Thursday, March 6, 2008

Migrating for Good

I'm officially moving tomorrow.

I'm dedicating my precious lunch hour to banks tomorrow. I know I won't have time to eat lunch but I'm not sad about it. In fact, I kinda look forward to it! ;) That's all because it's the day I'm going to goreng (terminate my accounts at) S*B! Yayeeeee... ^V^

I maintain several accounts with S*B ever since I first stepped into the workforce. I gave business to that bank all because of my ex-employer. So, no choice really. I have always dislike S*B for their employees are very arrogant. They don't smile, they look grumpy all the time and the service is lousy! Last month, Jane and I spent about 2 hours in there just to sort some banking problem!! That's way too inefficient...

I'm sure they will want to know my reason for terminating their service. I wonder if they are ready to hear the truth. I certainly am ready to tell them the truth! ~ their bank sux and I'm going to move all my colourful notes to HSBC! Ha! I should have goreng them long ago but I always find reasons to procrastinate. No more excuses, no more procrastination. I deserve polite and friendly services. After all, I lend them money to generate more income to pay them!

So, it's finally goodbye to S*B.


Jane Jane said...

yay..shld have done it ages ago...and i did..without thinking twice~~~and i never regret my decision :) go ahead wat you have to do...GORENGGGGG

Anonymous said...

that bank! i heard my dad complaint how arrogant their staff are since i was a kid, so they didn't improve a bit after so many years? they think they are overseas bank n so high class lah! wait n c loh.

i m going to goreng the only overseas bank i have too, enough of charging me 10 bucks for not spending to their min. requirement! ...anyway, i think they dont mind losing such a stingy customer. ha ha ha!

Jennifer Kho said...

oh, i'm not the only one who think they are arrogant! good! am not biased then hehe..

i finally got my banking stuff settled ^V^y am so glad abt that!

Did a little comparison. See below for my summary (for your reference only ;p):

Total time waited to be served:
S*B - 20mins
HSBC - 30 secs

Total counter opened during lunch hr:
S*B - 2 then 1, then 2 again
HSBC - 4

Alicia said...

hhahaha... SCB here is opposite than Kuching... here HSBC needs to wait for 1 hour, counter is open..but no service to customer... SCB and HSBC are still ok.... Citibank is the the money belongs to them

Jane Jane said...

lucky for u jenn...see below for my comparison:

total waiting time >1hr
counters opened b4 lunch: 3 but always congested with ppl using personal assistants at the side. u take number starting 1, u have to wait for them to serve numbers starting with 2 and 3...takes forever!!!
Parking: RM3++ (because of the wait..waste time and money!! isnt bank all abt convenience???!!)
Attitude of staff: arrogant, like i owe them money. too much paper work, thus inefficient. c'on, time to computerise la...

Alliance bank:
total waiting time: 30 mins
parking: RM0.20
(waiting to pay credit card. apparently u can pay on ATM machine, just tat i wanna pay exact amt, so i gotta wait)
attitude of staff: dono what they are thinking

total waiting time: 5 - 10 mins
parking: RM0.20 or free (if u are lucky)
attitude of staff: friendly. Makes u feel valuable eventhough im just peanut :)

Dono yet....and don wanna find out :p

Anonymous said...

Jane, very detailed analysis ;p