Monday, March 17, 2008

Healthier Hair

It's time for a change.... I have been having the same hair colour (& hairstyle) for the past 2 years. Wanted a different hairstyle, probably something outrages since I only live once ;p But 10 out of 10 of my friends advised that I should stick to long & straight hair *yawn* Boriiinnnggg....

However, with that kind of feedback, I think I should not (& better don't) try to be too adventurous and creative with my hair ;p Not that I'm not a risk taker. It's just that I'm not working in the 'creative' industry where I'm allowed to express myself freely and wildly ><"' If I want to keep my job, then I better abide by the 'rules'. Hmm... no wonder ppl say accountants are boring ^^ [Actually, not all accountants are boring. Many of my friends are very interesting & funny people. We just take our jobs seriously ;p]

Gone is my previous 'ang mo' look. Am now back to the Oriental look ~ healthy, shiny dark hair, the kind u see in Panteen commercial *V*

"So healthy that it shines"

Wish I could have just-out-of-salon-hair everyday. Yup, having no bad hair days is every girl's dream! Hmmm... not sure if it's every girls' lah but it's definitely one of mine.

People say "世上没有丑女人,只有懒女人" [there are no ugly women, just lazy ones]。 I think that's only partly true. If I were as rich as those A-list female celebrities in Hollywood, I wouldn't have to worry about bad hair days or wearing the same clothes N times or clothes that don't flatter me. These problems would be handled by all my designers whose full time job is to make me pretty, from head to toe! *day dreaming*

I think a slight change should be made to the phrase ~
"世上没有丑女人,只有没钱的女人" [there are no ugly women, just women who don't have $ ~~ like me!!]. Agree?

I would ALWAYS look sophisticated like "Bridget" in the pic on the right if i had my very own personal hairdresser!


Jane Jane said...

look cute ler...prefer u to look like this :)

Alicia said...

look good... i also want to do something to my hair... curly or straighten??? which one suits me better???? any suggestion????

i totally agree... 要美也是要有本"钱"地 money money.... otherwise we are still like the genuine "bridget" on the left hand side...... agree??????

Tracy said...

finally you take your courage change your hairstyle! Look nice! I also think a lot before i cut my hair short. But i didn't regret.. heee... heee... coz ppl said i'm look younger.. even though my face look round. Alicia.... no matter curly or straighten is ok... as long as you feel confortable with your hair style....but need some investment loh...$$$$$

Alicia said...

ya ya agree with Tracy, need investment... some people are good looking in short not long, straight not curly.. i dunno which category i fall in... heeee.... let me save for few months before i go for a drastic change...

Jennifer Kho said...

Actually, i still have the same hairstyle, just different colour. After the trim, my head feels lighter ;)

Im searching for the suitable hairstyle for myself too. so alicia, i know how u feel ;)Hope to see ur new look soon.

Tracy, you look relaxed with short hair and feminine with long hair.

In a few months time, i will look like the genuine 'bridget', again :(