Friday, December 6, 2013

IT talk~

With today's technology, we can be physically together but virtually talk to each other. Like, in the office, our colleagues are just sitting next to us and yet we have to email each other to discuss about lunch venue~ Are we too dependent on technology these days?  

To me, technology is a good thing as it makes 'locating' people easier :P Of course technology can be a bad thing too if it is not wisely used~

I must admit, technology is very important to me because my family members are all over the world  and technology has definitely made communicating with each other very easy. With some of the smartphone apps, we can easily reach each other instantly. Like one night, Jane called me at 3am and asked what I am doing. She called me from the US which was 12 hours behind me T____T

While technology makes it easier to communicate, it also makes it complicated. You see, many of us like to write instant messages to each other because (1) it's free of charge or (2) probably because the person doesn't feel like talking (as in dial the number and really talk to the other person).. or (3) the person doesn't want others to overhear the conversation.... whatever the reasons maybe ... sending messages is highly dangerous because they are subject to recipient's own interpretation and also the "tone" of the message will depend on the reader's mood or the reader's thought of the sender's mood.

Once Jane and I were fighting because she claimed that I was angry for no reason. Our conversation went like this:

Jane: Wui
Jenn: Ya?
Jane: What are u doing?
Jenn: Work

Then she concluded that I was angry. In actual fact, i was only being short and concise. AND most importantly, i was doing work and didn't have time to chat T____T

Sometimes, messages can be misunderstood. Once I sent Jane a quick message in the morning to disturb her, it went like this:

*BS stands for Bang Sai (please excuse our not-so-ladylike terms :P)

In case you don't know what's happening up there, let me narrate to help u....

I wanted to give Jane a scare so i yelled BOO! Jane was scared and fainted. Then I shot her twice in her chest, the gun fire went "biam biam". Of course, Jane thought otherwise. She thought it means poo-ing (便便).  T_____T

I rest my case.  言者无意,听者有心 ~

so guys, if you plan to send messages instead of really talking to the person, be prepared for the confusion....


lj said...

than it should be 'bang! bang!' mah~ bian bian looked like 扁扁 to me too

baby jane said...

thank you LJ...haha... the interpretation is also subject to the writer's own interpretation. hahaha....and i wanna clarify, that's after x hours later that she wrote biam biam..i couldnt relate it back to the original conversation. hahaha...

but it's true..i just found out there are alot of misinterpretation with why don just pick up the phone and talk?

jenn said...

扁扁 vs 便便~ I rest my case....

wah LJ, you are so angmo.. I used the Asian version of gun fire~
sometimes knowing too many languages can cause a lot of misunderstanding too hor? haha..

haha, would be great to talk but sometimes writing messages is good. In case you need it as evidence *wink wink*