Friday, December 29, 2017

2017 年的總結

2017 年又快過去了。

時間似劍呀!每年我都說同樣的話。感覺就像在輪迴 哈哈

怎麼每一年我都覺得時間不夠用呀?哈哈~ 感覺事情還有一堆沒做好學好的,一年又過了~ 是我自己把自己搞得太忙嗎?其實我有一種強迫症(應該是上進心 :P),就是如果沒幹什麼,我會覺得渾身不舒服,總覺得日子不能空過!哎,我真的是天生勞碌命啊~



Anyway, 這種一生平穩領工資的人生計劃 因為我們的一個理念,讓我們決定豁出去。


無數的人好奇,為何我們要開始一件冷門的事業。茶,茶藝,茶料理,創意,藝術等真的會有人 buy in 嗎?背後的原因到底是什麼呢?我想,今天我應該好好聊聊我們的出發點。

很久以前,我和 Jane 常飛去台灣。那時不是為了別人,單純只是為了自己。

為何說是為了自己?話說10年前(天啊,這麼久了呀!),當時的我總問自己到底來到這個世界是什麼目的?我總覺得我應該是有使命要完成的,但我不知道是什麼。記得那時我常常問自己到底未來的方向是什麼?就連我在人間仙境的SAPA, 乘著巴士,看著遠方的美景,看著生活簡譜,努力工作的當地人也不僅覺得,難道人生就只是這樣嗎?忙碌生活賺錢,買買自己想要的東西,吃吃喝喝,偶爾到國外旅行... 就只是這樣?因為台灣之旅、我慢慢清楚自己來到世間的目的。


說真的,如果只有我一個人很好但其他人都不好,有什麼意義呀?我真的不喜歡活得驚心膽戰,去那裡,幹什麼都害怕被搶,被騙等等。我希望大家都過的無憂無慮,這樣世界真的會很美麗! *世界小姐不都這麼說嗎?呵呵*

我知道,我真的有點不太正常 哈哈~

所以,開創這個事業,除了想把好東西帶給大家之外(因為我們相信因果,絕對不想因為自己的利益而造下孽緣。我們對自己的行為要負責!所以我們在決定之前都很認真的做了功課。我們參訪過這位茶農(也是茶師)的高山茶園,了解他的背景為人,種植方式等, 品了他的作品,確定他的茶是有機優質的,他的所作所為符合我們的理念,才決定把茶千山萬水的帶到古晉),我們更想提倡'慈悲' ------》 慈悲善待地球,慈悲善待身邊的人,慈悲善待陌生人,慈悲善待自己。




Thursday, December 14, 2017

Is my logic logical?

I have a new fear which I have not overcome.
I think this will take time and effort.

I'm worried that family and friends get the wrong idea that my motive is to make money from them so i tried to be low profile. 

There is nothing wrong for them to have such thoughts. Because they may have been scared by people whose motives are, well, simply to make money from them and run away. 

I had that kind of experience too. For example, that insurance that I bought. Before I committed myself, she was sOOo friendly and helpful until I signed that paper. 

And that direct sales membership which i signed up because i wanted to learn how to have better health etc. As soon as i committed, my previous upline disappeared. And it was a miracle is that I actually obediently purchased health products for 3 years without supervision. 

Despite the above, I don't close my hearts. I don't know whether to call myself a fool or a kind hearted person  :P I just think that not everyone is like that. 不能一竹竿打翻一船人.I believe that there are good people out there who genuinely want to share good things with me. By giving them a chance, i also give myself an opportunity. Who knows, this might be the thing i need :) 

I've a friend who is doing part time direct selling. She shares information she learns during her classes, sends me pamphlets of monthly promotion, asks me to attend talks regarding health etc. She does the same for others. Then one day, a colleague told me that she feels that my friend just wants to make money out of her. I was stunned! I truly appreciate my friend's gesture because without doing anything, I got to enjoy the fruits of her hard work!. And I just think that it's appropriate that I pay for such "services " because how else would I find out about the good things if it weren't for her who has invested time, money and effort to discover and test them? And only by "paying" her, she would have an income to sustain her act.  And only by giving them a try would i know if the items are worthy of my money or not. 

Haha, i don't know. I have always been a weird one. I don't even know if my logics are logical to you or not haha...

What do u think?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Hi to My fears

Do you have any fears?
I have. And a lot.

I used to let these fears stop me from progressing. Simply because I'm afraid. I did realise that I can't live like this forever but I was too afraid to do things that i was afraid of.

My parents saw this weakness. They pushed us to do things we feared of. I didn't like it. I wondered why my parents were not like other parents who let their kids just be kids. I wondered if I were adopted. I wondered if they loved me. I wondered and wondered but there was no answer.

At first, life was tough for me. I had to deal with my fears, find ways to overcome them. I was in a state of uneasiness. I wanted to give up and run away and hide. I went to look for my friend "little willow tree" and told her about my problems. She listened to my sorrows quietly.

Although i feared, I continued to do something. Strangely, once i did one thing, one fear disappeared! Then I dealt with one more fear and one more disappeared! Then i realised, I actually could 'delete' my fears if I accept my flaws, face them and conquer them! Fears are like a never ending thingie. New ones will develop as time passes by. yes, God wants us to continually improve ourselves haha...

Recently, i develop a new fear. 
Fear of stepping out of the comfort zone.
Actually, it isn't so comfortable la. It's just stable.
I gave reasons and tried to procrastinate. I thought by doing so, I could avoid facing it. The problem with procrastination is that, when time is running out, you will have to pay the price!

Psk, it's finally happening. It feels unreal. Jane and my little space is now being 'created'.

I do admit, I was afraid at the beginning but now, i kinda look forward to it. 

It's a one way street. There is no turning back. I will just have to try my best to create history. Like Dr. Choong said in his GST seminar last week - You either create history or become historyIt's true. We only live once this life, I might as well create history.

Yes, there are countless of people who question about our moves.
I must agree with them. 
Why is there a need to make life so busy when life is already stable?
Why is there a need to take such risk and jeopardize own future? 
Yes, I have the same doubts as them too. I guess I could either be doubtful for the rest of my life or try my very best to find answers to clear my doubts.

For now, let me just say, I was amazed at how little things i knew before, even though I've obtained a uni degree, obtained so many qualifications and knowledge in my career!  It's a shame i know. 

How foolish i was before to think that I knew how the world operated. I actually only knew how MY world operated *cover face*

I'm glad I have taken this path to an unknown future. It sure is not a breezy walk in the park, but whether it's a success story or not, at least I've given it a go. At least I have learned something different.

"If you want to conquer fear, don't sit at home and think about it. Go out and get busy" - Dale Carnegie

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Special Day!!

First of all, let's cheer out loud! 
For it's that special time of the year again!

Nope, it's not because there are crazy online sales!
And nope, it's not because a lot of couples get married on this day.
It's simply because it's the birthday of a pair of adorable identical twins who, when standing together, looks exactly like 11 hahaha...

Years ago, Jane and I were playing in a netball competition against our colleagues from Sabah. She was the goal keeper while i was the goal shooter. We effortless (ok, i exaggerated. actually with little effort la hahaha) got ourselves 13 goals against 0. The opponents looked embarrassed so we decided to give them 1 goal. Jane had to pretend she jumped short and couldn't block the shooter from shooting hahaha.. from then onwards, Jane and I became famous in the Land of Borneo and  are known as the Twin Towers.

I feel lucky to have a friend, a soul mate as soon as we were conceived. Am sure Jane feels the same way too because her life would be soOOooo dull without my existence for sure!

Thank you to my family and friends who sent us birthday wishes through all kind of means. 

And thank you to those who took precious time out from their busy lives to take me out for meals. 

And of course my parents, who took me to nice dinner on 11/11. Too bad I forgot to take a pictures with them T___T

Oh, i just remembered that, i still have birthday cake in the fridge. I better clear it because the moulds get to it. 

Thank you once again for celebrating with me! Big hugs & kisses to u all!

forgot to take pic with my parents & brothers T__T

Friday, October 27, 2017


今天我們不小心下了戰書,3個月後驗收  ╮(╯▽╰)╭  


最近大家一直揪來揪去。說好要帶運動服,下班後去公園健身的,結果每一天都有人說忘了帶。為了大家的健康著想 (其實是避免大家藉口多多),有人就提議說來個比賽怎麼樣。

比就比呀 有什麼好怕!

其實還蠻後悔接戰書的,因為我跟美食對抗多年,每次都輸到落花流水~ 哈哈哈哈

午餐時間,大家一起量體重,體內脂肪,BMI,body age 等。

對我來說,這個不是跟美食對抗或與運動做朋友的考驗,而是考考自己到底有多自律,有多堅定! *握拳*





I'm serious about it! *再次握拳*

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Unique profile pictures

Before there were stickers for digital photos,  decorations (?) for pictures were created by one's powerful mind. 

Yeah, i gotta say, the pre-generation z people may seem less privilege without high tech gadgets but looking from another angle, their brains are efficiently and effectively utilised ;P

Jane bought these really nice handpainted paintings from a street artist near Musée d'Orsay and excitedly went home and wanted to make her very own unique FB profile picture with them. 

Unique i heard! Of course being a nice sister, i decided to lend her some helping hands. 

 Take 1

Take 2

I don't know why she didn't wanna use any of these as her FB profile picture. Esp this really cute one: 

The Best shot! haha

Friday, October 6, 2017


哎哟哟~ 我难为情咧 哈哈

不过挺过瘾的 哈哈~


Monday, September 11, 2017

Yy's adventure in Taipei

It was summer holiday in France. My sister decided to send little YY to school in Taipei. 

Lucky YY for being able to "study overseas" at such young age! Haha~ 

My nephew is now 2.5 yo. When we con-call,  he talks but we can't understand. We thought he is still baby talking. Then one day we realised that he was actually speaking FRENCH! >.<

The only French words i could speak are bonjour, c'est super, c'est la vie... yeah, u see the problem haha

My sister and brother-in-law want him to learn more Chinese vocabs so they thought, why not spend one month in Taipei since there are a variety of programs to choose from. So my sister enrolled him into a summer school.

We all flew to Taipei to spend some time with them.  It's definitely nearer and cheaper to fly to Taipei than to Paris haha...  YY has grown really tall! He is still adorable. Kinda miss him now that i am writing this.

YY loves bus. Whenever he sees bus, he would point at one and says BUS. We even purposely took a bus somewhere just to fulfil his dreams. He was excited and very alert the whole time. He watched the moving items without blinking. That's how concentrate he was haha~ 

And it's amazing how one thing can stuck in one child's mind. No wonder ppl say, kids are like sponges. They see, they learn. Oh and one more, they remember. One morning after breakfast, my sister walked him to school while mum and I walked back to our hotel. They witnessed an accident where a bus hit a motorcyclist. To avoid my nephew from looking at the bloody scene, my sister quickly led him away. At night before he slept, he told my sister about the incident. My sister was shocked that he remembered! 

He said:

"Bus. Boom. Pipu pipu"

Mannnn.. i should learn from little YY. 
His story is short and straight to the point. 4 words to tell a story to be exact! Save time, save breath! 

Now I am ashamed. My posts are usually more than 100 words 🙈🙈

         Yy's adventure in Taipei

Monday, August 21, 2017

Tiger is having fun

So, the vacant land in front of our home was suddenly cleared again. This time, the owner decided that EVERYTHING on the land must go, including my mum's flowers, the coconut tree and banana trees. 

We decided to plant other veggie on the land since it was sOOoooOooo empty. Tiger came to help out (by wandering around).

I thought this photo of Tiger looks funny. He did look like he owned this land with his head high like that haha.. kinda reminded me of Simba in Lion King. 

See the resemblance? :P

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Happy 10th year!

Yes, i have been missing in action again.

Life has been busy. But who is not busy, right? Everybody thinks he/she is busy. Don't believe me? Just ask around haha...

But being busy isn't a good excuse because life is the way you manage it. Everyone is given an equal amount of time per day. How one's day goes depends on how one arranges it. 
Gosh, i like that after so long, i am still full of wisdom!  >.<

This blog was first started because I wanted to improve my brain. I don't know about other people,  after leaving EY, the place where i overused my brain power, the 'sudden free time' made me felt that my brain had been neglected and totally under utilised.  My memory became lousy, reaction was slow, i took one day to write a paragraph of words etc.  Then i started to do some brain exercise by playing games that required brain power like Sudoku or guessing words by looking at a few pictures. They did make me use my brain a bit but still my brain was too 'relaxed" and I still took one day to write one paragraph of words. Sigh, looks like I am born to be a slave. I seem to find free time a waste of time  T___T 

Am i normal?

Then I figured (fortunately my brain still functioned!), the only way to exercise my brain is to WRITE. When internet wasn't a common thing, i wrote with hands. I still have those messy handwritten diaries. Then as technology became more advance (and i of course advanced with technology, I started this blog. I thought it would be nice to write and post pictures. 

So this blog is 10 years old (oh my! i didn't even realise that it has been that long!). I could see the changes I went through. Not just in terms of my appearances but also my thoughts. Personally, i think i've turned from a miserable person to a less miserable person. However something that will never change is that, i will always be one of the adorable twins! hehe...

I bet you will agree :P 

Thursday, April 20, 2017

New Hobby

我有一班種花發燒友。我們還是幼稚園的 level - 不太會照顧但又很愛種很愛繁殖的那種。為了省買花草的錢,我們常常互相交換。有時去到 nursery看到喜歡的,還是會失心瘋。

我們這群熱愛種花的還成立了一個‘花痴粉絲’組群 哈哈


我喜歡薰衣草。好幾次家人從澳洲回來,我拜託他們帶回來給我。大姐二姐給我剪了好多薰衣草的枝,還買了’催生劑‘給我,可惜還是枯了。沒辦法,本人功力有限。後來我二姐超級貼心的,她特別提了2個蝴蝶薰衣草給我,她說既然妹妹想要,就帶了最特別的品種給我。我二姐人美心美!呵呵~ 雖然後來也是變成‘標本’ T___T 最後本人決定不麻煩姐姐,我自己從台灣帶回來,目前在我朋友家寄住,2顆活1顆,我覺得不錯了。我下次還要帶紫素,不同種類的香草,蝴蝶薰衣草等等。很多朋友都說“可以帶活花回來咩?!”。可以啊,至少我和家人們都多次成功帶入。

那天朋友和 Jane 在台北狂掃蘭花。我抱著一盆薰衣草在花市等了他們好久好久。他們的邏輯就是,反正要扛花回去了,那就一次拿多點,反正一次苦過。哈哈,我不知道這是阿Q精神,積極的精神還是歐巴桑的精神?我知道自己的能力,能帶一顆植物回國就已經很厲害了,但這兩位小姐竟然買了一堆。打包行李時,她們的聊天如下:

“拿這麼多會不會帶不進 (機艙及回國)?”



有天Jane 和 朋友各別寄來的她們花花的近況照片,我笑屎了。

 Jane 的


有一阵没 follow up 了,不知花儿怎么样了~

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Fate or Luck #2

I think when you are associated with someone who constantly encounters a lot of incidents, you too will suffer the same fate. 

My poor car has gone through many incidents. Like that day, it was being left in the rain and sun for 1 week, having its wheel cramped because its owner lost the car key and remote control T__T

The sun roof is now forever sealed because it opened 'automatically' and wouldn't shut (this is car problem)

It went in and out of the workshop last year because things just kept breaking down - like AC was not functioning, red light kept flashing warning me against something but i didn't know what, the sealed sun roof leaked during heavy rain.

ok, back to the story.

It was Guan Yin Buddha's birthday and I decided to join the chanting session at the monastery. I didn't bring a bag as i think it would just block the walk way and i don't really need to use much ayway. Just brought with me 10 bucks and a driver's licence. I didn't even bring a  mobile phone as I was sure i wouldn't have time to use it. It was quite nice to go out with minimal items!

It was crowded when i arrived. Having no place to park, I decided to park at the side of the lorong, outside the building, just like other cars. After the session, i quickly went to get my car as the area was kinda dark. Unfortunately, when i reversed, I didn't realise there was a big hole in the ground and my tire was caught. I tried to accelerate hoping it would come out but.... i hurrily ran back to seek help. Wah, the monastery was already empty, i wonder how these people could disappear so fast in such a short time! haha... Then i saw a man walking out from the back of the big Buddha statues. Wow, was he Buddha sent? 

I normally don't dare to speak to strangers let alone asking for help! haha... when one is desperate, what hold you behind seems to disappear too. So i walked towards him and asked sincerely if he could help me. I told him the happenings. He said OK and i don't know how and where, he found a few more men to come to assist me! AMAZING!

So there were 4 of them. When they saw the size of my car, they all said this will be a difficult one. Too heavy to push. Opppsss

But they didn't give up. The other man went to get two jacks from his car. He even tried to jack up my car so we could push the car out of the hole. Too bad my car just wouldn't budge. A few cars passed by. They just stopped and rolled their window down to check what we were doing. Hey, I forgot to to thank them for their moral support!

One of the guys asked me why i came to the monastery. I told him i joined the chanting session. He then asked "Do you blame Buddha, that you've come for the chanting session, and yet Buddha still lets this happens to you?". Haha, why is this Buddha's fault? I was the one driving into the hole. I was the careless one. That was how i replied him. He then broke into a smile and said "you passed! normally ppl will blame sky and earth (God) for all the bad happenings'. oh, so i just passed a test question hehe... Actually I was thankful that there were 4 angels here trying to help me~ 

After what seems like half an hour, one of the guys said it was impossible to get the car out manually. I would have to get a tow truck to pull it out. I told him I didn't have a phone with me. He kindly helped calling a tow truck to help. I didn't ask for the cost but in my mind, tow truck isn't cheap and i probably have to pay like $200 or more. Oh well, it's the cost of a lesson then.

They continued to try while waiting for the tow truck. It came after 10 mins and in seconds, my car was out from the hole! hoorayyy! I told the tow truck i only have 10 bucks with me and asked if i could pay him the next day. He cheerily said ok. Guess how much is the tow service? 50 bucks. Oh, my goodness, it was way way below my estimation! I was so grateful. And am even more grateful that he was wiling to help a stranger without immediate full payment! 

Just after i spoke to the tow truck driver, i turned around wanting to thank the guys for their kind help. They disappeared! It was like.... they were angels! 

Til date, i'm thankful to all the happenings in life, be it good or bad. They are like supplements for our body to make us stronger. I am thankful to those who have lent me a helping hand. I don't know who they are but they are real-life angels. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Why Hungry?

I'm so glad that my mum's back!

She has been away for 3 weeks. For 3 weeks, i felt hungry all the time even though i'd just eaten a big plate of food @.@

My friends said, my stomach must have been stretched since my mum always cooks a lot and I always try to finish everything she cooks. So this 'big plate of food' is probably just 1/3 of what i normally eat.

Haha, sounds logical but I think that's not the real reason.
I think and analyse hard. Yes, i take this very seriously because it's really a pain to feel hungry all the time!



I finally found the reason!

I was always hungry not because i didn't eat enough.

It's simply because of the quality of the ingredients used in the cooking!

When eating out, the ingredients are probably just normal or below normal quality. But mum, she always uses the best of the best. She spends time growing organic vegetables and fruits for us, going around looking for people who sells high quality ingredients, buying only the freshest. Yep, she shops almost everyday so she cooks what she gets on the day. With so much love, effort and fresh ingredients, no wonder i stay full until the next meal!

This morning, i woke up to find her new dish which she learned in Australia -> Bacon Angel Hair Pasta with olive oil and spices.

My hearty breakfast by my lovely mum

It looked so interesting in our oriental-look plate! haha... I topped it with the basil grown by me (yes, by ME! haha...). I like how it looks in the plate. It kinda symbolizes how life should be ---- blend in!

I'm seriously sick of eating out after weeks of eating out.
I'm so grateful that I can even save this for lunch later (yes, my mum cooks super duber big portion of food)

WohooO! After 3 weeks, i finally feel FULL!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

What happens at the end of the jam

Whenever I'm stuck in traffic jams during non-peak hours, i wonder to myself if something bad has happened. Maybe the road is closed because of road works or there is a seriously car accident or the traffic lights are not functioning, or due to fallen trees or maybe a car breaks down in the middle of the road...

But when i finally reach the end of the jam, i will feel annoyed most of the time because...

Some drivers actually slow down (like almost stop) to look at the car accident or the car that breaks down or men at work. It annoys me even more when people slow down even when these happenings are at the opposite side of the road. Why are people so curious ah?

One night, I didn't see the big gap at one parking spot at the road side due to darkness and i accidentally drove in and one tire was stuck in between >_<

A few kind men came to help (they were God sent angels!), they tried to jack my car up and push my car out of the hole but due to the size of my big car, it just wouldn't budge. 

Many cars passed by and i saw them WINDED down their windows, instead of offering to help, they just looked. I wonder if they wanted to show me their sympathy that it's unfortunate of me to have encountered this or they simply wanted to see more clearly?

Sigh... i hope drivers will just stop being so curious. It doesn't help to slow down or stop to look. It just cause unnecessarily jam. Period. 

Oh, how can i forget about this ----> the super duber most annoying part is when the jam is actually caused by drivers who decide to park at the road side so he and his passengers do not have to walk. 

Sigh, if only everyone is considerate....

Friday, March 24, 2017







不知哪个是哪个 哈哈

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


午餐後,直接匆進電話店,二話不說,跟店員要了 iPhone 7。



只因為這是幫朋友買的啦 呵呵~

這樣也很好。不但不 hurt 錢包,還賺到了爽快的時光~

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Simple Happiness

I bought some flowers from the florist 2 days ago.

When I put them all in the vases, they took away my breath straightaway for they are simply beautiful! 

Every time i look at them, i feel happy inside! 

Then i thought to myself, the flowers would live a much more meaningful life if they can make many happy instead of just my family and myself. 

So the next morning, I brought some to the office... in my mum's basket hehe... It was so weird that carrying a basket of flowers actually made me felt as if i was in Paris! I even had matching music playing in my mind hahaha~ So romantic, so happy, so full of hope! :P 

A basket of happiness 

I gave one rose to the female colleagues in my office. They were all surprised and had such big smiles on their faces. 

Some of them even took pictures of the roses and uploaded onto their facebook to share with their friends immediately. Guess what? they received a lot of likes and comments! Cool!

Some even asked their family members to deliver vases to the office so they could display the roses nicely.

It is so beautiful to see roses on all the tables. They really brightened up the office, I must say! And everyone who walked past actually stopped, looked at and talked about the roses! It's like, the roses brought everyone together and most importantly, reminded people to stop and smell the flowers. 

can u see the 3rd rose?

I didn't know that such a little gesture could bring so much happy moments to others. It makes me happy that everyone is happy ^V^

Friday, January 27, 2017


因為大家好,我就好。大家不好,我也會擔心。所以為了不擔心,當然希望大家都很好~ 呵呵

上班前我也打掃一下。回家飯後還沒去開夜工前,我立馬也動手動手動腦一下。時間有限,要善用。話說我是一個緊急關頭時才有效率的人 :P

過年前,我收到了3個紅包喲。呵呵~ 驚喜!






Wednesday, January 25, 2017



為了大家的‘錢’途,我們在過年前趕緊開 Audit Committee 和 Board Meetings。
外面下著大雨,時間也不早(其實很'早')了但我還得用力睜開眼睛,絞盡腦汁,在夢遊的狀態下寫報告~ 祈願我的報告不會有太多連我也看不懂的夢話*苦笑*


一位好老朋友 (哈哈,有這樣的字嗎?)的醫生說他是高風險產婦,有可能血崩,死亡機率很高。他不收她,請她去大藥房生產。上個月她告知我這件事。我抓著他的手,安慰她說佛菩薩會保佑她的。她會沒事的。但若到時真的需要血,請一定要通知我。她交代了後事。萬一。我點頭,我會幫忙的。昨天,她順利生了一個可愛的貝比。上班時間接到消息,我流下了開心的眼淚。她後來說其實她有流血不止,失了不少血但慶幸醫生順利止住了。


想到這裡,我覺得很內疚。覺得自己是個不稱職的孩子。媽媽有時多說2句,我會對他不耐煩。有時還會跟他頂嘴。偶爾還會不聽她的話,氣她 T___T




Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Welcoming Year of Rooster!

CNY is 10 days away! YIKES! time flies!

Haha, same reaction year in and year out (read here , here

Oh well, people are often driven by deadlines. The nearer the deadlines, the more efficient the person will be!

Last weekend, my mum and I did a lot of tidying up. My mum did the most though.

We had our home cleaned. The 1 inch thick dust was finally removed.

We had our algae-covered cement floor, wall, fence and drain cleaned. 

We bought some pineapple tarts, cashew nut cookies, kuih momo, sambal rolls, cheese sticks from hardware store where we bought paint and brushes.

We painted our washed-out wooden fences. It was harder than imagined. No wonder people always say, you don't know how hard it is until you have done it yoursef! INDEED. I will never ever underestimate anyone's work from now on.  We did regret starting it but... once we saw the result, we were glad that we had started it.  

Although i feel super duber tired after all these cleaning, but deep inside, i feel good to see how our poor old house now shines. Although it isn't professionally done and we didn't cover many areas, but at least it now looks more decent than before. And for some reason, i sort of feel that our poor old house which has given its live to provide a home for us, is now smiling happily..... hahahahaha, too much cleaning must have made my imagination a bit wild :P
Now I know i could accomplish a lot if i want to even when i don't know how to. If you never never do, you will never never learn. If you never never do, you will never never realise your strength. 

When there is a will, there is a way. Indeed 

Partly painted fence
Not so professionally painted;p