Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sapa, Vietnam #1

There are two ways to get to the untouched world, Sapa - (i) a 12 car ride on poor winding road which guarantees great views
or (ii) an overnight train from Hanoi to Lao Cai (pronounce: Lao Gai) and by road to Sapa. We chose the latter because it's definitely less tiring ^^

Looking for our cart in the rain
The one on the right is the Choo Choo train that's taking us to Sapa

Our 5-star room on the train
- soft bed & air conditioned
My cozy little corner in the room, 'the bed up there' and switches controller
Initially, I thought the noise from the choo choo train would keep me awake as I'm a light sleeper. Amazingly, I went to dreamland the moment my head hit the pillow!

After an 8 hour overnight train, we finally landed in Lai Cai.
As soon as I stepped out from our train, instantly I felt alive and relaxed - the fresh smell of the countryside, lazy morning sun, gentle wind sweeping past and the hassle-free feeling of a small town. Peaceeee... (^V^)y

530am - Still a sleepy head

I made sure I stayed awake throughout the bus ride to Sapa so I could store every single beautiful view in my limited-spaced hard disk (i.e. my brain). I didn't wanna miss anything! I am glad I didn't fall asleep as the scenery grew more and more breathtaking for each kilometer we travelled! The bus went uphill and then downhill and then up up up into the clouds. In the distance, I saw clouds covering parts of the mountain and beneath the clouds, I saw farmers and buffaloes working hard in the rice terraces and paddy fields. That was a perfect oil painting!!

Then, on the narrow winding road where our bus travelled on, I saw minority people dressed in their traditional constumes walking. Some carrying babies on their backs, some carrying farm tools and some directing their buffaloes and ducks to one side of the road to avoid our bus. Life seems pretty simple and calm over here. I let my mind drifted away....... Is there anything else that they expect in life? Do they ever want more? Do they ever stare into their beautiful heavenly scenery and wonder what the purpose of life is and if there should be more? Are they ever lost? Not in the jungle but in life...? So many thoughts but none with answers.....

After an hour of deep thoughts, we finally landed in heavenly Sapa.
It's a little French town surrounded by mountains, fogs, rice terraces and paddy fields. It is serene.

Our bus stopped in a narrow lane with French looking buildings on both sides.

What excited me the most was the bakery & restaurant nearby. It is so French looking! It reminds me of the bakery in one of my favourite
崎骏's cartoons called 小魔女宅急便. Did the famous Japanese cartoonist get his inspiration from Sapa I wonder?

I almost rushed down from the bus into this place so I could have a taste of the freshly made breads, buns and cakes! Probably that's how they taste like in the cartoon too.... That will be my 1st mission after returning from jungle trekking!! I promised myself that!

The hotel where we would be staying the next day is situated on a hillside overlooking the mountain and rice paddy fields and terraces. We could have our breakfast and admire the incredible scenery at the same time. This is what I called LIFE! And one of the best things about this hotel is the buffet breakfast. After such a long night, my tummy was already growling with hunger! Everything was so fresh here! Even the bacon! And the locally grown rice is big, round, fat and juicy that I couldn't help gobbled down a few plates! *Burp*


After breakfast, we met up with our jungle trekking guide, Ky who would be our eye opener for the next 3 days in Sapa. We would take off to Lao Chai Village on foot where the Black H'mong tribe lives in a few minutes time.

Excuse me for a second, Jenn wants to sit at the balcony to enjoy the heavenly scenery of Sapa now....

To be continue.........


Jane Jane said...

wah...such beautiful sceneries ar..makes me wanna go too~~~lucky u jenn :) guess u ate alot of organic food...hehe..u know what i mean by organic? wah, u are sure imaginative ar, i forgot abt the bakery from the cartoon..i love tat cartoon too..hehee...u can write a travel blog liao...^^

Anonymous said...

that train's bed long enough for u boh? ha ha ha! looked so small in the they have 'tie lu bian dang' like taiwan n japan?

Tracy said...

i feel regret didn't join you for the tour! i love the sceneries and the food! make me want to go travel now! you really good in writing blog. can write the travel blog to earn some extra $.

Anonymous said...

wow! you captured the feelings really well! Reading your blog makes me feel as if I were there with you! Thanks Jenn, for sharing =>

Jennifer Kho said...

I'm glad that you guys enjoyed reading abt my Vietnam trip. There is still more to go though.. so stay tuned! :)

and yes lj, the bed in the train is long enough for me. They don't sell 'bian dang' on the train, just drinks.

I bought myself a cup of coffee at 5am & drank it by the window while watching the changing scenery. Nice feeling....