Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Sound of Music?

In Kuching, we use our car horn with great care especially when dealing with Ah Beng drivers in dark-mirrored & modified Honda... You know your consequences for messing with these people...

In SuZhou, we can honk at anyone we want. The city is filled with the sound of car and bike horn. People here seems to use it for all kind of reasons. Sometimes, for no reason at all. See below for some 'honk language' in SZ: -

  • ........
  • 你吃饱了吗?
  • Hi, 美女。
  • Come ride in my car
  • Look over here! I want your attention!
  • Move aside!! I'm too lazy to overtake!
  • Coming through! Coming through!
  • You are TOO SLOW!!!
  • Watch out Asshole!! I almost kill you!!!
  • Move away from the road!! You want to DIE?!?!?!

Just now, one bus came out from the bus lane without seeing our taxi. It almost got us. Our taxi driver scolded '发克右'! I know Olympic 2008 is approaching. Is this the reason why drivers learn some foreign languages so they can communicate with tourists.....?


Anonymous said...

岩石,岩石 (yes yes in chinese) hahahahha....发克!!! hahahaha

Jennifer Kho said...

Jane, are these new words u learn after spending 2 weeks in China? haha...

Anonymous said...

Gosh....Jane is getting more and more vulgar...but Jenn, I find ur blog very very interesting...and it keeps me from reading on and on....great blog and thoughts....how interesting.....Jane, u should learn from ur sis....hahaha...........