Friday, March 21, 2008

Treat or Trick?

I was checking out some imported food in a supermarket the other day. Imported stuff are expensive but there is no harm in indulging in expensive but good quality food once in a while ^^ Must know how to reward ourselves so we have more motivation to work harder :p

Then I came across a box of my favourite cereal with an orange price tag which says "RM4.95". RM4.95?! That's a bargain! It usually costs RM24.95! With that kind of reduced-price, there must be at least one reasons. This is how supermarkets in KCH operate. Food don't go on sale for no reason over here.... So I checked the expiry date on the back of the box. I was right. It is best before April 2008.

Instinctively, I did some 'calculations' in my mind (Hehe, blame this habit on my profession ;p) ~ if i eat cereal every morning before I go to work, I should be able to finish that in 2 weeks. Also, less than RM5 for a box of imported cereal? Who can resist that? And being a gal, sale items are hard to ignore haha...

I happily brought this box of cereal to the counter for payment. *already thought about my breakfast tomorrow* The cashier scanned it and said "RM24.95" to me. Oh, she must have forgotten to press the 'discount' button on the cash register. So I kindly informed her about the discounted price, pointing at the orange price tag which was stuck over the original white price tag at the same time. She picked it up and examined. Yes Ah Moi, it said RM4.95 alright... Thought she would punch the new amount into her cash register but to my horror, she scratched the orange tag away with her finger nail, made it into a ball and then showed me the cereal box ~ "Nah, ini RM24.95" T_T I didn't know how to react! Hmmm.... Was she being smart or dumb?!

I looked at her in disbelief as well as frustration. Being a civilised person, I nicely told her that she wasn't supposed to that. I even went to great length to tell her that this is expiring soon and is actually on sale! She just looked at me blankly, like all other 'customer service' ppl in KCH and gave me the standard answer that she needs to check with her supervisor. Arrr, forget it! I don't have time to wait for her clarification with her supervisor when an orange tag already said it all. I told her to keep the almost-expired cereal and walked away. Still couldn't believe what just happened.

This is the thing we have to put up with over here. The customer service ppl should be re-educated! Am not sure if we will ever succeed in transforming here into a civilised place though. Many employers here don't see the importance of good customer service. Making more money is on top on their agenda and hiring ppl with less education to save labour costs is one way to achieve that........... & what do you get when you get a 3 year-old to do an adult job?

Guess we will have to continue to put up with the crappy services :(
or move elsewhere ;p

"I wanna complain but to who?"


Anonymous said...

I feel for u! for case like this, i would give up explaining n walk away too if the thing is not so important...but u can get almost RM20 discount oh! why not wait the supervisor to come n at the mean time complaint the cashier? ha ha! i am so mean.

Jennifer Kho said...

Actually, I kinda regretted a bit after that haha... Nvm, I'm a person with principals ;p

Alicia said...

hahhaahhahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... I will argue with her... how old is that cashier??? part time kah??? hahahahahaha... next time be careful when u buy those discounted goods with 2 different price tags. You should bring that to the counter asking if she will b punching the discounted price or scratching the old one to show you.. hahahahahahahahh

Jane Jane said...

i remember tat incident...i was in a hurry to go to the dentist...solly jenn :p but i was shocked to see her doing tat also..felt like taking the thing from her to prevent her from destroying the evidence..u know wat, if she was in US, she would be SUED!!!

Jennifer Kho said...

Yeah Jane, sue her until she 甩裤! haha...

Hahaha Alicia, are u sure you will argue with her? Remember your S-size incident? hiak hiak...