Sunday, March 30, 2008

Another Chance Plsssssss~~~

Somebody asked me a question last night ~ if possible, is there anything in life you wish, could be changed?


*Still thinking*

A simple and straight forward question but I have no immediate answer for it. I know a standard answer I often read/hear in interviews though ~ "I wouldn't want to change anything in the past. What happened in the past made me who I'm today bla bla bla..." Yeah, easy for successful ppl to say... ;p

What about normal ppl, like u and me? That question really gets me into thinking! Is there or rather, ARE there things that I wish, could be changed or done differently? *still thinking hard* Hmm... DEFINITELY! ^^ Haha, does it mean that I'm an unsuccessful person? >_<"'

People always say, we should have no regrets for things we did. Theoretically correct & acceptable. But it's not that simple in real life. I'm sure there are people out there who wish they could turn back time and re-do or undo certain things. May be to go back & stop 'yourself' from investing your hard-earned $$ in shares that give your big fat zeroes? Or convince 'yourself' to take up that opportunity you'd let go coz you didn't have a good feeling about it & now it's big? Or talk 'yourself' into buying that expensive bag because you cannot find it elsewhere and now you wish you had bought it? The list is endless..... I'm sure we all have some regrets (small and big) in some points of our lives and wish that we could've done something to correct them. After all, we are only human.

Doraemon! Please turn my study table into a time-travel machine, just like the one 大雄 has. In return for this great great favour, I will supply you with all the 铜锣烧 you can eat! *dreaming dreaming*


Alicia said...

This question is after meal topic, when nothing to talk. Good to dream what would you like to change. However, easily get upset when you know where you are in reality. I dun believe there is no regret for things we did.

Anonymous said...

I'm one of the 'unsuccessful' ppl too. I have tonnes of things I wish I could re-do! haha.. I'm greedy I know ;pu

Jane Jane said...

hey, i had the same conversation with my colleagues the other day...well, for me, i wanted the machine to go to the future to see what would happen to me and i'd try to change now..hahaha...ya, i guess there shld be no regrets in the things u do coz before u made a decision, u must know what the consequence might be :) learn from lessons i guess ^^

Jennifer Kho said...

Haha, it seems that everyone has the same thought :)

那么多早知道,世界就不会有乞丐。对吧? ><"