Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year = New Start

1st post for year 2008! d(^v^)p

Attention supermarkets! I won't be spending another penny on yogurt at your supermarkets from today onwards because my homemade yogurt is a success! (^0^)y

Jenn's Sunny Yoghurt
It's delish! And it's
low fat! ;p

Made some gingernut cookies too. To me, they taste wonderful. Hey, they are made with my blood, sweat, love and bare feet hands! I can get pretty unfriendly if you say bad things abt them so, choose your words carefully! ;]

Little Gingernut Cookies

Gonna spend my 1st day of 2008 enjoying my homemade yogurt and gingernut cookies. Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Greetings from Planet F

bEst WisHEs!!


Anonymous said...

happy new year jenn! your ginger biscuits... looked great of course! ('.'|||)...*scare of lazer eye*

no worry, u n jane still so pretty n slim, keep on food fighting! wa ka ka *evil look*

Anonymous said...

haha...jenn looked slimmer with her "stretched" pic..haha...