Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lost & Found

You can't find it when you need it. When you don't or no longer need it (& have finally moved on), it's there or seems to be everywhere. Sounds familiar doesn't it?

I was discussing work with my boss in his office this morning. Half way through our conversation, I noticed two things on the cupboard behind him. Guess what I saw....

See them?


Look closely


See them now?


Yup, it's the cherry blossoms I thought are gone forever. They are right there, on the 'tree'!

*La la la... it's spring... the sky so blue, the grass so green....Wild flowers everywhere la la la.....*


Jane Jane said...

YOU FOUND IT!!! OMG OMG...u shld have found it earlier, then i could save some u have two...

Katherine said...

Good.... lost and found feeling is just so wonderful! hahhah
Jennifer, now tat u have 2, i dun mind if u gimme one... :p

Anonymous said...

lost n found, ooh~ good luck is coming~~ jane! i also want to bid for that extra one! ha ha ha!

Jennifer Kho said...

Yes, BKP. The feeling is wonderful! Luckily my boss didn't throw them away :)

LJ, so long no bad luck, i consider myself lucky.

Wah Jane, everyone wants to get a gift from u boh.. How?