Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Out of the comfort zone

Change can be scary. Sometimes we choose to stay where we are because we fear that a slight change means we have to do a bit more to live with the change. Who needs new challenges when we already have enough to deal with at the moment?

I was once a coward too. I hated making decisions because making decisions means having to bear the consequences, which also means, if the results did not turn out as I had hoped for, I would have a miserable life ;(

But to remain unchanged while the rest of the world keeps changing, I would have a miserable life too. So i learn to make changes for the better. I learn to accept consequences, be it good or bad. I learn to have an ordinary mind by not expecting any rewards (平常心).

So, what have i learned so far? I have learned that it's OK when i take a turn and fall into the drain. I just need to stand up, heal myself, think of better ways to not fall down again. The journey may not be a pleasant one but the fruits are definitely sweet.....

I had a boyish hairstyle during my school years. My mum kept telling not to have such short hair because i looked like a boy from behind as I am tall and slim (ahem, am slim no more T__T). Being stubborn, I didn't listen to her and continued to keep my hair short. One day, while i was on a study trip in Taipei, I was bag-bargaining at a store at a night market. As i turned around to leave, I noticed a small kid standing behind me with his mum. He told him mum that he thought i was a boy! His mum was a bit embarrassed and told him to say no more. Sad to say, kids are always honest and from then onward,  i stopped having short hair. Yup, i was that hurt... and trusted the kid's taste haha...

Even when i have long hair, I went thru many struggles too. Before the hair straightening era, i went through life with messy & unmanageable hair for i have natural curls. Then someone invented hair straightening (praise the inventor!) and i was too scared to try because I heard that it would burn your hair and make u botak (bold). After many thoughts (struggles), i did it anyway and had straightened long hair for many years. 

Then my family and friends started to get bored of it  and 'complained' that i should make a hairstyle change (hey! easy for them to judge me!). Then i struggled again. Should i curl my hair? What if i look like an aunty? After many thoughts (struggles), I did it anyway and had curly hair for many years. Although sometimes the results were not as expected but I lived with them anyway.

Then I got so used to long hair that I'm sick of it :P and thought may be i should do some change. So a few weeks ago, I went to visit my hairdresser. For the first time, i actually did not think and struggle at all like i used to! The feeling is great! No headache, No hesitation. The results?

I am instantly 18 again and lost 5kg!  hehe... 

Do you like my new look?

Change is part and parcel of life. The worst thing is being 'used to' it. I just realised that all of us stop progressing when we decide to stick to our comfort zone @_@ Sometimes it's a breath of fresh hair when we walk out from our little squares. It's so much easier if we have less "principles" or "rules" of our own! la la la  *singing & dancing*

Gosh, I really like my new hairstyle! I feel lighter, both mentally and physically hehe...

Let's embrace change! yayeee....


Anonymous said...





Jenn said...

我們是男人心,女兒身~ 哈哈哈.. 每次出去都是我們保護人家的~ 是我們太壯還是讓人有安全感呢?呵呵~

有時改變一下也不賴~ 會有不錯的果實~ we live only once, just be adventurous! Hehe

LJ said...

SUI! i like your new hair~ never change, never know.

jenn said...

@_@ u like my new hair and not my new look? sob sob