Monday, July 5, 2010

Busy like a bee

I was being told that I eat a lot. I was even crowned as the eating queen last time. Do i really eat that much? Seriously, DO I?!

Not really lah. I do eat SLIGHTLY more meals than others, that's all. That must be the reason ppl get the wrong impression that I eat like a dinasaur.... But i'm not going to deny that I like to eat. Because eating is my hobby!! \(^V^)/ And yummy food cheers me up. Bad food = bad mood.

There is something abt foodmakers here. Food can be very very nice and filled with ingredients at first. As time goes by, they start to substitute this with the cheaper version of this or totally skip this or add other cheap stuff thinking that the we won't know the difference T____T What are they thinking?! Unless our tongues don't function or better, if don't have a tongue, we will know! Sometimes the taste is so out that I don't know what I'm eating anymore T______________T

I remember a funny story told by my ex-boss. One fine morn, she went to a kolomee stall next to our office to ta bao noodles. Being health conscious, she told the kolomee taokeh not to put MSG in her noodles. The man nodded and continued with his work. After a few seconds, she told him not to put too much oil in her kolomee so as to cut down on unneccessary calories. This time, the taokeh got annoyed and said to her 'so troublesome! You go make your own kolomee lah!!"

Ahahaha, funny but true. If you don't like what you are getting or can't get what you want outside, why not make your own? d(^@^)p Ooohaha, so clever of me!

So 姜姜姜姜...!

My soya bean and cashew nut milk

Avocado with 100% full cream milk

My almonds, macadamia nuts, cranberries Granola bars.

And my specialty - Kimchi!

It's a lot of hardwork i must admit. AND i ALWAYS regret each time i start the project (like cleaning my room back in 2009). But like what i always said, '先苦後甜'. The end products are so good that I forget abt the lOOooong and complicated processes I went thru.... Then I make them again, feel regret to start, then forget abt the pain, and start to make again and..... ya, u get the sequence.... :P


Tracy said...

How to make the muslie bar? Can teach me?

jenn said...

Can... take pic to show me next time but hor, i've a feeling that u will keep the recipe in file, like what happened to the yogurt recipe i gave u :P

Tracy said...

Haha...u really know me. :)

lj said...

The two drinks, tasty and very healthy but very high cal also oh, cashew nut and avocado...

that's why i ask queen to join our buffet loh, with u around, we all would be motivated. mua ha ha!

yeah yeah! teach how to make muesli bar, i want to add new things into my breakfast, i guarantee will make them...if they are not too complicated. :p

baby jane said...

wahh..mayb jenn can start a cooking show..hahaha...those food look nice..yummy...i just had my chao po fried rice :p

Jenn said...

haha, lj, getting fat for yum yum stuff is okie :P what lah? im not eating queen leh.. i was improperly crowned! *me on strike*

u also want the recipe for muesli bar? i know u won't make it either :P U guys can buy me all the ingredients. I make for u lah haha...

Haha jane, u over-estimated me. The only show im qualified for is EATING show! Yayeeee....