Tuesday, March 25, 2008

It's a BOY!

Baby Tim, my 16th nephew came to the world last Friday. Everyone in my family is ecstatic. Not because he is a boy, mind u. It's because he is healthy :) I always say health is wealth ^^

Am not sure when I will be able to see Baby Tim in person. I think by the time I visit him in AUS, he will no longer be a baby but a toddler who won't be able to stand still for 5 seconds. Kids grow up fast! I must make sure that I've tonnes of energy to tackle him and other nephews and nieces of mine. Kids... I wonder where they get their energy from!?!

My nephews and nieces love us. Everytime we visit them, the kids get super-excited and will keep pestering their mums to let them go home with us. Yup, they adore us ^^ Who don't? haha... ;p

I adore them too. They can be quite wild but in an adorable way ;p Kinda miss them now... & I bet they miss us too.................

Played in the backyard, after CNY dinner

Say 'Ang Pow'!

Kids squeezed themselves into the car boot hoping that we would bring
them home...


Jane Jane said...

!@#$ wrote my comment just now and when i posted, got error msg..now have to rewrite..CRAP!!

i agreed w jenn tat kids just love us...and kids only love nice ppl and hence we are angels ^^

the word T reminds me of my boss la..his name is T and another colleague of mine is TT...let's change the short form ler

Anonymous said...

16 !!! they are fortunate to have aunties like u two, imagining myself surrounded by so many kids already make me goosebump! eww~~ luckily i dont have any :p

Alicia said...

wow.. u guys have a big car.. at least could fit in 3 of them.....

Jennifer Kho said...

Yeah, agree with Jane! haha.. We are Angels :)

lj, you might not be able to stop producing after ur first baby oh... haha..

Actually, there were 4 of them in the car boot ;p With proper 'arrangement' and acrobatic skill, many can be fit into a small space ;p