Wednesday, September 19, 2007

HL Hungers for W's touch

At seminar yesterday, Mr. How Lian [HL] kept saying that a new guy in EY looks like Mr. W. "My Gosh, He looks like W!", "That's how W adjusts his glasses!" "Don't you think he looks like W?" etc... on and on he went. Now I know what a broken recorder is! haha..

I know HL misses W. But I had no idea he misses him that much until yesterday! Hmm.. it's understandable. After all, both of them had a very close & intimate relationship previously. Not sure what HL misses more - W or the PHYSICAL contacts ;p

Mr. How Lian, here is a picture of your Mr. W look-alike that you asked me to take with my phone camera. Brighther future awaits this young man.. u know what u mustn't do, don't u? ^^

HL really thinks he looks like W. Guys, U be the judge. Beauty is really in the eyes of the beholder....


Anonymous said...

OMG OMG, is that knh standing there? on second thought, may not be coz he is slimmer and taller and most importantly, younger..hehehe..oh, he looks less hao lian too

Anonymous said...

I think it's time to abandon both this blog and this twin......sigh.........wat a sad ending....

Anonymous said...

haha...wat's that got to do with the blog and the twins...jenn is only telling the truth...hehehehe

Jennifer Kho said...

Don't be like that ah nyiap... ;p

ooo, you did well last night as ah chiw's emcee. like a pro leh..