Monday, September 20, 2010

Busy Sunday

Sunday is supposed to be my lazy day. Just lazing the day away in a hammock with a good book to read or a few comedy movies to watch, a jar of cold cold freshly squeezed orange juice to drink and lots and lots of crispy, full-of-fat chips to eat... ahhhh, that's my kind of Sunday!

I decided to make myself worked like a cow on this particular sunday out of the blue. RARE. No, pigs didn't fly but the weather did change from hot sunny morning to dark, windy, wet afternoon... Hmmm.. I wonder why?

I woke up pretty early this Sunday, like 730am in the morn. Awww... i was really looking forward to waking up late! sigh...

Went downstairs for some juice and suddenly, i felt MOTIVATED (BTW, is this how popeye feel after he takes spinach???) and took out that pack of flour from the fridge and started making my breakfast. In 20 mins, i get my hot and crunchy and a bit chewy Focaccia.

My yeastless focaccia with lots of herbs & garlic! yummm...
So fast and easy to make that even a cooking dummy like me can do

I only do simple food. Anything quick and easy is my kind of cooking, simply because, i'm already a complicated person, i don't need more complications in my life :P ahaha... actually, recipes with complicated ingredients and steps confuse me. I give up even before I finish reading haha...

Then I remembered the black glutinous rice i bought a while ago coz i craved for some black rice porridge dessert. It never got cooked because i was too busy (a good excuse for my laziness hehe...)

Yes, u guess it. I made sweet black sticky rice dessert and topped it with some coconut milk. Yummm...


U know what? As I write this post, I feel quite impressed with myself. When I'm not in the mood, nothing gets done (like my long overdue exam which is going to expire in 2 months time ZZzzzz...) but when I'm motivated, i can get zillions of things done in one go! Sigh, how i wish i feel motivated EVERYDAY. Then i won't have such a long to-do list to follow! Oh well, life is the way I manage it....

It was a 'foodful' morning. When afternoon came, hunger striked. Since there was quite a lot of coconut milk left from the black rice porridge, I made vegetable curry. Ahahaha.. i think by now everyone of u must be amazed at my abilities haha... I am too!!

Vegetable Curry

Brought some curry for my colleagues to try. They cleaned up the whole pot in 5 mins! That's the silent way of telling me that it was good :P

After making focaccia, dessert, curry and the cleaning up, I was really exhausted by the end of my Sunday. Good thing that my motivation comes visit me only once in a blue moon. Or else i would be exhausted everyday and go mad one day :P


猫头鹰 said...


baby jane said...

you should do more complicated cooking to make you feel less complicated mah...hahaha...wai sei...really accomplished alot on sunday im trying to recall what i did on sunday..damn, i just had porridge with toufu and maggie mee..what a big difference!! my excuse is? i really dont have too many cooking utensils la...

Jenn said...

对啊. 连我也不敢相信自己的能力! 你有舍新的灵感呀?好想知道喔。嗯对了,你为何叫猫头鹰?

Jane, that means u can be hardworking to feel less lazy :P U don't need much cooking utensils. All u need is some motivation haha...