Saturday, June 9, 2007

Rich Friends Poor me

My Miri friends plan to have Japanese food OVERSEAS at least once a month... Ooohhh wooo, so damn rich man!!! Hey, all the thieves in Kch, now you know where all the richies liveeee... ;p

(Im the only poor one among them all ^__^. Im only rich in FATS! haha..)

Where is the 'tam chiak' alicia? Okie, let me go extract a picture of her.... I'm a thoughtful friend. I dont leave out anybody hehe..

From left to right: Tam Chiak Cindy, Angelic Katherine & Jenn, Tam Chiak Alicia and Tam Chiak Roselyn


Anonymous said...

eh... i am not that tam chiak... talk big niah.. there are still lots of the tam chiak gui in the group.... just because they didnt talk a lot when they eat doesn't mean they are not tam chiak ok???? they save the talking time to the food... teruk than me ler......ahhahahahaha...ya..where is me???? should find one that shows me nice looking ok??????

Jennifer Kho said...

haha... don't worry, i will find a very SUITABLE pic of u to post haha..

Don't worry, im tam chiak also... I live to eat after all hehe...

Anonymous said...

eh.... why BKP and you are called angels????/ pppuuuuiiiiiii....... how about 3 of us..... that day i think you are the one eating the most ler.... wonder where is HPS.... why your photo always incomplete one??????

Jane Jane said...

Is HPS the one taking pic? haha...

Jennifer Kho said...

Jane Jane: HPS didn't join us that night. She was dating somewhere *wink wink*

Alicia: You guys plan to travel overseas once a month just for Jap food worrrr. 多么奢侈啊! haha.. That's why u guys are awarded with the horns hehe.. ^___^

U have any 'complete' pictures to gimme? I searched hi & lo, couldn't find any bohh...