Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Side effects of seminars

Some people love and hate attending seminars. To them, seminars arelike sleeping pills. They make you doze off. But the lovely thing aboutit is, you get to eat and drink every 2 hours. I even have friends whopick which seminars they want to attend based on the venue. Why? toenjoy food they don't usually get to enjoy if they were to pay for itthemselves. Of course i don't do that la. I attend based on my needsand wants to gain knowledge... such good employee right? hehe....Seriously, I should berewarded the employee of the company just for that. And not only that,ieven tried to save money on airfare for my employer. Initially, my colleague booked a flight which was $300 more expensive than the fares of a newly established airline. I told her to book the cheaper one and ended upwaiting in the airport for 6 hours as theplane was facing some technical issues T_____T

Upon checked in. I was given a McD voucher as compensation. How cheapam i? T____T

McD to compensate for my precious time lost 

by the time we boarded the plane, i was hungry again

Anyway, the side effect of seminars? my stomach growls at me that it is hungry every 2 hours nowadays T____T so i eat and eat andeat to shut my stomach up and end up gaining weight  T______T 

I know I could control myself not to eatso much during seminars but how could i say no to them when they wereso fresh, soyummy, so many varieties to choose from? Sigh, there is a saying "ifyou can't beat them, join them' and that is exactly what i did..... *growing sideways*

Fresh sashimi and veggies were my fav!

It's OK lah.. I can always go on a diet after that... the problem is, i say that everyday >_< haha...

I'm a food addict

Then I figured out the real reason why i cannot lose weight! Thank goodness for solving the x-files! *堕落* 



Anonymous said...

You said before~ 能吃是福〜

Lets get fat together.. That's why we r twins!

jenn said...

we are fat because of the hot weather la... hehe

LJ said...

what seminar serve sashimi!!?? gosh, so exagerate! i think most of the participants would comfortably fall asleep after this heavy lunch, is this what the organizer trying to do?

jenn said...

haha, cheap seminar but high class meal. i think the trainer purposely picked the place so he could enjoy the food for free :P

u r indeed right boh! after the meal, we all fell asleep including the trainer >_<