelevant to the topic... I posted it just because

- I Like it
- I miss carefree holiday time
- I miss going to bed and wake up whenever I feel like it
- I wanna cheer myself up on this blue blue Monday by looking at happy moments

Eat sleep play do-nothing life

I'm looking forward to another holiday in 3 days time! yayeeeee.... Now i'm happy with excitement! My life is colourful once again! Yipee!

Ha! im so easily satisfied! That's the way to happiness! :P

Saturday, September 4, 2010



原來天下沒有做不到的事情。 難的, 是那顆心!

我花了一個晚上, 犧牲了我喜歡的電視節目和寶貴的睡眠, 為的就是這個。

Tada....! 我的小布袋!


怎麼樣? 很不錯吧? 這是我親手作的。 是純手工縫制的喔! 我真的會缝東西哦。。。但是手工有點粗啦。。。 沒關系啦! 我真的已經盡力了。 而且人家沒學過裁縫吶。。。

因為這是雙面的包包, 所以縫制起來, 真的要花很多時間。 其實我縫到一半時, 真的很想放棄。 三不五時就會自問自答, 干嘛沒事自討苦吃, 邊吃零食, 邊看電視不是很快樂嗎? 真是自我折磨咧! 真是自作自受耶!

幸好我的意志力強。 想到已買好的材料和成果, 我的熱情又來了, 又繼續埋頭苦干。 原來如果有恆心, 真的沒有什麼是辦不到的耶! 還好我有不斷的幫自己轉念, 才打敗了那個懶惰魔吶!

我越看小布袋越覺得它漂亮! ~哈! 臭美!~

說真的啦。它的外表真的沒有很美麗。 可是縫制的人的用心和堅持, 應該有讓小布袋添了一些內涵吧?



Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm giving out free hotdog!

Who wants to eat Hot dog now?

Coz I'm very upset at Tiger right now...

First, he tore my beloved black shawl (& heart) T____T

Then he tore my bedsheet!


So, do you want your hot dog with ketchup?