Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye to 2013, Hello 2014!

Today is the last day of 2013.

I used to feel a bit lost on the last day of every year~ I remember staring into the sky and wondered what I've achieved in one year and what my future holds. I used to wonder why we were even born and whether we are here for a mission. If we are here for a mission, then what is it.....

I haven't asked myself those questions for a few years although sometimes i still wonder if i have wasted my precious time by doing nothing meaningful. This is an important thought because it reminds me to utilise time wisely, cherish everyone and everything that I have. As for the questions as to why we were born and our mission in this world, I think I've found the answers.

A couple of weeks ago, I watched an award-winning documentary called "Beyond Beauty - Taiwan from above" 《看見台灣》。It was taken from up there (actually, it's a bird’s-eye journey by helicopter across Taiwan’s various landscapes), it's like we are looking down from the sky (is this what Gods see?). We were taken to see beautiful untouched places in the country, we saw how animals live happily in the beautiful land, beautiful waterfalls, magnificent mountain tops, the quiet swamps etc... It's really breath-taking! Then we saw how humans have destroyed and are still destroying mother nature so that we can live more luxuriously. Although destruction is being done, mother nature remains quiet and continues to suffers quietly while still trying to provide~  It kinda reminds me of our parents who give us everything they have since the day we were born. Their time, their energy, their money, their youth, their bodies, their minds, their souls, their lives..... u name it~

I think we are here for a bigger reason than working hard everyday in order to make a lot of money so that we can buy things we desire and need for ourselves as well as for our future generations. Having a luxurious life is good but if other people around us are having bad times, we can't be too good ourselves too because we would be afraid that one day we will have bad times like them too...

If we all learn to love everyone, from your own families to people who make your lives a living hell and people whom you have never met or talked to before. If all of us can see only the goods in everyone and have a heart so big that you don't see see other people's flaws but yours, there would be no hatred, no arguments, no fights, no wars... The world would be a sanctuary and everyone lives problem-free...

Happy New year my dear people! May 2014 brings more love and happiness to you~ 

Doraemon & Friends!


baby jane said...

that would be heaven, Jenn. hahaha...unfortunately we still have a lot to learn.

let's wish for a better 2014 :)

jenn said...

yes, that would be heaven! we all want to go to heaven when we die. why only go there after death? why not make the world we live in everyday a heaven instead?

lj said...

what a remarkable closing speech for 2013! what a big heart for girl like you!

we can't change how other people think n act but i too believe if we start do the right thing from ourselves, we can do a little bit improvement for the world.

jenn said...

actually, my mouth is bigger than my heart haha...

yeah, sikit sikit jadi bukit~ self changing is easier than changing the world :P