Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My childhood and teenage years~~

We had family dinner at club the other night. Club is the place that we used to hang out when we were small. Lots of memories there ~^^~  My parents were a bit sentimental that night and they mentioned about our childhood incidents and how they were finally able to afford the club membership so we could go for a swim, borrow books, join fun activities, order food & drinks to eat, play TV games....

It brought back many memories...Some I didn't know until today..... My parents had indeed done a lot for us... My parents said they were not making much at that time.... At first,  we kids were just 'shadow members' at club. We weren't registered members but were able to tag along to go for a swim there without having to pay anything because my cousins were very well-treated there as their dad was a committee member at that time and was respected by many. i remember watching my cousins signing their names & membership number on an invoice in exchange for ice-cream, hot dogs, cold drinks, fried noodles, french fries etc..... Sometimes when we were in good terms, my cousins would share their goodies with us.. sometimes we only got to watch them enjoying their food & drinks because we just had a fight.. haha, kids.. We loved, hated and forgot very fast, just like the ever-changing weather :P

Thinking about all these, I had tears in my eyes. My parents worked so hard so they could provide all these for us! So we didn't have to 'beg' others to share with us. I remember friends who used to say to us that we are what we are now because we got to live and study overseas. Some people even think that we are rich because we look rich. Remember, never judge a book by its cover.... 

When we were living and studying overseas, we kids tried to reduce my parents' burden by take up part-time jobS . haha, yeah, u didn't know about this right? hehe.... People just look at what we have but do not realise the hard work we had put in... During those years, Jane and I basically worked for our own pocket money...  I just couldn't imagine myself asking from my parents for their hard-earned money to buy that top in Esprit! Yeah, we are such thoughtful kids :P

During our high school and uni years, we worked as paper delivery girls. Stacks of different pamphlets were sent to our home and we had to fold sets and had them all delivered to all the designated houses before a deadline. We carried almost 15kg of pamphlets on us. It's heavier in December because there are Christmas sales everywhere. Some were as thick as a phone book! It was crazy! We had walked/cycled in the rain, under the hot sun, in the freezing weather, 5am in the morning, 11pm at night, chased by big dogs, scolded at, thanked at etc.. 

Then we also worked as babysitters and at the weekend, we worked in a Chinese restaurant as waitresses.. In the morning, we were dim sum 'promoters'.. We had to carry trays and trays of hot and steaming dim sum and sell them to customers... I remembered that Jane had a cart of her own because she was in charge of selling pork & century egg porridge. We laughed that she was the 2nd richest in the restaurant because she had a B&W of her own haha... At night, we served ala-carte meals... The ang mo people really take time to enjoy themselves and chit chat until closing time while the Asians come and go like a twister! haha... The good thing about working in restaurants is that we get to eat all we want after work.. Sometimes we can even bring food home! haha, it's our heaven! After work, We got to pick anything we wanted from the 'left overs'..... it was a good treat for poor students like us. And u know, because it's on the house, we ate more than we could and ended up turning into a fatso haha...

Jane and I sometimes helped in the food court too.... We took turns to help out at a Japanese eatery. Oh boy, we had to shout slogans to attract customers! And did u know, to get nicely cut sushi, u have to keep your sharp knife wet. Jane and I were also tutors. This is the best job ever because we got to lecture people and gave homework! buahahaha...

Hey, now that i mentioned all these, i think many of my friends have better lives than me! Most of my friends who went to study overseas just need to make sure they studied and graduated! haha.. well, even though I didn't have that privilege, i still feel grateful... because through this, I have experienced and learned a lot... and of course, through this, I also got to eat free dim sum every weekend and also Japanese food at week nights...haha... Am such an easily satisfied person...... 

I love my family!

my crazy sister who never fails to cheer us up!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013



有時我會邊聽CD邊高歌一曲。因為只有自己在冷氣車子裡,所以可以不用理會旁人的感受,可以盡情的大唱特唱~ 歌聲很爛也沒人管~

有時我會碎碎念,"開那麼快很危險啊!" "用天橋過馬路好不好?" "我打招呼道謝了,為何不讓我?" 等等...

那天我跟往常一樣,開著車子去上班。上班時間車輛總是很多~ 還來不及踩油門又得剎車了。大家為了糊口每天都忙忙碌碌的,我在想,大家塞在路上心情難免會不好~ 尤其是趕時間的時候,平時不礙眼的事情突然變成生氣的原因。想著想著,我突然笑了。我不是笑大家不能控制自己的情緒。我笑是因為我想到一個很好笑的笑話.....

要聽嗎?真的很好笑 (自認)



我記得有次跟jane倆聊天。我們同時看中了一個娃娃。我說熊很可愛。Jane說那不是熊,是狗!我反驳的說明明就是一隻熊! Jane也不服輸的說那根本就是狗一隻!! 就這樣你一句我一句的鬥起嘴來。結果娃娃忍不住的吶喊,"我不是狗,也不是熊。我是狗熊!!" 哈哈哈... 然後我想像狗熊吶喊的畫面,就這樣,我不用理會旁人的感受,在車里大聲的笑了起來。哈哈哈哈....這是我自導自編的笑話,自覺好笑,你笑了嗎?



Smile~ it brightens the day~

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dreamer's dream

Caught up with my old friend when in KL... we talked about recent happenings as well as the past. haha, this is what happened when you are with OLD friend >__< We suddenly turn into oldies! Actually, we are not that old la, just that all of us have memories of the past and it's just natural that we discuss about the history when we meet *Denial*

My friend said she dreamed of going to Hawaii since young. She couldn't really remember what made her wanted to go there. She figured it must be because of the movie she watched when she was a kid. She imagined herself lying in a hammock and sipping juice from a coconut decorated with a pink umbrella at the beach where the sand is as fine as flour, the sound of the ocean waves can be heard, Hawaiian music playing in the background and a few ladies wearing coconut shell-made bras doing Hula dance... she said to her Hawaii is a paradise. To date, she still hopes she would be able to visit that place. 

It's so cool to have a dream like that! So i tried to recall, what is my dream? i thought very hard but it didn't come to me... Oh gosh, I don't have a dream? Then the next day, when i walked past a shop, it came to me.... 

I was in high school at that time and once, i went to a florist to purchase some flowers for my sister who just gave birth. The shop was full of beautiful flowers! On the shelves, in the fridge, on the floor, on the wall, outside the shop.....  And the shop itself smelled wonderful, just like flowers.. I wonder if there were bees and butterflies in the shop too.... There were rolls and rolls of colourful ribbons and gift cards at the working counter. Behind it, there were also soft toys and balloons with greetings like "It's a girl!", "I love you", "Happy Birthday!" etc. Everything made me feel happy inside. Then and there, i dreamed of owning a flower shop just like this one when i grow up. I reckoned i would be happy everyday if i  worked in shop like this.

As you can see, it hasn't happened.... I could if i want to i suppose but you see, i've found my happiness.... That to be happy everyday, all i need is have happy thoughts~ wow, why am i so clever ah? haha... 

Our minds are really powerful. It can create and destroy.... 

Create happiness and destroy hatred....

Jane, do i get discounts?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Super Memory

SometimesI really admire my own memory.  It's so powerful that even I am amazed! ^^

Jane always asked me how I have the ability to remember things fromlong ago. She hardlyremembers what was said 5 seconds ago! Yeah Jane, beware cozwhatever u do and say, i remember hehe...  

Just a few examples to share - the other day, one of my TW friends said she found an Italianrestaurant which we should go. The place is very cozily decorated andfood isn't very bad. She told me the location of the restaurant. Hmmm... I felt I had been there before and when i clicked on the enclosed link, irealised that another TW friend had taken me there once, THREE years ago! Icould even remember what I had! 3 years later, I went backto this exact same restaurant, nothing much has changed except thistime, i went with different companions :P

Last night, Jane and I were whatsapp-ing. These days we human beings donot communicate verbally anymore. All we do is use our fingers.Personally, i think it's not very healthy. Real human interaction isvery important because it brings people closer. Not that writing messages won't bring people closer.. it's just different. U see, thesedays it's easy to spot families or groups of friends, although theyare sitting together in one table but nobody talks. Everyone is lookingdown at their phones and the only thing we could hear is incomingmessage alerts. SAD.... 

Anyway, back to my original topic, Jane and I were whatsapp-ing, Janewas trying to ask me to do something and before she brought it up, Imentioned exactly what she wanted to say. Jane was surprised and calledme a genius. Well, if that's the way she wants to put it, I won't try to deny la hehe...

I said to Jane that it's because I am Smarties and she is a M & M. She didn'tcatch what I meant so I told her a joke which I heard years ago when we were stillin high school. I asked her "why do M&M go to school?" Shereplied "how do I know?" The answer is "Because M&M want to beSmarties!" ahahahaha... funny right? Or did you not catch it likeJane? well, then u are M & M too...  haha...

I once came across a phrase that says "快樂的人都是記性不好的". I'm here to object because this phrase isn't entirely true. Because although I have good memory, I'm NOT unhappy. Being happy isn't difficult if you know the secrets. Well, actually, there are not secrets la hahaha...  You justgotta have bigger heart than other people, that's all. If u try to find faults in everything, no matter how bad your memory is, you will still be unhappy.... Wow, am full of wisdom today! hehehe... 

If you still don't know how to create your own happiness, then try to be with someone who is happy & funny like.... 

My crazy brother...
who always does funny stuff to make ppl laugh

or play with cute kitties. It can take away your worries too.... long as they don't belong to u :P

If you still don't feel happy, how about...

Eating yummy cheesecake? 
V rich cheesecake from 日光 in Taichung

If one piece of it still doesn't bring you happiness, try eating the whole thing! Yayeeee... the thought of it is enough to make me happy! haha..
